Commit | Date | |
[#4862] Fix ticket visibility in subproject tra...
2013-05-22 | Tree |
[#4862] Fix deleted ticket visibility in subpro...
2013-05-22 | Tree |
[#6219] Add public-only options for tracker ema...
[d786c6] by |
2013-05-21 | Tree |
[#5652] ticket:325 fixed discussion_thread_url...
2013-05-20 | Tree |
[#5652] ticket:325 added attachments info for ...
2013-05-20 | Tree |
[#2053] Add config switch to control use of new...
2013-05-10 | Tree |
[#2053] Set correct indexing default for custom...
2013-05-10 | Tree |
[#3876] Add fields to ticket solr index
2013-05-10 | Tree |
[#2053] Use correct solr types for custom fields
2013-05-10 | Tree |
Apply Apache License 2.0 header where necessary
2013-04-18 | Tree |
[#4596] ticket:312 Sort tickets descending by d...
2013-04-16 | Tree |
[#4504] ticket:311 Hide hits count for queries ...
2013-04-12 | Tree |
[5453] Moved loop through stats listeners
2013-04-04 | Tree |
[5453] adding support for user stats
2013-04-04 | Tree |
[#5932] Fixed Invalid field error for removed _...
2013-03-28 | Tree |
[#2835] ticket:303 Append all fields into insi...
2013-03-26 | Tree |
[#2835] ticket:303 Get rid of `title_s`, use `t...
2013-03-26 | Tree |
[#5647] Fixed escalation of rights on private t...
[36b8c9] by |
2013-02-27 | Tree |
[#5647] ticket:279 Don't elevate creator's righ...
2013-02-27 | Tree |
[#5837] one-line import changes to remove pylon...
2013-02-19 | Tree |
[#5837] remove pylons backwards compat code
2013-02-19 | Tree |
[#5705] Add delay to update bin counts task
2013-02-11 | Tree |
Merge branch 'master' of https://git-wip-us.apa...
[b67150] by |
2013-02-06 | Tree |
[#5730] ticket:265 Set discussion_id on attachm...
2013-02-05 | Tree |
[#5730] ticket:265 Fix new ticket url in logs
2013-02-05 | Tree |