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--- a/pyforge/docs/tutorials/wiki-plugin.rst
+++ b/pyforge/docs/tutorials/wiki-plugin.rst
@@ -13,3 +13,58 @@
 Writing a wiki Plugin Part 3: Revisions
+Testing your Plugin
+Testing the controllers and models of a new Forge plugin is fairly
+straightforward.  Generally, you should follow the example of tests in the
+`pyforge/tests/functional` directory for controller tests and
+`pyforge.tests.model` for model tests.  For functional tests, the Forge platform
+provides a convenient "test harness" :class:`pyforge.controllers.test.TestController` controller
+class which is used as the application root for the
+:class:`pyforge.tests.TestController` class.
+In order to test your new plugin controllers, you simply need to use the `self.app.get()`
+and `self.app.post()` methods of your test controller.  The test harness makes
+all the plugins available in the system available under the URL /*entry point
+name*/.  So to test the :mod:`pyforge.ext.project_home` plugin, for instance, we
+need only write the following::
+    from pyforge.tests import TestController
+    class TestProjectHome(TestController):
+        def test_home(self):
+            r = self.app.get('/home/')
+Whenever you use the :class:`pyforge.tests.TestController` app property, the
+test harness sets up the context so that `c.project` is always the
+`projects/test` project and whichever plugin name you request is mounted at its
+entry point (so the Wiki plugin will be mounted at /Wiki/).  `c.user` is always
+set to the `test_admin` user to avoid authentication issues. 
+The framework used to generate the WSGI environment for testing your plugins is
+provided by the `WebTest <http://pythonpaste.org/webtest/>`_ module, where you can
+find further documentation for the `.get()` and `.post()` methods.
+Testing new Forge models is also straightforward, though it usually requires
+setting the pylons context object `c` before your test.  An example of this
+technique follows::
+    import mock
+    from pylons import c, g
+    from pyforge.lib.app_globals import Globals
+    from pyforge import model as M
+    def setUp():
+        g._push_object(Globals())
+        c._push_object(mock.Mock())
+        g.set_project('projects/test')
+        g.set_app('hello')
+        c.user = M.User.query.get(username='test_admin')
+Testing the reactors/auditors is similar to testing models.  Generally, you will
+simply want to call your callback methods directly rather than setting up a full mocking
+infrastructure for the messaging system provided by RabbitMQ.