[#5788] Converted refresh_last_commits to a ScriptTask

Also did a bit of cleanup

Signed-off-by: Cory Johns johnsca@geek.net

Cory Johns Cory Johns 2013-02-25

Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh 2013-02-28

copied scripts/refresh-last-commits.py -> Allura/allura/scripts/refresh_last_commits.py
scripts/refresh-last-commits.py to Allura/allura/scripts/refresh_last_commits.py
--- a/scripts/refresh-last-commits.py
+++ b/Allura/allura/scripts/refresh_last_commits.py
@@ -11,127 +11,162 @@
 from ming.orm import ThreadLocalORMSession, session
 from allura import model as M
-from allura.lib.utils import chunked_find, chunked_list
+from allura.lib.utils import chunked_find
 from allura.tasks.repo_tasks import refresh
+from allura.scripts import ScriptTask
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def main(options):
-    q_project = {}
-    if options.nbhd:
-        nbhd = M.Neighborhood.query.get(url_prefix=options.nbhd)
-        if not nbhd:
-            return "Invalid neighborhood url prefix."
-        q_project['neighborhood_id'] = nbhd._id
-    if options.project:
-        q_project['shortname'] = options.project
-    elif options.project_regex:
-        q_project['shortname'] = {'$regex': options.project_regex}
+class RefreshLastCommits(ScriptTask):
+    @classmethod
+    def parser(cls):
+        def _repo_type_list(s):
+            repo_types = []
+            for repo_type in s.split(','):
+                repo_type = repo_type.strip()
+                if repo_type not in ['git', 'hg']:
+                    raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
+                            '{0} is not a valid repo type.'.format(repo_type))
+                repo_types.append(repo_type)
+            return repo_types
+        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Using existing commit data, '
+                'refresh the last commit metadata in MongoDB. Run for all repos (no args), '
+                'or restrict by neighborhood, project, or code tool mount point.')
+        parser.add_argument('--nbhd', action='store', default='', dest='nbhd',
+                help='Restrict update to a particular neighborhood, e.g. /p/.')
+        parser.add_argument('--project', action='store', default='', dest='project',
+                help='Restrict update to a particular project. To specify a '
+                'subproject, use a slash: project/subproject.')
+        parser.add_argument('--project-regex', action='store', default='',
+                dest='project_regex',
+                help='Restrict update to projects for which the shortname matches '
+                'the provided regex.')
+        parser.add_argument('--repo-types', action='store', type=_repo_type_list,
+                default=['git', 'hg'], dest='repo_types',
+                help='Only refresh last commits for repos of the given type(s). Defaults to: '
+                'git,hg. Example: --repo-types=git')
+        parser.add_argument('--mount-point', default='', dest='mount_point',
+                help='Restrict update to repos at the given tool mount point. ')
+        parser.add_argument('--clean', action='store_true', dest='clean',
+                default=False, help='Remove last commit mongo docs for '
+                'project(s) being refreshed before doing the refresh.')
+        parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true', dest='dry_run',
+                default=False, help='Log names of projects that would have their ')
+        parser.add_argument('--diffs', action='store_true', dest='diffs',
+                default=False, help='Refresh / clean diffs as well as LCDs')
+        return parser
-    log.info('Refreshing last commit data')
+    @classmethod
+    def execute(cls, options):
+        q_project = {}
+        if options.nbhd:
+            nbhd = M.Neighborhood.query.get(url_prefix=options.nbhd)
+            if not nbhd:
+                return "Invalid neighborhood url prefix."
+            q_project['neighborhood_id'] = nbhd._id
+        if options.project:
+            q_project['shortname'] = options.project
+        elif options.project_regex:
+            q_project['shortname'] = {'$regex': options.project_regex}
-    for chunk in chunked_find(M.Project, q_project):
-        for p in chunk:
-            log.info("Refreshing last commit data for project '%s'." % p.shortname)
-            if options.dry_run:
+        log.info('Refreshing last commit data')
+        for chunk in chunked_find(M.Project, q_project):
+            for p in chunk:
+                log.info("Refreshing last commit data for project '%s'." % p.shortname)
+                if options.dry_run:
+                    continue
+                c.project = p
+                if options.mount_point:
+                    mount_points = [options.mount_point]
+                else:
+                    mount_points = [ac.options.mount_point for ac in
+                                    M.AppConfig.query.find(dict(project_id=p._id))]
+                for app in (p.app_instance(mp) for mp in mount_points):
+                    c.app = app
+                    if not hasattr(app, 'repo'):
+                        continue
+                    if c.app.repo.tool.lower() not in options.repo_types:
+                        log.info("Skipping %r: wrong type (%s)", c.app.repo,
+                                c.app.repo.tool.lower())
+                        continue
+                    c.app.repo.status = 'analyzing'
+                    session(c.app.repo).flush(c.app.repo)
+                    try:
+                        ci_ids = list(reversed(list(c.app.repo.all_commit_ids())))
+                        if options.clean:
+                            cls._clean(ci_ids, options.diffs)
+                        log.info('Refreshing all last commits in %r', c.app.repo)
+                        cls.refresh_repo_lcds(ci_ids, options)
+                        new_commit_ids = app.repo.unknown_commit_ids()
+                        if len(new_commit_ids) > 0:
+                            refresh.post()
+                    except:
+                        log.exception('Error refreshing %r', c.app.repo)
+                        raise
+                    finally:
+                        c.app.repo.status = 'ready'
+                        session(c.app.repo).flush(c.app.repo)
+            ThreadLocalORMSession.flush_all()
+            ThreadLocalORMSession.close_all()
+    @classmethod
+    def refresh_repo_lcds(cls, commit_ids, options):
+        tree_cache = {}
+        timings = []
+        if options.diffs:
+            print 'Processing diffs'
+            for i, commit_id in enumerate(commit_ids):
+                commit = M.repo.Commit.query.get(_id=commit_id)
+                with time(timings):
+                    M.repo_refresh.compute_diffs(c.app.repo._id, tree_cache, commit)
+                if i % 1000 == 0:
+                    cls._print_stats(i, timings, 1000)
+        lcd_cache = M.repo.ModelCache(
+                max_instances={M.repo.LastCommit: 4000},
+                max_queries={M.repo.LastCommit: 4000},
+            )
+        timings = []
+        print 'Processing last commits'
+        for i, commit_id in enumerate(commit_ids):
+            commit = M.repo.Commit.query.get(_id=commit_id)
+            if commit is None:
+                print "Commit missing, skipping: %s" % commit_id
-            c.project = p
-            if options.mount_point:
-                mount_points = [options.mount_point]
-            else:
-                mount_points = [ac.options.mount_point for ac in
-                                M.AppConfig.query.find(dict(project_id=p._id))]
-            for app in (p.app_instance(mp) for mp in mount_points):
-                c.app = app
-                if not hasattr(app, 'repo'):
-                    continue
-                if c.app.repo.tool.lower() not in options.repo_types:
-                    log.info("Skipping %r: wrong type (%s)", c.app.repo,
-                            c.app.repo.tool.lower())
-                    continue
+            commit.set_context(c.app.repo)
+            with time(timings):
+                M.repo_refresh.compute_lcds(commit, lcd_cache)
+                ThreadLocalORMSession.flush_all()
+            if i % 100 == 0:
+                cls._print_stats(i, timings, 100)
+        ThreadLocalORMSession.flush_all()
-                c.app.repo.status = 'analyzing'
-                session(c.app.repo).flush(c.app.repo)
-                try:
-                    ci_ids = list(reversed(list(c.app.repo.all_commit_ids())))
-                    if options.clean:
-                        if options.diffs:
-                            # delete DiffInfoDocs
-                            i = M.repo.DiffInfoDoc.m.find(dict(commit_ids={'$in': ci_ids})).count()
-                            log.info("Deleting %i DiffInfoDoc docs, by repo id...", i)
-                            M.repo.LastCommitDoc.m.remove(dict(commit_ids={'$in': ci_ids}))
+    @classmethod
+    def _clean(cls, commit_ids, clean_diffs):
+        if clean_diffs:
+            # delete DiffInfoDocs
+            i = M.repo.DiffInfoDoc.m.find(dict(commit_ids={'$in': commit_ids})).count()
+            log.info("Deleting %i DiffInfoDoc docs for %i commits...", i, len(commit_ids))
+            M.repo.LastCommitDoc.m.remove(dict(commit_ids={'$in': commit_ids}))
-                        # delete LastCommitDocs
-                        i = M.repo.LastCommitDoc.m.find(dict(commit_ids={'$in': ci_ids})).count()
-                        log.info("Deleting %i LastCommitDoc docs, by repo id...", i)
-                        M.repo.LastCommitDoc.m.remove(dict(commit_ids={'$in': ci_ids}))
+        # delete LastCommitDocs
+        i = M.repo.LastCommitDoc.m.find(dict(commit_ids={'$in': commit_ids})).count()
+        log.info("Deleting %i LastCommitDoc docs for %i commits...", i, len(commit_ids))
+        M.repo.LastCommitDoc.m.remove(dict(commit_ids={'$in': commit_ids}))
-                    log.info('Refreshing all last commits in %r', c.app.repo)
-                    if options.profile:
-                        import cProfile
-                        cProfile.runctx('refresh_repo_lcds(ci_ids, options)',
-                                globals(), locals(), '/tmp/refresh_lcds.profile')
-                    else:
-                        refresh_repo_lcds(ci_ids, options)
-                    new_commit_ids = app.repo.unknown_commit_ids()
-                    if len(new_commit_ids) > 0:
-                        refresh.post()
-                except:
-                    log.exception('Error refreshing %r', c.app.repo)
-                    raise
-                finally:
-                    c.app.repo.status = 'ready'
-                    session(c.app.repo).flush(c.app.repo)
-        ThreadLocalORMSession.flush_all()
-        ThreadLocalORMSession.close_all()
+    @classmethod
+    def _print_stats(cls, processed, timings, debug_step):
+        mt = max(timings)
+        tt = sum(timings)
+        at = tt / len(timings)
+        mat = sum(timings[-debug_step:]) / debug_step
+        print '  Processed %d commits (max: %f, avg: %f, mavg: %f, tot: %f)' % (
+                processed, mt, at, mat, tt)
-def enum_step(iter, step):
-    for i,elem in enumerate(iter):
-        if i % step == 0:
-            yield i, elem
-def refresh_repo_lcds(commit_ids, options):
-    tree_cache = {}
-    timings = []
-    if options.diffs:
-        print 'Processing diffs'
-        for commit_id in commit_ids:
-            commit = M.repo.Commit.query.get(_id=commit_id)
-            with time(timings):
-                M.repo_refresh.compute_diffs(c.app.repo._id, tree_cache, commit)
-            if len(timings) % 1000 == 0:
-                _print_stats(timings, 1000)
-    lcd_cache = M.repo.ModelCache(
-            max_instances={M.repo.LastCommit: 4000},
-            max_queries={M.repo.LastCommit: 10000},
-        )
-    timings = []
-    print 'Processing last commits'
-    debug_step = int(pow(10, max(0, int(log10(len(commit_ids)) - log10(options.step) - 1))))
-    _cids = commit_ids[options.skip:]
-    for i, commit_id in enum_step(_cids, options.step):
-        commit = M.repo.Commit.query.get(_id=commit_id)
-        commit.set_context(c.app.repo)
-        with time(timings):
-            M.repo_refresh.compute_lcds(commit, lcd_cache)
-            ThreadLocalORMSession.flush_all()
-            # ensure new LCDs get fully refreshed in the cache
-            # so that every commit sees the same copy
-            lcd_cache.expire_new_instances(M.repo.LastCommit)
-        if len(timings) % debug_step == 0:
-            _print_stats(timings, debug_step)
-    ThreadLocalORMSession.flush_all()
-def _print_stats(timings, debug_step):
-    mt = max(timings)
-    tt = sum(timings)
-    at = tt / len(timings)
-    mat = sum(timings[-debug_step:]) / debug_step
-    print '  Processed %d commits (max: %f, avg: %f, mavg: %f, tot: %f)' % (
-            len(timings), mt, at, mat, tt)
 def time(timings):
@@ -140,56 +175,7 @@
     timings.append((datetime.now() - s).total_seconds())
-def repo_type_list(s):
-    repo_types = []
-    for repo_type in s.split(','):
-        repo_type = repo_type.strip()
-        if repo_type not in ['git', 'hg']:
-            raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
-                    '{0} is not a valid repo type.'.format(repo_type))
-        repo_types.append(repo_type)
-    return repo_types
-def parse_options():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Using existing commit data, '
-            'refresh the last commit metadata in MongoDB. Run for all repos (no args), '
-            'or restrict by neighborhood, project, or code tool mount point.')
-    parser.add_argument('--nbhd', action='store', default='', dest='nbhd',
-            help='Restrict update to a particular neighborhood, e.g. /p/.')
-    parser.add_argument('--project', action='store', default='', dest='project',
-            help='Restrict update to a particular project. To specify a '
-            'subproject, use a slash: project/subproject.')
-    parser.add_argument('--project-regex', action='store', default='',
-            dest='project_regex',
-            help='Restrict update to projects for which the shortname matches '
-            'the provided regex.')
-    parser.add_argument('--repo-types', action='store', type=repo_type_list,
-            default=['git', 'hg'], dest='repo_types',
-            help='Only refresh last commits for repos of the given type(s). Defaults to: '
-            'git,hg. Example: --repo-types=git')
-    parser.add_argument('--mount_point', default='', dest='mount_point',
-            help='Restrict update to repos at the given tool mount point. ')
-    parser.add_argument('--clean', action='store_true', dest='clean',
-            default=False, help='Remove last commit mongo docs for '
-            'project(s) being refreshed before doing the refresh.')
-    parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true', dest='dry_run',
-            default=False, help='Log names of projects that would have their '
-            'last commits refreshed, but do not perform the actual refresh.')
-    parser.add_argument('--profile', action='store_true', dest='profile',
-            default=False, help='Enable the profiler (slow). Will log '
-            'profiling output to ./refresh.profile')
-    parser.add_argument('--diffs', action='store_true', dest='diffs',
-            default=False, help='Refresh diffs as well as LCDs')
-    parser.add_argument('--all', action='store_const', dest='step',
-            const=1, default=100, help='Refresh the LCD for every commit instead of every 100th')
-    parser.add_argument('--step', action='store', dest='step',
-            type=int, default=100, help='Refresh the LCD for every Nth commit instead of every 100th')
-    parser.add_argument('--skip', action='store', dest='skip',
-            type=int, default=0, help='Skip a number of commits')
-    return parser.parse_args()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    import sys
-    sys.exit(main(parse_options()))
+    RefreshLastCommits.main()