git clone osp-allura-contrib

File Date Author Commit
command 2013-04-12 Peter Hartmann Peter Hartmann <Commit ddf08c46381352d02accc7a9f6d9878cfad8695b> Apply Apache License 2.0 header where necessary
config 2013-04-12 Peter Hartmann Peter Hartmann <Commit ddf08c46381352d02accc7a9f6d9878cfad8695b> Apply Apache License 2.0 header where necessary
data 2013-05-20 Yuriy Arhipov Yuriy Arhipov <Commit 224499a93142cefe434b604602f27bdda2957fa0> [#5656] ticket:353 refactored bulk move tickets
model 2013-05-23 Igor Bondarenko Igor Bondarenko <Commit 250337d2378b345a18aadbfe53c80322482c0a61> [#5656] ticket:358 Fix indentation
nf 2013-04-12 Peter Hartmann Peter Hartmann <Commit ddf08c46381352d02accc7a9f6d9878cfad8695b> Apply Apache License 2.0 header where necessary
templates 2013-05-01 Igor Bondarenko Igor Bondarenko <Commit 75adfcc0785a592ce4ced6dba8c66c4421283e87> [#5656] ticket:301 Change mass-edit.js to proce...
tests 2013-05-20 Yuriy Arhipov Yuriy Arhipov <Commit 6c1eeccf177a521187cd060cf317e515eb86f732> [#5656] ticket:353 changed flash message and s...
widgets 2013-05-01 Igor Bondarenko Igor Bondarenko <Commit f7e873b5addccfaa4577d58400a1d97e92b760d5> [#5656] ticket:301 Fix missing semicolon in js 2013-04-12 Peter Hartmann Peter Hartmann <Commit ddf08c46381352d02accc7a9f6d9878cfad8695b> Apply Apache License 2.0 header where necessary 2013-04-12 Peter Hartmann Peter Hartmann <Commit ddf08c46381352d02accc7a9f6d9878cfad8695b> Apply Apache License 2.0 header where necessary 2013-04-12 Peter Hartmann Peter Hartmann <Commit ddf08c46381352d02accc7a9f6d9878cfad8695b> Apply Apache License 2.0 header where necessary 2013-05-23 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit 6702bc7bf1ff2ba53daf2fbe05bf1357217508ab> add license to new files, ignore some generated... 2013-05-23 Igor Bondarenko Igor Bondarenko [5198a8] [#5656] ticket:358 Move move_tickets task to Fo... 2013-05-23 Igor Bondarenko Igor Bondarenko [5198a8] [#5656] ticket:358 Move move_tickets task to Fo... 2013-04-12 Peter Hartmann Peter Hartmann <Commit ddf08c46381352d02accc7a9f6d9878cfad8695b> Apply Apache License 2.0 header where necessary