# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
import re
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
from nose.tools import assert_equal
import tg
import pkg_resources
from pylons import tmpl_context as c
from ming.orm import ThreadLocalORMSession
from datadiff.tools import assert_equal
from allura import model as M
from allura.lib import helpers as h
from alluratest.controller import TestController
from allura.tests.decorators import with_tool
from forgegit.tests import with_git
class _TestCase(TestController):
def setUp(self):
super(_TestCase, self).setUp()
def setup_with_tools(self):
h.set_context('test', 'src-git', neighborhood='Projects')
repo_dir = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
'forgegit', 'tests/data')
c.app.repo.fs_path = repo_dir
c.app.repo.status = 'ready'
c.app.repo.name = 'testgit.git'
# ThreadLocalORMSession.close_all()
h.set_context('test', 'src-git', neighborhood='Projects')
# ThreadLocalORMSession.close_all()
@with_tool('test', 'Git', 'testgit-index', 'Git', type='git')
def setup_testgit_index_repo(self):
h.set_context('test', 'testgit-index', neighborhood='Projects')
repo_dir = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
'forgegit', 'tests/data')
c.app.repo.fs_path = repo_dir
c.app.repo.status = 'ready'
c.app.repo.name = 'testgit_index.git'
h.set_context('test', 'testgit-index', neighborhood='Projects')
class TestRootController(_TestCase):
def test_status(self):
resp = self.app.get('/src-git/status')
d = json.loads(resp.body)
assert d == dict(status='ready')
def test_status_html(self):
resp = self.app.get('/src-git/').follow().follow()
# repo status not displayed if 'ready'
assert None == resp.html.find('div', dict(id='repo_status'))
h.set_context('test', 'src-git', neighborhood='Projects')
c.app.repo.status = 'analyzing'
# repo status displayed if not 'ready'
resp = self.app.get('/src-git/').follow().follow()
div = resp.html.find('div', dict(id='repo_status'))
assert div.span.text == 'analyzing'
def test_index(self):
resp = self.app.get('/src-git/').follow().follow()
assert 'git://' in resp
def test_index_empty(self):
def test_commit_browser(self):
resp = self.app.get('/src-git/commit_browser')
def test_commit_browser_data(self):
resp = self.app.get('/src-git/commit_browser_data')
data = json.loads(resp.body);
assert data['max_row'] == 4
assert data['next_column'] == 1
{u'url': u'/p/test/src-git/ci/df30427c488aeab84b2352bdf88a3b19223f9d7a/',
u'oid': u'df30427c488aeab84b2352bdf88a3b19223f9d7a',
u'column': 0,
u'parents': [u'6a45885ae7347f1cac5103b0050cc1be6a1496c8'],
u'message': u'Add README', u'row': 2})
def test_log(self):
resp = self.app.get('/src-git/ci/1e146e67985dcd71c74de79613719bef7bddca4a/log/')
assert 'Initial commit' in resp
assert '<div class="markdown_content"><p>Change README</p></div>' in resp
assert 'tree/README?format=raw">Download</a>' not in resp
assert '28 Bytes' not in resp.html.find('td').contents[1].text
assert 'Tree' in resp.html.findAll('td')[2].text, resp.html.findAll('td')[2].text
resp = self.app.get('/src-git/ci/1e146e67985dcd71c74de79613719bef7bddca4a/log/?path=/README')
assert '28 Bytes' in resp.html.find('td').contents[1].text
assert 'View' in resp.html.findAll('td')[2].text
assert 'Change README' in resp
assert 'tree/README?format=raw">Download</a>' in resp
assert 'Add README' in resp
assert "Initial commit " not in resp
resp = self.app.get('/src-git/ci/1e146e67985dcd71c74de79613719bef7bddca4a/log/?path=/a/b/c/')
assert 'Remove file' in resp
assert 'Initial commit' in resp
assert 'Add README' not in resp
assert 'Change README' not in resp
resp = self.app.get('/src-git/ci/1e146e67985dcd71c74de79613719bef7bddca4a/log/?path=/not/exist')
assert 'No (more) commits' in resp
def test_diff_ui(self):
r = self.app.get('/src-git/ci/1e146e67985dcd71c74de79613719bef7bddca4a/log/?path=/README')
assert '<div class="grid-19"><input type="button" value="Compare" class="compare_revision"></div>' in r
assert '<input type="checkbox" class="revision"' in r
assert 'revision="1e146e67985dcd71c74de79613719bef7bddca4a"' in r
assert 'url_commit="/p/test/src-git/ci/1e146e67985dcd71c74de79613719bef7bddca4a/">' in r
r = self.app.get('/src-git/ci/1e146e67985dcd71c74de79613719bef7bddca4a/log/')
assert '<div class="grid-19"><input type="button" value="Compare" class="compare_revision"></div>' not in r
assert '<input type="checkbox" class="revision"' not in r
assert 'revision="1e146e67985dcd71c74de79613719bef7bddca4a"' not in r
assert 'url_commit="/p/test/src-git/ci/1e146e67985dcd71c74de79613719bef7bddca4a/">' not in r
def test_tags(self):
resp = self.app.get('/src-git/ref/master~/tags/')
def _get_ci(self):
r = self.app.get('/src-git/ref/master/')
resp = r.follow()
for tag in resp.html.findAll('a'):
if tag['href'].startswith('/p/test/src-git/ci/'):
href = tag['href']
if href.endswith('tree/'):
href = href[:-5]
return href
return None
def test_commit(self):
ci = self._get_ci()
resp = self.app.get(ci)
assert 'Rick' in resp, resp.showbrowser()
def test_feed(self):
for ext in ['', '.rss']:
r = self.app.get('/src-git/feed%s' % ext)
channel = r.xml.find('channel')
title = channel.find('title').text
assert_equal(title, 'test Git changes')
description = channel.find('description').text
assert_equal(description, 'Recent changes to Git repository in test project')
link = channel.find('link').text
assert_equal(link, 'http://localhost:80/p/test/src-git/')
commit = channel.find('item')
assert_equal(commit.find('title').text, 'Initial commit')
link = 'http://localhost:80/p/test/src-git/ci/9a7df788cf800241e3bb5a849c8870f2f8259d98/'
assert_equal(commit.find('link').text, link)
assert_equal(commit.find('guid').text, link)
# .atom has slightly different structure
prefix = '{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}'
r = self.app.get('/src-git/feed.atom')
title = r.xml.find(prefix + 'title').text
assert_equal(title, 'test Git changes')
link = r.xml.find(prefix + 'link').attrib['href']
assert_equal(link, 'http://localhost:80/p/test/src-git/')
commit = r.xml.find(prefix + 'entry')
assert_equal(commit.find(prefix + 'title').text, 'Initial commit')
link = 'http://localhost:80/p/test/src-git/ci/9a7df788cf800241e3bb5a849c8870f2f8259d98/'
assert_equal(commit.find(prefix + 'link').attrib['href'], link)
def test_tree(self):
ci = self._get_ci()
resp = self.app.get(ci + 'tree/')
assert len(resp.html.findAll('tr')) == 2, resp.showbrowser()
resp = self.app.get(ci + 'tree/')
assert 'README' in resp, resp.showbrowser()
links = [ a.get('href') for a in resp.html.findAll('a') ]
assert 'README' in links, resp.showbrowser()
assert 'README/' not in links, resp.showbrowser()
def test_tree_extra_params(self):
ci = self._get_ci()
resp = self.app.get(ci + 'tree/?format=raw')
assert 'README' in resp, resp.showbrowser()
def test_file(self):
ci = self._get_ci()
resp = self.app.get(ci + 'tree/README')
assert 'README' in resp.html.find('h2', {'class':'dark title'}).contents[2]
content = str(resp.html.find('div', {'class':'clip grid-19 codebrowser'}))
assert 'This is readme' in content, content
assert '<span id="l1" class="code_block">' in resp
assert 'var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1);' in resp
def test_invalid_file(self):
ci = self._get_ci()
self.app.get(ci + 'tree/READMEz', status=404)
def test_diff(self):
ci = self._get_ci()
resp = self.app.get(ci + 'tree/README?diff=df30427c488aeab84b2352bdf88a3b19223f9d7a')
assert 'readme' in resp, resp.showbrowser()
assert '+++' in resp, resp.showbrowser()
def test_diff_view_mode(self):
ci = self._get_ci()
fn = 'tree/README?diff=df30427c488aeab84b2352bdf88a3b19223f9d7a'
r = self.app.get(ci + fn + '&diformat=regular')
assert fn + '&diformat=sidebyside">Switch to side-by-side view</a>' in r
r = self.app.get(ci + fn + '&diformat=sidebyside')
assert fn + '&diformat=regular">Switch to unified view</a>' in r
assert '<table class="side-by-side-diff">' in r
def test_refresh(self):
notification = M.Notification.query.find(
dict(subject='[test:src-git] 5 new commits to test Git')).first()
domain = '.'.join(reversed(c.app.url[1:-1].split('/'))).replace('_', '-')
common_suffix = tg.config.get('forgemail.domain', '.sourceforge.net')
email = 'noreply@%s%s' % (domain, common_suffix)
assert email in notification['reply_to_address']
def test_file_force_display(self):
ci = self._get_ci()
resp = self.app.get(ci + 'tree/README?force=True')
content = str(resp.html.find('div', {'class':'clip grid-19 codebrowser'}))
assert re.search(r'<pre>.*This is readme', content), content
assert '</pre>' in content, content
def test_index_files(self):
"""Test that `index.*` files are viewable in code browser"""
ci = '/p/test/testgit-index/ci/eaec8e7fc91f18d6bf294379d16146ef9226a1ab/'
# `index.html` in repo root
r = self.app.get(ci + 'tree/index.html')
header = r.html.find('h2', {'class': 'dark title'}).contents[2]
assert 'index.html' in header, header
content = str(r.html.find('div', {'class': 'clip grid-19 codebrowser'}))
assert ('<span class="nt"><h1></span>'
'<span class="nt"></h1></span>') in content, content
# `index` dir in repo root
r = self.app.get(ci + 'tree/index/')
assert 'inside_index_dir.txt' in r
# `index.htm` in `index` dir
r = self.app.get(ci + 'tree/index/index.htm')
header = r.html.find('h2', {'class': 'dark title'})
assert 'index' in header.contents[3], header.contents[3]
assert 'index.htm' in header.contents[4], header.contents[4]
content = str(r.html.find('div', {'class': 'clip grid-19 codebrowser'}))
assert ('<span class="nt"><h1></span>'
'<span class="nt"></h1></span>') in content, content
def test_subscribe(self):
user = M.User.query.get(username='test-user')
ci = self._get_ci()
# user is not subscribed
assert not M.Mailbox.subscribed(user_id=user._id)
r = self.app.get(ci + 'tree/',
extra_environ={'username': str(user.username)})
header = r.html.find('h2', {'class': 'dark title'})
link = header.find('a', {'class': 'artifact_subscribe'})
assert link is not None, header
# subscribe
self.app.get(ci + 'tree/subscribe?subscribe=True',
extra_environ={'username': str(user.username)}).follow()
# user is subscribed
assert M.Mailbox.subscribed(user_id=user._id)
r = self.app.get(ci + 'tree/',
extra_environ={'username': str(user.username)})
header = r.html.find('h2', {'class': 'dark title'})
link = header.find('a', {'class': 'artifact_unsubscribe active'})
assert link is not None, header
# unsubscribe
self.app.get(ci + 'tree/subscribe?unsubscribe=True',
extra_environ={'username': str(user.username)}).follow()
# user is not subscribed
assert not M.Mailbox.subscribed(user_id=user._id)
r = self.app.get(ci + 'tree/',
extra_environ={'username': str(user.username)})
header = r.html.find('h2', {'class': 'dark title'})
link = header.find('a', {'class': 'artifact_subscribe'})
assert link is not None, header
def test_timezone(self):
ci = self._get_ci()
resp = self.app.get(ci + 'tree/')
assert "Thu Oct 07, 2010 06:44 PM UTC" in resp, resp.showbrowser()
def test_checkout_input(self):
ci = self._get_ci()
r = self.app.get('/src-git/commit_browser')
assert not '<div id="access_urls"' in r
r = self.app.get('/src-git/fork')
assert not '<div id="access_urls"' in r
r = self.app.get(
ci +
assert not '<div id="access_urls"' in r
r = self.app.get(ci + 'tree/README')
assert not '<div id="access_urls"' in r
r = self.app.get(ci + 'tree/')
assert '<div id="access_urls"' in r
def test_tarball(self):
ci = self._get_ci()
r = self.app.get(ci + 'tree/')
assert '/p/test/src-git/ci/master/tarball' in r
assert 'Download Snapshot' in r
r = self.app.get('/p/test/src-git/ci/master/tarball')
assert 'Generating snapshot...' in r
r = self.app.get(ci + 'tarball_status')
assert '{"status": "ready"}' in r
r = self.app.get('/p/test/src-git/ci/master/tarball_status')
assert '{"status": "ready"}' in r
def test_tarball_link_in_subdirs(self):
'''Go to repo subdir and check 'Download Snapshot' link'''
r = self.app.get('/p/test/testgit-index/ci/master/tree/index/')
links = r.html.findAll('a')
download_link = [a for a in links if a.text == 'Download Snapshot'][0]
assert_equal(download_link.get('href'), '/p/test/testgit-index/ci/master/tarball')
class TestRestController(_TestCase):
def test_index(self):
self.app.get('/rest/p/test/src-git/', status=200)
def test_commits(self):
self.app.get('/rest/p/test/src-git/commits', status=200)
class TestFork(_TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestFork, self).setUp()
to_project = M.Project.query.get(
shortname='test2', neighborhood_id=c.project.neighborhood_id)
r = self.app.post('/src-git/fork', params=dict(
mount_label='Test forked repository'))
assert "{status: 'error'}" not in str(r.follow())
cloned_from = c.app.repo
with h.push_context('test2', 'code', neighborhood='Projects'):
# Add commit to a forked repo, thus merge requests will not be empty
# clone repo to tmp location first (can't add commit to bare repos directly)
clone_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
cloned = c.app.repo._impl._git.clone(clone_path)
with open(clone_path + '/README', 'w+') as f:
f.write('Very useful README')
cloned.index.commit('Improve documentation')
self.forked_repo = c.app.repo
shutil.rmtree(clone_path, ignore_errors=True)
def _follow(self, r, **kw):
if r.status_int == 302:
print r.request.url
while r.status_int == 302:
print ' ==> 302 ==> %s' % r.location
r = r.follow(**kw)
return r
def _upstream_page(self, **kw):
r = self.app.get('/src-git/', **kw)
r = self._follow(r, **kw)
return r
def _fork_page(self, **kw):
r = self.app.get('/p/test2/code/', **kw)
r = self._follow(r, **kw)
return r
def _request_merge(self, **kw):
r = self.app.get('/p/test2/code/request_merge', **kw)
r = self._follow(r, **kw)
r = r.forms[0].submit()
r = self._follow(r, **kw)
mr_num = r.request.url.split('/')[-2]
assert mr_num.isdigit(), mr_num
return r, mr_num
def test_forks_list(self):
r = self.app.get('%sforks/' % c.app.repo.url())
assert 'test2 / code' in r
def test_fork_form(self):
r = self.app.get('%sfork/' % c.app.repo.url())
assert '<input type="text" name="mount_point" value="test"/>' in r
assert '<input type="text" name="mount_label" value="test - Git"/>' in r
def test_fork_listed_in_parent(self):
assert 'Forks' in self._upstream_page()
def test_fork_display(self):
r = self._fork_page()
assert 'Clone of' in r
assert 'Test forked repository' in r
def test_fork_links_go_to_fork(self):
r = self._fork_page()
hrefs = ( a.get('href') for a in r.html('a') )
hrefs = ( href for href in hrefs if href and '/ci/' in href )
for href in hrefs:
assert href.startswith('/p/test2/code/'), href
def test_merge_request_visible_to_admin(self):
assert 'Request Merge' in self._fork_page()
def test_merge_request_invisible_to_non_admin(self):
assert 'Request Merge' not in self._fork_page(
def test_merge_action_available_to_admin(self):
def test_merge_action_unavailable_to_non_admin(self):
status=403, extra_environ=dict(username='test-user'))
def test_merge_request_detail_view(self):
r, mr_num = self._request_merge()
assert 'would like you to merge' in r, r.showbrowser()
assert 'Improve documentation' in r, r.showbrowser()
revs = r.html.findAll('tr', attrs={'class': 'rev'})
links = revs[0].findAll('a')
c_id = self.forked_repo.heads[0]['object_id']
assert_equal(links[0].get('href'), '/p/test2/code/ci/%s/' % c_id)
assert_equal(links[0].getText(), '[%s]' % c_id[:6])
assert_equal(links[1].get('href'), '/p/test2/code/ci/%s/tree' % c_id)
assert_equal(links[1].getText(), 'Tree')
def test_merge_request_list_view(self):
r, mr_num = self._request_merge()
r = self.app.get('/p/test/src-git/merge-requests/')
assert 'href="%s/"' % mr_num in r, r
def test_merge_request_update_status(self):
r, mr_num = self._request_merge()
r = self.app.post('/p/test/src-git/merge-requests/%s/save' % mr_num,
assert 'Merge Request #%s: (rejected)' % mr_num in r, r
class TestDiff(TestController):
def setUp(self):
super(TestDiff, self).setUp()
def setup_with_tools(self):
h.set_context('test', 'src-git', neighborhood='Projects')
repo_dir = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
'forgegit', 'tests/data')
c.app.repo.fs_path = repo_dir
c.app.repo.status = 'ready'
c.app.repo.name = 'testmime.git'
h.set_context('test', 'src-git', neighborhood='Projects')
def test_diff(self):
r = self.app.get('/src-git/ci/d961abbbf10341ee18a668c975842c35cfc0bef2/tree/1.png?barediff=2ce83a24e52c21e8d2146b1a04a20717c0bb08d7')
assert 'alt="2ce83a2..."' in r
assert 'alt="d961abb..."' in r
r = self.app.get('/src-git/ci/d961abbbf10341ee18a668c975842c35cfc0bef2/tree/1.png?diff=2ce83a24e52c21e8d2146b1a04a20717c0bb08d7')
assert 'alt="2ce83a2..."' in r
assert 'alt="d961abb..."' in r