{% set can_vote = c.user and c.user != c.user.anonymous()
and h.has_access(artifact, 'post')() %}
{% set voted = artifact.user_voted(c.user) %}
<div id="vote">
<li class="{% if voted == 1 %}active{% endif %} {% if can_vote %}js-vote-up{% endif %}">
<b data-icon="+" class="ico ico-vote-up"></b>
<li class="{% if voted == -1 %}active{% endif %} {% if can_vote %}js-vote-down{% endif %}">
<b data-icon="+" class="ico ico-vote-down"></b>
<span class="votes-up">{{ artifact.votes_up }}</span> up votes |
<span class="votes-down">{{ artifact.votes_down }}</span> down votes |
<span class="votes-percent">{{ artifact.votes_up_percent }}</span>%
<span class="comments fright">
{% trans num_comments = artifact.discussion_thread.num_replies %}
{{ num_comments }} comment
{% pluralize %}{{ num_comments}} comments
{% endtrans %}
{% if can_vote %}
<form action="{{ action }}" method="POST">
{# csrf protection will be automatically inserted here (_session_id field) #}
{% endif %}