{% set hide_left_bar = True %}
{% extends g.theme.master %}
{% block title %}User stats{% endblock %}
{% block header %}
Statistics about {{user.display_name}}'s contribution
{% if category %}
in projects of category {{category.fullname}}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% if user %}
<h2>General statistics</h2>
<th>Time interval</th>
<td>Registration date</td>
<td>{{registration_date.strftime("%d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S (UTC)")}}</td>
<td>{{days}} day{% if days != 1 %}s{% endif %} ago</td>
{% if last_login %}
<td>Last login</td>
<td>{{last_login.strftime("%d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S (UTC)")}}</td>
<td>{{last_login_days}} day{% if last_login_days != 1 %}s{% endif %} ago</td>
{% endif %}
<h2>Contribution statistics</h2>
<th>Total value</th>
<th>Average per-month value</th>
<th>Last 30 days</th>
{% if days >= 30 %}
{% endif %}
{% if not category %}
{% if days >= 30 %}
<td style="text-align:center;">
{% if lastmonth_logins > permonthlogins %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/up.png')}}"/>
{% elif lastmonth_logins == permonthlogins %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/equal.png')}}"/>
{% else %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/down.png')}}"/>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if totcommits.number > 0 %}
<a href="/userstats/{{user.username}}/metric/commits/">Commits number</a>
{% else %}
Commits number
{% endif %}
{% if days >= 30 %}
<td style="text-align:center;">
{% if lastmonthcommits.number > permonthcommits.number %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/up.png')}}"/>
{% elif lastmonthcommits.number == permonthcommits.number %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/equal.png')}}"/>
{% else %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/down.png')}}"/>
{% endif %}
{% if totcommits.lines > 0 %}
<a href="/userstats/{{user.username}}/metric/commits/">Added/modified LOCs</a>
{% else %}
Added/modified LOCs
{% endif %}
{% if days >= 30 %}
<td style="text-align:center;">
{% if lastmonthcommits.lines > permonthcommits.lines %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/up.png')}}"/>
{% elif lastmonthcommits.lines == permonthcommits.lines %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/equal.png')}}"/>
{% else %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/down.png')}}"/>
{% endif %}
{% if totartifacts.created > 0 %}
<a href="/userstats/{{user.username}}/metric/artifacts/">Total number of created artifacts</a>
{% else %}
Total number of created artifacts
{% endif %}
{% if days >= 30 %}
<td style="text-align:center;">
{% if lastmonthartifacts.created > permonthartifacts.created %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/up.png')}}"/>
{% elif lastmonthartifacts.created == permonthartifacts.created %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/equal.png')}}"/>
{% else %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/down.png')}}"/>
{% endif %}
{% if totartifacts.modified > 0 %}
<a href="/userstats/{{user.username}}/metric/artifacts/">Total number of edited artifacts</a>
{% else %}
Total number of edited artifacts
{% endif %}
{% if days >= 30 %}
<td style="text-align:center;">
{% if lastmonthartifacts.modified > permonthartifacts.modified %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/up.png')}}"/>
{% elif lastmonthartifacts.modified == permonthartifacts.modified %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/equal.png')}}"/>
{% else %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/down.png')}}"/>
{% endif %}
{% for key, value in artifacts_by_type.items() %}
{% if value.created > 0 %}
<a href="/userstats/{{user.username}}/metric/artifacts/">Created {{key}} artifacts</a>
{% else %}
Created {{key}} artifacts
{% endif %}
{% if lastmonth_artifacts_by_type.get(key) %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if days >= 30 %}
<td style="text-align:center;">
{% if lastmonth_artifacts_by_type.get(key) %}
{% if lastmonth_artifacts_by_type[key].created > value.pmcreated %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/up.png')}}"/>
{% elif lastmonth_artifacts_by_type[key].created == value.pmcreated %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/equal.png')}}"/>
{% else %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/down.png')}}"/>
{%else%} <img src="{{g.forge_static('images/down.png')}}"/> {%endif%}
{% endif %}
{% if value.modified > 0 %}
<a href="/userstats/{{user.username}}/metric/artifacts/">Edited {{key}} artifacts</a>
{% else %}
Edited {{key}} artifacts
{% endif %}
{% if lastmonth_artifacts_by_type.get(key) %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if days >= 30 %}
<td style="text-align:center;">
{% if lastmonth_artifacts_by_type.get(key) %}
{% if lastmonth_artifacts_by_type[key].modified > value.pmmodified %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/up.png')}}"/>
{% elif lastmonth_artifacts_by_type[key].modified == value.pmmodified %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/equal.png')}}"/>
{% else %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/down.png')}}"/>
{%else%} <img src="{{g.forge_static('images/down.png')}}"/> {%endif%}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if tottickets.assigned > 0 %}
<a href="/userstats/{{user.username}}/metric/tickets/">Assigned tickets</a>
{% else %}
Assigned tickets
{% endif %}
{% if days >= 30 %}
<td style="text-align:center;">
{% if lastmonthtickets.assigned > permonthtickets.assigned %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/up.png')}}"/>
{% elif lastmonthtickets.assigned == permonthtickets.assigned %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/equal.png')}}"/>
{% else %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/down.png')}}"/>
{% endif %}
{% if tottickets.revoked > 0 %}
<a href="/userstats/{{user.username}}/metric/tickets/">Revoked tickets</a>
{% else %}
Revoked tickets
{% endif %}
{% if days >= 30 %}
<td style="text-align:center;">
{% if lastmonthtickets.revoked > permonthtickets.revoked %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/up.png')}}"/>
{% elif lastmonthtickets.revoked == permonthtickets.revoked %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/equal.png')}}"/>
{% else %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/down.png')}}"/>
{% endif %}
{% if tottickets.solved > 0 %}
<a href="/userstats/{{user.username}}/metric/tickets/">Solved tickets</a>
{% else %}
Solved tickets
{% endif %}
{% if days >= 30 %}
<td style="text-align:center;">
{% if lastmonthtickets.solved > permonthtickets.solved %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/up.png')}}"/>
{% elif lastmonthtickets.solved == permonthtickets.solved %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/equal.png')}}"/>
{% else %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/down.png')}}"/>
{% endif %}
{% if tottickets.averagesolvingtime > 0 %}
<a href="/userstats/{{user.username}}/metric/tickets/">Average tickets solving time</a>
{% else %}
Average tickets solving time
{% endif %}
{% if tottickets.averagesolvingtime %}
{{tottickets.averagesolvingtime.days}} days,
{{tottickets.averagesolvingtime.hours}} hours,
{{tottickets.averagesolvingtime.minutes}} min
{% else %}n/a{% endif %}
{% if lastmonthtickets.averagesolvingtime %}
{{lastmonthtickets.averagesolvingtime.days}} days,
{{lastmonthtickets.averagesolvingtime.hours}} hours,
{{lastmonthtickets.averagesolvingtime.minutes}} min
{% else %}n/a{% endif %}
{% if days >= 30 %}
<td style="text-align:center;">
{% if lastmonthtickets.averagesolvingtime > tottickets.averagesolvingtime %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/up.png')}}"/>
{% elif lastmonthtickets.averagesolvingtime == tottickets.averagesolvingtime %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/equal.png')}}"/>
{% else %}
<img src="{{g.forge_static('images/down.png')}}"/>
{% endif %}
{% if categories %}
<h2>Prefered categories</h2>
The following table shows the number projects tagged as belonging to each single category in which this user is involved.
<th>Category name</th>
<th>Number of projects</th>
{% for cat, count in categories %}
<td><a href="/userstats/{{user.username}}/category/{{cat.fullname}}">{{cat.fullname}}</a></td>
{% endfor %}
{% if categories|length > 1 %}
The same data listed in the previous table is graphically presented by the following histogram.
<img src="/userstats/{{user.username}}/categories_graph"/>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if category %}
<div class="grid-20"><a href="/userstats/{{user.username}}">Go back to general statistics</a></div>
{% else %}
<th>Average per-user value</th>
<th>Maximum per-user value</th>
<th>Rank bar</th>
<td>{{codecontribution}} LOC{% if codecontribution != 1 %}s{% endif %}/month</td>
<td>{{averagecodecontrib}} LOC{% if averagecodecontrib != 1 %}s{% endif %}/month</td>
<td>{{maxcodecontrib}} LOC{% if maxcodecontrib != 1 %}s{% endif %}/month</td>
<td><img src="/userstats/{{user.username}}/code_ranking_bar"/> {{codepercentage}} %</td>
<td>{{discussioncontribution}} contr./month</td>
<td>{{averagedisccontrib}} contr./month</td>
<td>{{maxdisccontrib}} contr./month</td>
<td><img src="/userstats/{{user.username}}/discussion_ranking_bar"/> {{discussionpercentage}} %</td>
<td>Solved issues</td>
<td>{{ticketcontribution}} %</td>
<td>{{averageticketcontrib}} %</td>
<td>{{maxticketcontrib}} %</td>
<td><img src="/userstats/{{user.username}}/tickets_ranking_bar"/> {{ticketspercentage}} %</td>
The above table compares the average monthly contribution of this user with the average monthly contributions of the
other users of the forge. The progressbar and the percentage refer to the user's position in an overall ranking of the
users of this forge. For example, a value of 100% in the field "Code" is associated to the user who has the highest
average number of committed LOCs per month. Of course, this doesn't consider the quality of the contributions.
{% endif %}
{% else %}
Invalid user!
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}