# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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# under the License.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import json
from pylons import app_globals as g
import mock
from nose.tools import assert_equal, assert_in, assert_not_in
from allura.tests import decorators as td
from alluratest.controller import TestRestApiBase
from allura.lib import helpers as h
from allura.lib.exceptions import Invalid
from allura import model as M
class TestRestHome(TestRestApiBase):
def test_bad_signature(self):
r = self.api_post('/rest/p/test/wiki/', api_signature='foo')
assert r.status_int == 403
def test_bad_token(self):
r = self.api_post('/rest/p/test/wiki/', api_key='foo')
assert r.status_int == 403
def test_bad_timestamp(self):
r = self.api_post('/rest/p/test/wiki/', api_timestamp=(datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=1)).isoformat())
assert r.status_int == 403
def test_bad_path(self):
r = self.api_post('/rest/1/test/wiki/')
assert r.status_int == 404
r = self.api_post('/rest/p/1223/wiki/')
assert r.status_int == 404
r = self.api_post('/rest/p/test/12wiki/')
assert r.status_int == 404
def test_no_api(self):
r = self.api_post('/rest/p/test/admin/')
assert r.status_int == 404
def test_project_ping(self):
r = self.api_get('/rest/p/test/wiki/Home/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.json['title'] == 'Home', r.json
@td.with_tool('test/sub1', 'Wiki', 'wiki')
def test_subproject_ping(self):
r = self.api_get('/rest/p/test/sub1/wiki/Home/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.json['title'] == 'Home', r.json
def test_project_code(self):
r = self.api_get('/rest/p/test/')
assert r.status_int == 200
@td.with_tool('test', 'Tickets', 'bugs')
@td.with_tool('test', 'Tickets', 'private-bugs')
def test_project_data(self):
# Deny anonymous to see 'private-bugs' tool
role = M.ProjectRole.by_name('*anonymous')._id
read_permission = M.ACE.allow(role, 'read')
app = M.Project.query.get(shortname='test').app_instance('private-bugs')
if read_permission in app.config.acl:
# admin sees both 'Tickets' tools
r = self.api_get('/rest/p/test/')
assert_equal(r.json['name'], 'test')
tool_mounts = [t['mount_point'] for t in r.json['tools']]
assert_in('bugs', tool_mounts)
assert_in('private-bugs', tool_mounts)
# anonymous sees only non-private tool
r = self.app.get('/rest/p/test/', extra_environ={'username': '*anonymous'})
assert_equal(r.json['name'], 'test')
tool_mounts = [t['mount_point'] for t in r.json['tools']]
assert_in('bugs', tool_mounts)
assert_not_in('private-bugs', tool_mounts)
def test_unicode(self):
r = self.api_get('/rest/p/test/wiki/t��st/')
assert r.status_int == 200
assert r.json['title'].encode('utf-8') == 't��st', r.json
def test_deny_access(self):
wiki = M.Project.query.get(shortname='test').app_instance('wiki')
anon_read_perm = M.ACE.allow(M.ProjectRole.by_name('*anonymous')._id, 'read')
auth_read_perm = M.ACE.allow(M.ProjectRole.by_name('*authenticated')._id, 'read')
acl = wiki.config.acl
if anon_read_perm in acl:
if auth_read_perm in acl:
extra_environ={'username': '*anonymous'},
extra_environ={'username': 'test-user-0'},
def test_index(self):
eps = {
'site_stats': {
'foo_24hr': lambda: 42,
'bar_24hr': lambda: 84,
'qux_24hr': lambda: 0,
with mock.patch.dict(g.entry_points, eps):
response = self.app.get('/rest/')
assert_equal(response.json, {
'site_stats': {
'foo_24hr': 42,
'bar_24hr': 84,
'qux_24hr': 0,
def test_name_validation(self):
r = self.api_get('/rest/p/test/')
assert r.status_int == 200
with mock.patch('allura.lib.plugin.ProjectRegistrationProvider') as Provider:
Provider.get().shortname_validator.to_python.side_effect = Invalid('name', 'value', {})
r = self.api_get('/rest/p/test/')
assert r.status_int == 404