--- a/Allura/allura/tests/test_security.py
+++ b/Allura/allura/tests/test_security.py
@@ -136,3 +136,24 @@
assert has_access(wiki, 'post', test_user)()
assert has_access(wiki, 'unmoderated_post', test_user)()
assert_equal(all_allowed(wiki, test_user), set(['read', 'post', 'unmoderated_post']))
+ @td.with_wiki
+ def test_implicit_project(self):
+ '''
+ Test that relying on implicit project context does the Right Thing.
+ If you call has_access(artifact, perm), it should use the roles from
+ the project to which artifact belongs, even in c.project is something
+ else. If you really want to use the roles from an unrelated project,
+ you should have to be very explicit about it, not just set c.project.
+ '''
+ project1 = c.project
+ project2 = M.Project.query.get(shortname='test2')
+ wiki = project1.app_instance('wiki')
+ page = WM.Page.query.get(app_config_id=wiki.config._id)
+ test_user = M.User.by_username('test-user')
+ assert_equal(project1.shortname, 'test')
+ assert has_access(page, 'read', test_user)()
+ c.project = project2
+ assert has_access(page, 'read', test_user)()