--- a/Allura/allura/templates/widgets/repo/log.html
+++ b/Allura/allura/templates/widgets/repo/log.html
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
-{% from 'allura:templates/jinja_master/lib.html' import email_gravatar, abbr_date with context %}
+{% from 'allura:templates/jinja_master/lib.html' import user_link, abbr_date with context %}
{% set app = app or c.app %}
{%if is_file%}
@@ -36,25 +36,19 @@
{%if is_file%}
- <div class="grid-1"><input type="checkbox" class="revision" revision="{{commit._id.split(':')[-1]}}" url_commit="{{commit.url()}}"></div>
+ <div class="grid-1"><input type="checkbox" class="revision" revision="{{commit.id}}" url_commit="{{app.repo.url_for_commit(commit.id)}}"></div>
- <a href="{{app.repo.url_for_commit(commit)}}">{{commit.shorthand_id()}}</a>
- {% if app.repo.symbolics_for_commit(commit)[1] %}
- ({% for tag in app.repo.symbolics_for_commit(commit)[1] -%}
- <a href="{{app.repo.url_for_commit(tag)}}">{{tag}}</a>{% if not loop.last %} {% endif %}
- {%- endfor %})
- {% endif %}
- {%if is_file%}
- ({{commit.tree.get_obj_by_path(request.params.get('path')).size|filesizeformat}})
- {%endif%}
- by
- {{email_gravatar(commit.authored.email, title=commit.authored.name, size=16)}} {{commit.authored.name}}{%if commit.committed.email != commit.authored.email %}, pushed by
- {% if commit.committer_url %}
- <a href="{{commit.committer_url}}">{{email_gravatar(commit.committed.email, title=commit.committed.name, size=16)}}
- {{commit.committed.name}}</a>
- {% else %}
- {{email_gravatar(commit.committed.email, title=commit.committed.name, size=16)}} {{commit.committed.name}}
- {% endif %}
+ <a class="rev" href="{{app.repo.url_for_commit(commit.id)}}">{{app.repo.shorthand_for_commit(commit.id)}}</a>
+ {% if commit.refs -%}
+ (
+ {%- for ref in commit.refs -%}
+ <a class="ref" href="{{app.repo.url_for_commit(ref)}}">{{ref}}</a>{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}
+ {%- endfor -%}
+ )
+ {%- endif %}
+ by {{ user_link(commit.authored.email, commit.authored.name) }}
+ {%- if commit.committed.email != commit.authored.email %},
+ pushed by {{ user_link(commit.committed.email, commit.committed.name) }}
{% endif %}
@@ -63,16 +57,12 @@
{% if commit.committed.date %}{{commit.committed.date|datetimeformat}}{% endif %}
<td style="text-align: left; vertical-align: text-top">
- <a href="{{commit.url()}}tree{{request.params.get('path', '')}}">
- {%if is_file%}
- View
- {% else %}
- Tree
- {%endif%}
- </a>
+ <a class="browse" href="{{app.repo.url_for_commit(commit.id)}}tree{{request.params.get('path', '')}}">
+ {{ 'View' if is_file else 'Tree' }}
+ </a>
{%if is_file%}
- <a href="{{commit.url()}}tree{{request.params.get('path', '')}}?format=raw">Download</a>
+ <a class="download" href="{{app.repo.url_for_commit(commit.id)}}tree{{request.params.get('path', '')}}?format=raw">Download</a>
@@ -80,6 +70,6 @@
{% if show_paging and next_commit %}
- <a class="page_list" href="{{next_commit.url()}}log{{tg.url(params=request.params)}}">Older ></a>
+ <a class="page_list" href="{{app.repo.url_for_commit(next_commit.id)}}log{{tg.url(params=request.params)}}">Older ></a>
{% endif %}