Parent: [8c2c47] (diff)

Child: [4bdb50] (diff)

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ticket_changed_tmpl    23 lines (22 with data), 513 Bytes

{% for key, values in changelist %}
{% choose %}
{% when key == 'description' %}
  description has changed{% end %}
{% otherwise %}
{% with oldv, newv = values %}
{% choose %}
{% when key == 'assigned_to' %}
- **${key}**: {% if oldv %}${oldv.display_name} β†’ {% end %}${newv.display_name}
{% end %}
{% when key == 'labels' %}
- **${key}**: ${', '.join(oldv)} β†’ ${', '.join(newv)}
{% end %}
{% otherwise %}
- **${key}**: ${oldv} β†’ ${newv}
{% end %}
{% end %}
{% end %}
{% end %}
{% end %}
{% end %}
{% end %}