Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/Allura/allura/controllers/auth.py
+++ b/Allura/allura/controllers/auth.py
@@ -62,7 +62,9 @@
 class AuthController(BaseController):
     def __init__(self):
-        self.prefs = PreferencesController()
+        self.preferences = PreferencesController()
+        self.user_info = UserInfoController()
+        self.subscriptions = SubscriptionsController()
         self.oauth = OAuthController()
@@ -188,7 +190,7 @@
         if c.user:
             flash('Claimed %s' % oid_obj._id)
-        redirect('/auth/prefs/')
+        redirect('/auth/preferences/')
     def logout(self):
@@ -293,268 +295,27 @@
                     allow_write=has_access(c.app, 'write')(user=user),
                     allow_create=has_access(c.app, 'create')(user=user))
-class UserSkillsController(BaseController):
-    def __init__(self, category=None):
-        self.category = category
-        super(UserSkillsController, self).__init__()
-    @expose()
-    def _lookup(self, catshortname, *remainder):
-        cat = M.TroveCategory.query.get(shortname=catshortname)
-        return UserSkillsController(category=cat), remainder
-    @expose('jinja:allura:templates/user_skills.html')
+class PreferencesController(BaseController):
+    def _check_security(self):
+        require_authenticated()
+    @with_trailing_slash
+    @expose('jinja:allura:templates/user_prefs.html')
     def index(self, **kw):
-        require_authenticated()
-        l = []
-        parents = []
-        if kw.get('selected_category') is not None:
-            selected_skill = M.TroveCategory.query.get(trove_cat_id=int(kw.get('selected_category')))
-        elif self.category:
-            selected_skill = self.category
-        else:
-            l = M.TroveCategory.query.find(dict(trove_parent_id=0, show_as_skill=True))
-            selected_skill = None
-        if selected_skill:
-            l = [scat for scat in selected_skill.subcategories
-                 if scat.show_as_skill]
-            temp_cat = selected_skill.parent_category
-            while temp_cat:
-                parents = [temp_cat] + parents
-                temp_cat = temp_cat.parent_category
-        return dict(
-            skills_list = l,
-            selected_skill = selected_skill,
-            parents = parents,
-            add_details_fields=(len(l)==0))
-    @expose()
-    @require_post()
-    @validate(F.save_skill_form, error_handler=index)
-    def save_skill(self, **kw):
-        require_authenticated()
-        trove_id = int(kw.get('selected_skill'))
-        category = M.TroveCategory.query.get(trove_cat_id=trove_id)
-        new_skill = dict(
-            category_id=category._id,
-            level=kw.get('level'),
-            comment=kw.get('comment'))
-        s = [skill for skill in c.user.skills 
-             if str(skill.category_id) != str(new_skill['category_id'])]
-        s.append(new_skill)
-        c.user.set_pref('skills', s)
-        flash('Your skills list was successfully updated!')
-        redirect('/auth/prefs/user_skills')
-    @expose()
-    @require_post()
-    @validate(F.remove_skill_form, error_handler=index)
-    def remove_skill(self, **kw):
-        require_authenticated()
-        trove_id = int(kw.get('categoryid'))
-        category = M.TroveCategory.query.get(trove_cat_id=trove_id)
-        s = [skill for skill in c.user.skills 
-             if str(skill.category_id) != str(category._id)]
-        c.user.set_pref('skills', s)
-        flash('Your skills list was successfully updated!')
-        redirect('/auth/prefs/user_skills')
-class UserContactsController(BaseController):
-    @expose('jinja:allura:templates/user_contacts.html')
-    def index(self, **kw):
-        require_authenticated()
-        return dict()
-    @expose()
-    @require_post()
-    @validate(F.add_socialnetwork_form, error_handler=index)
-    def add_social_network(self, **kw):
-        require_authenticated()
-        c.user.add_socialnetwork(kw['socialnetwork'], kw['accounturl'])
-        flash('Your personal contacts were successfully updated!')
-        redirect('.')
-    @expose()
-    @require_post()
-    @validate(F.remove_socialnetwork_form, error_handler=index)
-    def remove_social_network(self, **kw):
-        require_authenticated()
-        c.user.remove_socialnetwork(kw['socialnetwork'], kw['account'])
-        flash('Your personal contacts were successfully updated!')
-        redirect('.')
-    @expose()
-    @require_post()
-    @validate(F.add_telnumber_form, error_handler=index)
-    def add_telnumber(self, **kw):
-        require_authenticated()
-        c.user.add_telephonenumber(kw['newnumber'])
-        flash('Your personal contacts were successfully updated!')
-        redirect('.')
-    @expose()
-    @require_post()
-    @validate(F.remove_textvalue_form, error_handler=index)
-    def remove_telnumber(self, **kw):
-        require_authenticated()
-        c.user.remove_telephonenumber(kw['oldvalue'])
-        flash('Your personal contacts were successfully updated!')
-        redirect('.')
-    @expose()
-    @require_post()
-    @validate(F.add_website_form, error_handler=index)
-    def add_webpage(self, **kw):
-        require_authenticated()
-        c.user.add_webpage(kw['newwebsite'])
-        flash('Your personal contacts were successfully updated!')
-        redirect('.')
-    @expose()
-    @require_post()
-    @validate(F.remove_textvalue_form, error_handler=index)
-    def remove_webpage(self, **kw):
-        require_authenticated()
-        c.user.remove_webpage(kw['oldvalue'])
-        flash('Your personal contacts were successfully updated!')
-        redirect('.')
-    @expose()
-    @require_post()
-    @validate(F.skype_account_form, error_handler=index)
-    def skype_account(self, **kw):
-        require_authenticated()
-        c.user.set_pref('skypeaccount', kw['skypeaccount'])
-        flash('Your personal contacts were successfully updated!')
-        redirect('.')
-class UserAvailabilityController(BaseController):
-    @expose('jinja:allura:templates/user_availability.html')
-    def index(self, **kw):
-        require_authenticated()
-        return dict()
-    @expose()
-    @require_post()
-    @validate(F.add_timeslot_form, error_handler=index)
-    def add_timeslot(self, **kw):
-        require_authenticated()
-        c.user.add_timeslot(kw['weekday'], kw['starttime'], kw['endtime'])
-        flash('Your availability timeslots were successfully updated!')
-        redirect('.')
-    @expose()
-    @require_post()
-    @validate(F.remove_timeslot_form, error_handler=index)
-    def remove_timeslot(self, **kw):
-        require_authenticated()
-        c.user.remove_timeslot(kw['weekday'], kw['starttime'], kw['endtime'])
-        flash('Your availability timeslots were successfully updated!')
-        redirect('.')
-    @expose()
-    @require_post()
-    @validate(F.add_inactive_period_form, error_handler=index)
-    def add_inactive_period(self, **kw):
-        require_authenticated()
-        c.user.add_inactive_period(kw['startdate'], kw['enddate'])
-        flash('Your inactivity periods were successfully updated!')
-        redirect('.')
-    @expose()
-    @require_post()
-    @validate(F.remove_inactive_period_form, error_handler=index)
-    def remove_inactive_period(self, **kw):
-        require_authenticated()
-        c.user.remove_inactive_period(kw['startdate'], kw['enddate'])
-        flash('Your availability timeslots were successfully updated!')
-        redirect('.')
-class PreferencesController(BaseController):
-    user_skills = UserSkillsController()
-    user_contacts = UserContactsController()
-    user_availability = UserAvailabilityController()
-    @with_trailing_slash
-    @expose('jinja:allura:templates/user_preferences.html')
-    def index(self, **kw):
-        require_authenticated()
-        c.form = F.subscription_form
-        c.revoke_access = F.oauth_revocation_form
-        subscriptions = []
-        mailboxes = M.Mailbox.query.find(dict(user_id=c.user._id, is_flash=False))
-        mailboxes = list(mailboxes.ming_cursor)
-        project_collection = M.Project.query.mapper.collection
-        app_collection = M.AppConfig.query.mapper.collection
-        projects = dict(
-            (p._id, p) for p in project_collection.m.find(dict(
-                    _id={'$in': [mb.project_id for mb in mailboxes ]})))
-        app_index = dict(
-            (ac._id, ac) for ac in app_collection.m.find(dict(
-                    _id={'$in': [mb.app_config_id for mb in mailboxes]})))
-        for mb in mailboxes:
-            project = projects.get(mb.project_id, None)
-            app_config = app_index.get(mb.app_config_id, None)
-            if project is None:
-                mb.m.delete()
-                continue
-            if app_config is None:
-                continue
-            subscriptions.append(dict(
-                    subscription_id=mb._id,
-                    project_name=project.name,
-                    mount_point=app_config.options['mount_point'],
-                    artifact_title=dict(text=mb.artifact_title, href=mb.artifact_url),
-                    topic=mb.topic,
-                    type=mb.type,
-                    frequency=mb.frequency.unit,
-                    artifact=mb.artifact_index_id,
-                    subscribed=True))
-        my_projects = dict((p._id, p) for p in c.user.my_projects())
-        my_tools = app_collection.m.find(dict(
-            project_id={'$in': my_projects.keys()}))
-        for tool in my_tools:
-            p_id = tool.project_id
-            subscribed = M.Mailbox.subscribed(
-                    project_id=p_id, app_config_id=tool._id)
-            if not subscribed:
-                subscriptions.append(dict(
-                    tool_id=tool._id,
-                    project_id=p_id,
-                    project_name=my_projects[p_id].name,
-                    mount_point=tool.options['mount_point'],
-                    artifact_title='No subscription',
-                    topic=None,
-                    type=None,
-                    frequency=None,
-                    artifact=None))
-        subscriptions.sort(key=lambda d: (d['project_name'], d['mount_point']))
-        api_token = M.ApiToken.query.get(user_id=c.user._id)
         provider = plugin.AuthenticationProvider.get(request)
         menu = provider.account_navigation()
+        api_token = M.ApiToken.query.get(user_id=c.user._id)
         return dict(
-            subscriptions=subscriptions,
-            api_token=api_token,
-            authorized_applications=M.OAuthAccessToken.for_user(c.user),
-            menu=menu)
+                menu=menu,
+                api_token=api_token,
+                authorized_applications=M.OAuthAccessToken.for_user(c.user),
+            )
     def update(self,
-               display_name=None,
@@ -562,12 +323,11 @@
-        require_authenticated()
         if config.get('auth.method', 'local') == 'local':
-            if display_name is None:
+            if not preferences.get('display_name'):
                 flash("Display Name cannot be empty.",'error')
-            c.user.set_pref('display_name', display_name)
+            c.user.set_pref('display_name', preferences['display_name'])
             for i, (old_a, data) in enumerate(zip(c.user.email_addresses, addr or [])):
                 obj = c.user.address_object(old_a)
                 if data.get('delete') or not obj:
@@ -591,6 +351,366 @@
                 if k == 'results_per_page':
                     v = int(v)
                 c.user.set_pref(k, v)
+        redirect('.')
+    @expose()
+    @require_post()
+    def gen_api_token(self):
+        tok = M.ApiToken.query.get(user_id=c.user._id)
+        if tok is None:
+            tok = M.ApiToken(user_id=c.user._id)
+        else:
+            tok.secret_key = h.cryptographic_nonce()
+        redirect(request.referer)
+    @expose()
+    @require_post()
+    def del_api_token(self):
+        tok = M.ApiToken.query.get(user_id=c.user._id)
+        if tok is None: return
+        tok.delete()
+        redirect(request.referer)
+    @expose()
+    @require_post()
+    def revoke_oauth(self, _id=None):
+        tok = M.OAuthAccessToken.query.get(_id=bson.ObjectId(_id))
+        if tok is None:
+            flash('Invalid app ID', 'error')
+            redirect('.')
+        if tok.user_id != c.user._id:
+            flash('Invalid app ID', 'error')
+            redirect('.')
+        tok.delete()
+        flash('Application access revoked')
+        redirect('.')
+    @expose()
+    @require_post()
+    @validate(V.NullValidator(), error_handler=index)
+    def change_password(self, **kw):
+        kw = g.theme.password_change_form.to_python(kw, None)
+        ap = plugin.AuthenticationProvider.get(request)
+        try:
+            ap.set_password(c.user, kw['oldpw'], kw['pw'])
+        except wexc.HTTPUnauthorized:
+            flash('Incorrect password', 'error')
+            redirect('.')
+        flash('Password changed')
+        redirect('.')
+    @expose()
+    @require_post()
+    def upload_sshkey(self, key=None):
+        ap = plugin.AuthenticationProvider.get(request)
+        try:
+            ap.upload_sshkey(c.user.username, key)
+        except AssertionError, ae:
+            flash('Error uploading key: %s' % ae, 'error')
+        flash('Key uploaded')
+        redirect('.')
+class UserInfoController(BaseController):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.skills = UserSkillsController()
+        self.contacts = UserContactsController()
+        self.availability = UserAvailabilityController()
+    def _check_security(self):
+        require_authenticated()
+    @with_trailing_slash
+    @expose('jinja:allura:templates/user_info.html')
+    def index(self, **kw):
+        provider = plugin.AuthenticationProvider.get(request)
+        menu = provider.account_navigation()
+        return dict(menu=menu)
+    @expose()
+    @require_post()
+    @validate(F.change_personal_data_form, error_handler=index)
+    def change_personal_data(self, **kw):
+        require_authenticated()
+        c.user.set_pref('sex', kw['sex'])
+        c.user.set_pref('birthdate', kw.get('birthdate'))
+        localization={'country':kw.get('country'), 'city':kw.get('city')}
+        c.user.set_pref('localization', localization)
+        c.user.set_pref('timezone', kw['timezone'])
+        flash('Your personal data was successfully updated!')
+        redirect('.')
+class UserSkillsController(BaseController):
+    def __init__(self, category=None):
+        self.category = category
+        super(UserSkillsController, self).__init__()
+    def _check_security(self):
+        require_authenticated()
+    @expose()
+    def _lookup(self, catshortname, *remainder):
+        cat = M.TroveCategory.query.get(shortname=catshortname)
+        return UserSkillsController(category=cat), remainder
+    @with_trailing_slash
+    @expose('jinja:allura:templates/user_skills.html')
+    def index(self, **kw):
+        l = []
+        parents = []
+        if kw.get('selected_category') is not None:
+            selected_skill = M.TroveCategory.query.get(trove_cat_id=int(kw.get('selected_category')))
+        elif self.category:
+            selected_skill = self.category
+        else:
+            l = M.TroveCategory.query.find(dict(trove_parent_id=0, show_as_skill=True))
+            selected_skill = None
+        if selected_skill:
+            l = [scat for scat in selected_skill.subcategories
+                 if scat.show_as_skill]
+            temp_cat = selected_skill.parent_category
+            while temp_cat:
+                parents = [temp_cat] + parents
+                temp_cat = temp_cat.parent_category
+        provider = plugin.AuthenticationProvider.get(request)
+        menu = provider.account_navigation()
+        return dict(
+            skills_list = l,
+            selected_skill = selected_skill,
+            parents = parents,
+            menu = menu,
+            add_details_fields=(len(l)==0))
+    @expose()
+    @require_post()
+    @validate(F.save_skill_form, error_handler=index)
+    def save_skill(self, **kw):
+        trove_id = int(kw.get('selected_skill'))
+        category = M.TroveCategory.query.get(trove_cat_id=trove_id)
+        new_skill = dict(
+            category_id=category._id,
+            level=kw.get('level'),
+            comment=kw.get('comment'))
+        s = [skill for skill in c.user.skills
+             if str(skill.category_id) != str(new_skill['category_id'])]
+        s.append(new_skill)
+        c.user.set_pref('skills', s)
+        flash('Your skills list was successfully updated!')
+        redirect('..')
+    @expose()
+    @require_post()
+    @validate(F.remove_skill_form, error_handler=index)
+    def remove_skill(self, **kw):
+        trove_id = int(kw.get('categoryid'))
+        category = M.TroveCategory.query.get(trove_cat_id=trove_id)
+        s = [skill for skill in c.user.skills
+             if str(skill.category_id) != str(category._id)]
+        c.user.set_pref('skills', s)
+        flash('Your skills list was successfully updated!')
+        redirect('..')
+class UserContactsController(BaseController):
+    def _check_security(self):
+        require_authenticated()
+    @with_trailing_slash
+    @expose('jinja:allura:templates/user_contacts.html')
+    def index(self, **kw):
+        provider = plugin.AuthenticationProvider.get(request)
+        menu = provider.account_navigation()
+        return dict(menu=menu)
+    @expose()
+    @require_post()
+    @validate(F.add_socialnetwork_form, error_handler=index)
+    def add_social_network(self, **kw):
+        require_authenticated()
+        c.user.add_socialnetwork(kw['socialnetwork'], kw['accounturl'])
+        flash('Your personal contacts were successfully updated!')
+        redirect('.')
+    @expose()
+    @require_post()
+    @validate(F.remove_socialnetwork_form, error_handler=index)
+    def remove_social_network(self, **kw):
+        require_authenticated()
+        c.user.remove_socialnetwork(kw['socialnetwork'], kw['account'])
+        flash('Your personal contacts were successfully updated!')
+        redirect('.')
+    @expose()
+    @require_post()
+    @validate(F.add_telnumber_form, error_handler=index)
+    def add_telnumber(self, **kw):
+        require_authenticated()
+        c.user.add_telephonenumber(kw['newnumber'])
+        flash('Your personal contacts were successfully updated!')
+        redirect('.')
+    @expose()
+    @require_post()
+    @validate(F.remove_textvalue_form, error_handler=index)
+    def remove_telnumber(self, **kw):
+        require_authenticated()
+        c.user.remove_telephonenumber(kw['oldvalue'])
+        flash('Your personal contacts were successfully updated!')
+        redirect('.')
+    @expose()
+    @require_post()
+    @validate(F.add_website_form, error_handler=index)
+    def add_webpage(self, **kw):
+        require_authenticated()
+        c.user.add_webpage(kw['newwebsite'])
+        flash('Your personal contacts were successfully updated!')
+        redirect('.')
+    @expose()
+    @require_post()
+    @validate(F.remove_textvalue_form, error_handler=index)
+    def remove_webpage(self, **kw):
+        require_authenticated()
+        c.user.remove_webpage(kw['oldvalue'])
+        flash('Your personal contacts were successfully updated!')
+        redirect('.')
+    @expose()
+    @require_post()
+    @validate(F.skype_account_form, error_handler=index)
+    def skype_account(self, **kw):
+        require_authenticated()
+        c.user.set_pref('skypeaccount', kw['skypeaccount'])
+        flash('Your personal contacts were successfully updated!')
+        redirect('.')
+class UserAvailabilityController(BaseController):
+    def _check_security(self):
+        require_authenticated()
+    @with_trailing_slash
+    @expose('jinja:allura:templates/user_availability.html')
+    def index(self, **kw):
+        provider = plugin.AuthenticationProvider.get(request)
+        menu = provider.account_navigation()
+        return dict(menu=menu)
+    @expose()
+    @require_post()
+    @validate(F.add_timeslot_form, error_handler=index)
+    def add_timeslot(self, **kw):
+        require_authenticated()
+        c.user.add_timeslot(kw['weekday'], kw['starttime'], kw['endtime'])
+        flash('Your availability timeslots were successfully updated!')
+        redirect('.')
+    @expose()
+    @require_post()
+    @validate(F.remove_timeslot_form, error_handler=index)
+    def remove_timeslot(self, **kw):
+        require_authenticated()
+        c.user.remove_timeslot(kw['weekday'], kw['starttime'], kw['endtime'])
+        flash('Your availability timeslots were successfully updated!')
+        redirect('.')
+    @expose()
+    @require_post()
+    @validate(F.add_inactive_period_form, error_handler=index)
+    def add_inactive_period(self, **kw):
+        require_authenticated()
+        c.user.add_inactive_period(kw['startdate'], kw['enddate'])
+        flash('Your inactivity periods were successfully updated!')
+        redirect('.')
+    @expose()
+    @require_post()
+    @validate(F.remove_inactive_period_form, error_handler=index)
+    def remove_inactive_period(self, **kw):
+        require_authenticated()
+        c.user.remove_inactive_period(kw['startdate'], kw['enddate'])
+        flash('Your availability timeslots were successfully updated!')
+        redirect('.')
+class SubscriptionsController(BaseController):
+    def _check_security(self):
+        require_authenticated()
+    @with_trailing_slash
+    @expose('jinja:allura:templates/user_subs.html')
+    def index(self, **kw):
+        c.form = F.subscription_form
+        c.revoke_access = F.oauth_revocation_form
+        subscriptions = []
+        mailboxes = M.Mailbox.query.find(dict(user_id=c.user._id, is_flash=False))
+        mailboxes = list(mailboxes.ming_cursor)
+        project_collection = M.Project.query.mapper.collection
+        app_collection = M.AppConfig.query.mapper.collection
+        projects = dict(
+            (p._id, p) for p in project_collection.m.find(dict(
+                    _id={'$in': [mb.project_id for mb in mailboxes ]})))
+        app_index = dict(
+            (ac._id, ac) for ac in app_collection.m.find(dict(
+                    _id={'$in': [mb.app_config_id for mb in mailboxes]})))
+        for mb in mailboxes:
+            project = projects.get(mb.project_id, None)
+            app_config = app_index.get(mb.app_config_id, None)
+            if project is None:
+                mb.m.delete()
+                continue
+            if app_config is None:
+                continue
+            subscriptions.append(dict(
+                    subscription_id=mb._id,
+                    project_name=project.name,
+                    mount_point=app_config.options['mount_point'],
+                    artifact_title=dict(text=mb.artifact_title, href=mb.artifact_url),
+                    topic=mb.topic,
+                    type=mb.type,
+                    frequency=mb.frequency.unit,
+                    artifact=mb.artifact_index_id,
+                    subscribed=True))
+        my_projects = dict((p._id, p) for p in c.user.my_projects())
+        my_tools = app_collection.m.find(dict(
+            project_id={'$in': my_projects.keys()}))
+        for tool in my_tools:
+            p_id = tool.project_id
+            subscribed = M.Mailbox.subscribed(
+                    project_id=p_id, app_config_id=tool._id)
+            if not subscribed:
+                subscriptions.append(dict(
+                    tool_id=tool._id,
+                    project_id=p_id,
+                    project_name=my_projects[p_id].name,
+                    mount_point=tool.options['mount_point'],
+                    artifact_title='No subscription',
+                    topic=None,
+                    type=None,
+                    frequency=None,
+                    artifact=None))
+        subscriptions.sort(key=lambda d: (d['project_name'], d['mount_point']))
+        provider = plugin.AuthenticationProvider.get(request)
+        menu = provider.account_navigation()
+        return dict(
+            subscriptions=subscriptions,
+            authorized_applications=M.OAuthAccessToken.for_user(c.user),
+            menu=menu)
+    @h.vardec
+    @expose()
+    @require_post()
+    def update(self,
+               preferences=None,
+               **kw):
         if 'email_format' in preferences:
             c.user.set_pref('email_format', preferences['email_format'])
@@ -611,77 +731,6 @@
-    @expose()
-    @require_post()
-    def gen_api_token(self):
-        tok = M.ApiToken.query.get(user_id=c.user._id)
-        if tok is None:
-            tok = M.ApiToken(user_id=c.user._id)
-        else:
-            tok.secret_key = h.cryptographic_nonce()
-        redirect(request.referer)
-    @expose()
-    @require_post()
-    def del_api_token(self):
-        tok = M.ApiToken.query.get(user_id=c.user._id)
-        if tok is None: return
-        tok.delete()
-        redirect(request.referer)
-    @expose()
-    @require_post()
-    def revoke_oauth(self, _id=None):
-        tok = M.OAuthAccessToken.query.get(_id=bson.ObjectId(_id))
-        if tok is None:
-            flash('Invalid app ID', 'error')
-            redirect('.')
-        if tok.user_id != c.user._id:
-            flash('Invalid app ID', 'error')
-            redirect('.')
-        tok.delete()
-        flash('Application access revoked')
-        redirect('.')
-    @expose()
-    @require_post()
-    @validate(V.NullValidator(), error_handler=index)
-    def change_password(self, **kw):
-        kw = g.theme.password_change_form.to_python(kw, None)
-        ap = plugin.AuthenticationProvider.get(request)
-        try:
-            ap.set_password(c.user, kw['oldpw'], kw['pw'])
-        except wexc.HTTPUnauthorized:
-            flash('Incorrect password', 'error')
-            redirect('.')
-        flash('Password changed')
-        redirect('.')
-    @expose()
-    @require_post()
-    @validate(F.change_personal_data_form, error_handler=index)
-    def change_personal_data(self, **kw):
-        require_authenticated()
-        c.user.set_pref('sex', kw['sex'])
-        c.user.set_pref('birthdate', kw.get('birthdate'))
-        localization={'country':kw.get('country'), 'city':kw.get('city')}
-        c.user.set_pref('localization', localization)
-        c.user.set_pref('timezone', kw['timezone'])
-        flash('Your personal data was successfully updated!')
-        redirect('.')
-    @expose()
-    @require_post()
-    def upload_sshkey(self, key=None):
-        ap = plugin.AuthenticationProvider.get(request)
-        try:
-            ap.upload_sshkey(c.user.username, key)
-        except AssertionError, ae:
-            flash('Error uploading key: %s' % ae, 'error')
-        flash('Key uploaded')
-        redirect('.')
 class OAuthController(BaseController):