# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import re
import socket
from logging import getLogger
from urllib import urlencode
from itertools import imap
import markdown
import jinja2
from tg import redirect, url
from pylons import tmpl_context as c, app_globals as g
from pylons import request
from pysolr import SolrError
from allura.lib import helpers as h
from allura.model import ArtifactReference
from .markdown_extensions import ForgeExtension
log = getLogger(__name__)
def solarize(obj):
if obj is None: return None
doc = obj.index()
if doc is None: return None
# if index() returned doc without text, assume empty text
if not doc.get('text'):
doc['text'] = ''
# Convert text to plain text (It usually contains markdown markup).
# To do so, we convert markdown into html, and then strip all html tags.
text = doc['text']
text = g.markdown.convert(text)
doc['text'] = jinja2.Markup.escape(text).striptags()
# striptags decodes html entities, so we should escape them again
doc['text'] = jinja2.Markup.escape(doc['text'])
return doc
class SearchError(SolrError):
def inject_user(q, user=None):
'''Replace $USER with current user's name.'''
if user is None:
user = c.user
return q.replace('$USER', '"%s"' % user.username) if q else q
def search(q,short_timeout=False,ignore_errors=True,**kw):
q = inject_user(q)
if short_timeout:
return g.solr_short_timeout.search(q, **kw)
return g.solr.search(q, **kw)
except (SolrError, socket.error) as e:
log.exception('Error in solr search')
if not ignore_errors:
match = re.search(r'<pre>(.*)</pre>', str(e))
raise SearchError('Error running search query: %s' % (match.group(1) if match else e))
def search_artifact(atype, q, history=False, rows=10, short_timeout=False, **kw):
"""Performs SOLR search.
Raises SearchError if SOLR returns an error.
# first, grab an artifact and get the fields that it indexes
a = atype.query.find().first()
if a is None: return # if there are no instance of atype, we won't find anything
fields = a.index()
# Now, we'll translate all the fld:
q = atype.translate_query(q, fields)
fq = [
'type_s:%s' % fields['type_s'],
'project_id_s:%s' % c.project._id,
'mount_point_s:%s' % c.app.config.options.mount_point ]
if not history:
return search(q, fq=fq, rows=rows, short_timeout=short_timeout, ignore_errors=False, **kw)
def search_app(q='', fq=None, app=True, **kw):
"""Helper for app/project search.
Uses dismax query parser. Matches on `title` and `text`. Handles paging, sorting, etc
history = kw.pop('history', None)
if app and kw.pop('project', False):
# Used from app's search controller. If `project` is True, redirect to 'entire project search' page
redirect(c.project.url() + 'search/?' + urlencode(dict(q=q, history=history)))
search_comments = kw.pop('search_comments', None)
limit = kw.pop('limit', None)
page = kw.pop('page', 0)
default = kw.pop('default', 25)
allowed_types = kw.pop('allowed_types', [])
parser = kw.pop('parser', None)
sort = kw.pop('sort', 'score desc')
fq = fq if fq else []
search_error = None
results = []
count = 0
matches = {}
limit, page, start = g.handle_paging(limit, page, default=default)
if not q:
q = ''
# Match on both `title` and `text` by default, using 'dismax' parser.
# Score on `title` matches is boosted, so title match is better than body match.
# It's 'fuzzier' than standard parser, which matches only on `text`.
if search_comments:
allowed_types += ['Post']
if app:
fq = [
'project_id_s:%s' % c.project._id,
'mount_point_s:%s' % c.app.config.options.mount_point,
'type_s:(%s)' % ' OR '.join(['"%s"' % t for t in allowed_types])
] + fq
search_params = {
'qt': 'dismax',
'qf': 'title^2 text',
'pf': 'title^2 text',
'fq': fq,
'hl': 'true',
'hl.simple.pre': '#ALLURA-HIGHLIGHT-START#',
'hl.simple.post': '#ALLURA-HIGHLIGHT-END#',
'sort': sort,
if not history:
if parser == 'standard':
search_params.pop('qt', None)
search_params.pop('qf', None)
search_params.pop('pf', None)
results = search(
q, short_timeout=True, ignore_errors=False,
rows=limit, start=start, **search_params)
except SearchError as e:
search_error = e
if results:
count = results.hits
matches = results.highlighting
def historize_urls(doc):
if doc.get('type_s', '').endswith(' Snapshot'):
if doc.get('url_s'):
doc['url_s'] = doc['url_s'] + '?version=%s' % doc.get('version_i')
return doc
def add_matches(doc):
m = matches.get(doc['id'], {})
title = h.get_first(m, 'title')
text = h.get_first(m, 'text')
if title:
title = (jinja2.escape(title)
.replace('#ALLURA-HIGHLIGHT-START#', jinja2.Markup('<strong>'))
.replace('#ALLURA-HIGHLIGHT-END#', jinja2.Markup('</strong>')))
if text:
text = (jinja2.escape(text)
.replace('#ALLURA-HIGHLIGHT-START#', jinja2.Markup('<strong>'))
.replace('#ALLURA-HIGHLIGHT-END#', jinja2.Markup('</strong>')))
doc['title_match'] = title
doc['text_match'] = text or h.get_first(doc, 'text')
return doc
def paginate_comment_urls(doc):
if doc.get('type_s', '') == 'Post':
aref = ArtifactReference.query.get(_id=doc.get('id'))
if aref and aref.artifact:
doc['url_paginated'] = aref.artifact.url_paginated()
return doc
results = imap(historize_urls, results)
results = imap(add_matches, results)
results = imap(paginate_comment_urls, results)
# Provide sort urls to the view
score_url = 'score desc'
date_url = 'mod_date_dt desc'
field, order = sort.split(' ')
except ValueError:
field, order = 'score', 'desc'
sort = ' '.join([field, 'asc' if order == 'desc' else 'desc'])
if field == 'score':
score_url = sort
elif field == 'mod_date_dt':
date_url = sort
params = request.GET.copy()
params.update({'sort': score_url})
score_url = url(request.path, params=params)
params.update({'sort': date_url})
date_url = url(request.path, params=params)
return dict(q=q, history=history, results=results or [],
count=count, limit=limit, page=page, search_error=search_error,
sort_score_url=score_url, sort_date_url=date_url,
def find_shortlinks(text):
md = markdown.Markdown(
extensions=['codehilite', ForgeExtension(), 'tables'],
link_index = md.treeprocessors['links'].alinks
return [ link for link in link_index if link is not None]