/*jslint browser: true, white: false, onevar: false */
/*global jQuery, window */
(function ($) {
/* BEGIN: John Resig's microtemplating stuff */
var cache = {};
function tmpl(str, data){
var fn = !/\W/.test(str) ?
cache[str] = cache[str] ||
tmpl(document.getElementById(str).innerHTML) :
new Function("obj",
"var p=[],print=function(){p.push.apply(p,arguments);};" +
"with(obj){p.push('" +
.replace(/[\r\t\n]/g, " ")
.replace(/((^|%>)[^\t]*)'/g, "$1\r")
.replace(/\t=(.*?)%>/g, "',$1,'")
+ "');}return p.join('');");
return data ? fn( data ) : fn;
/* END: John Resig's microtemplating stuff */
function closer(message, o) {
function slideComplete() {
function fadeComplete() {
$(this).slideUp(100, slideComplete);
$(message).animate({ opacity: 0 }, { duration: 250, queue: false, complete: fadeComplete });
function scanMessages(container, o) {
function helper() {
var selector = '.' + o.newClass + '.' + o.messageClass,
// Special support for persistent messages, such as sitewide
// notifications; note that this requires the cookie plugin.
// Persistent messages are assumed sticky.
if ($.cookie && $.cookie(o.persistentCookie)){
$msg = $(selector, container).not(o.persistentClass);
} else {
$msg = $(selector, container);
if ($msg.length) {
$msg.click(function(e) {
if ($.cookie && $msg.hasClass(o.persistentClass)) {
$.cookie(o.persistentCookie, 1, { path: '/' });
closer(this, o);
$msg.each(function() {
var self = this;
if (!$(self).hasClass(o.stickyClass) || !$(self).hasClass(o.persistentClass)) {
var timer = $(self).attr('data-timer') || o.timer;
setTimeout(function() {
closer($(self), o);
}, timer);
setTimeout(helper, o.interval);
function sanitize(str) {
return str.replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>');
$.fn.notifier = function(options){
var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.notify.defaults, options);
return $(this).each(function() {
var self = this,
o = $.metadata ? $.extend(opts, $(this).metadata()) : opts;
if (o.scrollcss) {
$(window).scroll(function() {
$('.' + o.messageClass, self).addClass(o.newClass);
scanMessages(self, o);
$.fn.notify = function(msg_or_opts, options) {
var opts;
// For backwards compatibility
if (typeof msg_or_opts === 'string') {
opts = $.extend({message: msg_or_opts}, $.fn.notify.defaults, options);
} else {
opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.notify.defaults, msg_or_opts);
// For backwards compatibility
if (opts.status === 'success') {
opts.status = 'confirm';
return $(this).each(function() {
if (opts.message) {
var o = $.metadata ? $.extend(opts, $(this).metadata()) : opts;
if (o.sanitize) {
o.message = sanitize(o.message);
o.title = sanitize(o.title);
var html = tmpl(o.tmpl, o);
} else {
if (window.console) {
//#JSCOVERAGE_IF window.console
window.console.warn("No message was set in notify's config: ", o);
$.fn.notify.defaults = {
status: 'info',
interval: 500,
timer: 15000,
sticky: false,
title: '',
sanitize: true,
tmpl: '<div class="message <%=newClass%> <%=status%> <% if (sticky) { %><%=stickyClass %><% } %>" data-timer="<%=timer%>"><% if (title) { %><h6><%=title%></h6><% } %><div class="content"><%=message%></div></div>',
scrollcss: { position: 'fixed', top: '20px' },
stickyClass: 'notify-sticky',
persistentClass: 'notify-persistent',
persistentCookie: 'notify-persistent-closed',
newClass: 'notify-new',
activeClass: 'notify-active',
inactiveClass: 'notify-inactive',
messageClass: 'message',
closeIcon: '<b title="Close" class="ico ico-close" data-icon="D"></b>'