# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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"""The application's Globals object"""
__all__ = ['Globals']
import logging
import cgi
import json
import datetime
from urllib import urlencode
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import os
import traceback
import activitystream
import pkg_resources
import markdown
import pygments
import pygments.lexers
import pygments.formatters
import pygments.util
from tg import config, session
from pylons import request
from pylons import tmpl_context as c
from paste.deploy.converters import asbool, asint, aslist
from pypeline.markup import markup as pypeline_markup
import ew as ew_core
import ew.jinja2_ew as ew
from ming.utils import LazyProperty
import allura.tasks.event_tasks
from allura import model as M
from allura.lib.markdown_extensions import ForgeExtension
from allura.eventslistener import PostEvent
from allura.lib import gravatar, plugin, utils
from allura.lib import helpers as h
from allura.lib.widgets import analytics
from allura.lib.security import Credentials
from allura.lib.async import Connection, MockAMQ
from allura.lib.solr import MockSOLR, make_solr_from_config
from allura.lib.zarkov_helpers import ZarkovClient, zmq
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ForgeMarkdown(markdown.Markdown):
def convert(self, source):
if len(source) > asint(config.get('markdown_render_max_length', 40000)):
# if text is too big, markdown can take a long time to process it, so we return it as a plain text
log.info('Text is too big. Skipping markdown processing')
escaped = cgi.escape(h.really_unicode(source))
return h.html.literal(u'<pre>%s</pre>' % escaped)
return markdown.Markdown.convert(self, source)
except Exception:
log.info('Invalid markdown: %s Upwards trace is %s', source,
''.join(traceback.format_stack()), exc_info=True)
escaped = h.really_unicode(source)
escaped = cgi.escape(escaped)
return h.html.literal(u"""<p><strong>ERROR!</strong> The markdown supplied could not be parsed correctly.
Did you forget to surround a code snippet with "~~~~"?</p><pre>%s</pre>""" % escaped)
class Globals(object):
"""Container for objects available throughout the life of the application.
One instance of Globals is created during application initialization and
is available during requests via the 'app_globals' variable.
__shared_state = {}
def __init__(self):
self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state
if self.__shared_state: return
self.allura_templates = pkg_resources.resource_filename('allura', 'templates')
# Setup SOLR
self.solr_server = aslist(config.get('solr.server'), ',')
# skip empty strings in case of extra commas
self.solr_server = [s for s in self.solr_server if s]
self.solr_query_server = config.get('solr.query_server')
if asbool(config.get('solr.mock')):
self.solr = self.solr_short_timeout = MockSOLR()
elif self.solr_server:
self.solr = make_solr_from_config(self.solr_server, self.solr_query_server)
self.solr_short_timeout = make_solr_from_config(
self.solr_server, self.solr_query_server,
timeout=int(config.get('solr.short_timeout', 10)))
else: # pragma no cover
self.solr = None
self.solr_short_timeout = None
self.use_queue = asbool(config.get('use_queue', False))
# Load login/logout urls; only used for SFX logins
self.login_url = config.get('auth.login_url', '/auth/')
self.logout_url = config.get('auth.logout_url', '/auth/logout')
# Setup Gravatar
self.gravatar = gravatar.url
self.oid_store = M.OpenIdStore()
# Setup pygments
self.pygments_formatter = utils.LineAnchorCodeHtmlFormatter(
# Setup Pypeline
self.pypeline_markup = pypeline_markup
# Setup analytics
accounts = config.get('ga.account', 'UA-XXXXX-X')
accounts = accounts.split(' ')
self.analytics = analytics.GoogleAnalytics(accounts=accounts)
self.icons = dict(
admin=Icon('x', 'ico-admin'),
pencil=Icon('p', 'ico-pencil'),
help=Icon('h', 'ico-help'),
search=Icon('s', 'ico-search'),
history=Icon('N', 'ico-history'),
feed=Icon('f', 'ico-feed'),
mail=Icon('M', 'ico-mail'),
reply=Icon('w', 'ico-reply'),
tag=Icon('z', 'ico-tag'),
flag=Icon('^', 'ico-flag'),
undelete=Icon('+', 'ico-undelete'),
delete=Icon('#', 'ico-delete'),
close=Icon('D', 'ico-close'),
table=Icon('n', 'ico-table'),
stats=Icon('Y', 'ico-stats'),
pin=Icon('@', 'ico-pin'),
folder=Icon('o', 'ico-folder'),
fork=Icon('R', 'ico-fork'),
merge=Icon('J', 'ico-merge'),
plus=Icon('+', 'ico-plus'),
conversation=Icon('q', 'ico-conversation'),
group=Icon('g', 'ico-group'),
user=Icon('U', 'ico-user'),
secure=Icon('(', 'ico-lock'),
unsecure=Icon(')', 'ico-unlock'),
star=Icon('S', 'ico-star'),
watch=Icon('E', 'ico-watch'),
# Permissions
perm_read=Icon('E', 'ico-focus'),
perm_update=Icon('0', 'ico-sync'),
perm_create=Icon('e', 'ico-config'),
perm_register=Icon('e', 'ico-config'),
perm_delete=Icon('-', 'ico-minuscirc'),
perm_tool=Icon('x', 'ico-config'),
perm_admin=Icon('(', 'ico-lock'),
perm_has_yes=Icon('3', 'ico-check'),
perm_has_no=Icon('d', 'ico-noentry'),
perm_has_inherit=Icon('2', 'ico-checkcircle'),
# Cache some loaded entry points
def _cache_eps(section_name, dict_cls=dict):
d = dict_cls()
for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(section_name):
value = ep.load()
d[ep.name] = value
return d
class entry_point_loading_dict(dict):
def __missing__(self, key):
self[key] = _cache_eps(key)
return self[key]
self.entry_points = entry_point_loading_dict(
tool=_cache_eps('allura', dict_cls=utils.CaseInsensitiveDict),
# Zarkov logger
self._zarkov = None
# Set listeners to update stats
statslisteners = []
for name, ep in self.entry_points['stats'].iteritems():
self.statsUpdater = PostEvent(statslisteners)
self.tmpdir = os.getenv('TMPDIR', '/tmp')
def spam_checker(self):
"""Return a SpamFilter implementation.
from allura.lib import spam
return spam.SpamFilter.get(config, self.entry_points['spam'])
def director(self):
"""Return activitystream director"""
if asbool(config.get('activitystream.recording.enabled', False)):
return activitystream.director()
class NullActivityStreamDirector(object):
def connect(self, *a, **kw):
def disconnect(self, *a, **kw):
def is_connected(self, *a, **kw):
return False
def create_activity(self, *a, **kw):
def get_timeline(self, *a, **kw):
return []
return NullActivityStreamDirector()
def amq_conn(self):
if asbool(config.get('amqp.enabled', 'true')):
if asbool(config.get('amqp.mock')):
return MockAMQ(self)
return Connection(
hostname=config.get('amqp.hostname', 'localhost'),
port=asint(config.get('amqp.port', 5672)),
userid=config.get('amqp.userid', 'testuser'),
password=config.get('amqp.password', 'testpw'),
vhost=config.get('amqp.vhost', 'testvhost'))
return None
def post_event(self, topic, *args, **kwargs):
allura.tasks.event_tasks.event.post(topic, *args, **kwargs)
def zarkov_event(
self, event_type,
user=None, neighborhood=None, project=None, app=None,
context = dict(
neighborhood=None, project=None, tool=None,
if not zmq:
user = user or getattr(c, 'user', None)
project = project or getattr(c, 'project', None)
app = app or getattr(c, 'app', None)
if user: context['user'] = user.username
if project:
if user:
cred = Credentials.get()
if cred is not None:
for pr in cred.user_roles(user._id, project._id).reaching_roles:
if pr.get('name') and pr.get('name')[0] != '*':
context['is_project_member'] = True
if app:
if self._zarkov is None:
self._zarkov = ZarkovClient(
config.get('zarkov.host', 'tcp://'))
self._zarkov.event(event_type, context, extra)
except Exception, ex:
self._zarkov = None
log.error('Error sending zarkov event(%r): %r', ex, dict(
type=event_type, context=context, extra=extra))
def theme(self):
return plugin.ThemeProvider.get()
def antispam(self):
a = request.environ.get('allura.antispam')
if a is None:
a = request.environ['allura.antispam'] = utils.AntiSpam()
return a
def credentials(self):
return Credentials.get()
def handle_paging(self, limit, page, default=50):
limit = self.manage_paging_preference(limit, default)
page = max(int(page), 0)
start = page * int(limit)
return (limit, page, start)
def manage_paging_preference(self, limit, default=50):
if limit:
if c.user in (None, M.User.anonymous()):
session['results_per_page'] = int(limit)
c.user.set_pref('results_per_page', int(limit))
if c.user in (None, M.User.anonymous()):
limit = session['results_per_page']
except (KeyError, TypeError): # TypeError if no session registered for thread
limit = default
limit = c.user.get_pref('results_per_page') or default
return limit
def document_class(self, neighborhood):
classes = ''
if neighborhood:
classes += ' neighborhood-%s' % neighborhood.name
if not neighborhood and c.project:
classes += ' neighborhood-%s' % c.project.neighborhood.name
if c.project:
classes += ' project-%s' % c.project.shortname
if c.app:
classes += ' mountpoint-%s' % c.app.config.options.mount_point
return classes
def highlight(self, text, lexer=None, filename=None):
if not text:
return h.html.literal('<em>Empty file</em>')
# Don't use line numbers for diff highlight's, as per [#1484]
if lexer == 'diff':
formatter = pygments.formatters.HtmlFormatter(cssclass='codehilite', linenos=False)
formatter = self.pygments_formatter
if lexer is None:
lexer = pygments.lexers.get_lexer_for_filename(filename, encoding='chardet')
except pygments.util.ClassNotFound:
# no highlighting, but we should escape, encode, and wrap it in a <pre>
text = h.really_unicode(text)
text = cgi.escape(text)
return h.html.literal(u'<pre>' + text + u'</pre>')
lexer = pygments.lexers.get_lexer_by_name(lexer, encoding='chardet')
return h.html.literal(pygments.highlight(text, lexer, formatter))
def forge_markdown(self, **kwargs):
'''return a markdown.Markdown object on which you can call convert'''
return ForgeMarkdown(
extensions=['codehilite', ForgeExtension(**kwargs), 'tables', 'toc', 'nl2br'], # 'fenced_code'
def markdown(self):
return self.forge_markdown()
def markdown_wiki(self):
if c.project.is_nbhd_project:
return self.forge_markdown(wiki=True, macro_context='neighborhood-wiki')
elif c.project.is_user_project:
return self.forge_markdown(wiki=True, macro_context='userproject-wiki')
return self.forge_markdown(wiki=True)
def production_mode(self):
return asbool(config.get('debug')) == False
def server_name(self):
p1 = Popen(['hostname', '-s'], stdout=PIPE)
server_name = p1.communicate()[0].strip()
return server_name
def resource_manager(self):
return ew_core.widget_context.resource_manager
def register_forge_css(self, href, **kw):
self.resource_manager.register(ew.CSSLink('allura/' + href, **kw))
def register_forge_js(self, href, **kw):
self.resource_manager.register(ew.JSLink('allura/' + href, **kw))
def register_app_css(self, href, **kw):
app = kw.pop('app', c.app)
ew.CSSLink('tool/%s/%s' % (app.config.tool_name.lower(), href), **kw))
def register_app_js(self, href, **kw):
app = kw.pop('app', c.app)
ew.JSLink('tool/%s/%s' % (app.config.tool_name.lower(), href), **kw))
def register_theme_css(self, href, **kw):
self.resource_manager.register(ew.CSSLink(self.theme_href(href), **kw))
def register_theme_js(self, href, **kw):
self.resource_manager.register(ew.JSLink(self.theme_href(href), **kw))
def register_js_snippet(self, text, **kw):
self.resource_manager.register(ew.JSScript(text, **kw))
def theme_href(self, href):
theme_name = config.get('theme', 'allura')
return self.resource_manager.absurl(
'theme/%s/%s' % (theme_name, href))
def oid_session(self):
if 'openid_info' in session:
return session['openid_info']
session['openid_info'] = result = {}
return result
def forge_static(self, resource):
base = config['static.url_base']
if base.startswith(':'):
base = request.scheme + base
return base + resource
def app_static(self, resource, app=None):
base = config['static.url_base']
app = app or c.app
if base.startswith(':'):
base = request.scheme + base
return (base + app.config.tool_name.lower() + '/' + resource)
def set_project(self, pid_or_project):
'h.set_context() is preferred over this method'
if isinstance(pid_or_project, M.Project):
c.project = pid_or_project
elif isinstance(pid_or_project, basestring):
raise TypeError('need a Project instance, got %r' % pid_or_project)
elif pid_or_project is None:
c.project = None
c.project = None
log.error('Trying g.set_project(%r)', pid_or_project)
def set_app(self, name):
'h.set_context() is preferred over this method'
c.app = c.project.app_instance(name)
def url(self, base, **kw):
params = urlencode(kw)
if params:
return '%s://%s%s?%s' % (request.scheme, request.host, base, params)
return '%s://%s%s' % (request.scheme, request.host, base)
def postload_contents(self):
text = '''
return json.dumps(dict(text=text))
def year(self):
return datetime.datetime.utcnow().year
class Icon(object):
def __init__(self, char, css):
self.char = char
self.css = css
def connect_amqp(config):