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This module provides the security predicates used in decorating various models.
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from pylons import tmpl_context as c
from pylons import request
from webob import exc
from itertools import chain
from ming.utils import LazyProperty
from allura.lib.utils import TruthyCallable
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Credentials(object):
Role graph logic & caching
def __init__(self):
def project_role(self):
from allura import model as M
db = M.session.main_doc_session.db
return db[M.ProjectRole.__mongometa__.name]
def get(cls):
'get the global Credentials instance'
import allura
return allura.credentials
def clear(self):
'clear cache'
self.users = {}
self.projects = {}
def clear_user(self, user_id, project_id=None):
if project_id == '*':
to_remove = [(uid, pid) for uid, pid in self.users if uid == user_id]
to_remove = [(user_id, project_id)]
for uid, pid in to_remove:
self.projects.pop(pid, None)
self.users.pop((uid, pid), None)
def load_user_roles(self, user_id, *project_ids):
'''Load the credentials with all user roles for a set of projects'''
# Don't reload roles
project_ids = [ pid for pid in project_ids if self.users.get((user_id, pid)) is None ]
if not project_ids: return
if user_id is None:
q = self.project_role.find({
'user_id': None,
'project_id': {'$in': project_ids},
'name': '*anonymous'})
q0 = self.project_role.find({
'user_id': None,
'project_id': {'$in': project_ids},
'name': {'$in': ['*anonymous', '*authenticated']}})
q1 = self.project_role.find({
'user_id': user_id,
'project_id': {'$in': project_ids},
'name': None})
q = chain(q0, q1)
roles_by_project = dict((pid, []) for pid in project_ids)
for role in q:
for pid, roles in roles_by_project.iteritems():
self.users[user_id, pid] = RoleCache(self, roles)
def load_project_roles(self, *project_ids):
'''Load the credentials with all user roles for a set of projects'''
# Don't reload roles
project_ids = [ pid for pid in project_ids if self.projects.get(pid) is None ]
if not project_ids: return
q = self.project_role.find({
'project_id': {'$in': project_ids}})
roles_by_project = dict((pid, []) for pid in project_ids)
for role in q:
for pid, roles in roles_by_project.iteritems():
self.projects[pid] = RoleCache(self, roles)
def project_roles(self, project_id):
:returns: a RoleCache of ProjectRoles for project_id
roles = self.projects.get(project_id)
if roles is None:
roles = self.projects[project_id]
return roles
def user_roles(self, user_id, project_id=None):
:returns: a RoleCache of ProjectRoles for given user_id and project_id, *anonymous and *authenticated checked as appropriate
roles = self.users.get((user_id, project_id))
if roles is None:
if project_id is None:
if user_id is None:
q = []
q = self.project_role.find({'user_id': user_id})
roles = RoleCache(self, q)
self.load_user_roles(user_id, project_id)
roles = self.users.get((user_id, project_id))
self.users[user_id, project_id] = roles
return roles
def user_has_any_role(self, user_id, project_id, role_ids):
user_roles = self.user_roles(user_id=user_id, project_id=project_id)
return bool(set(role_ids) & user_roles.reaching_ids_set)
def users_with_named_role(self, project_id, name):
""" returns in sorted order """
roles = self.project_roles(project_id)
return sorted(RoleCache(self, roles.find(name=name)).users_that_reach, key=lambda u:u.username)
def userids_with_named_role(self, project_id, name):
roles = self.project_roles(project_id)
return RoleCache(self, roles.find(name=name)).userids_that_reach
class RoleCache(object):
def __init__(self, cred, q):
self.cred = cred
self.q = q
def find(self, **kw):
tests = kw.items()
def _iter():
for r in self:
for k,v in tests:
val = r.get(k)
if callable(v):
if not v(val): break
elif v != val: break
yield r
return RoleCache(self.cred, _iter())
def get(self, **kw):
for x in self.find(**kw): return x
return None
def __iter__(self):
return self.index.itervalues()
def __len__(self):
return len(self.index)
def index(self):
return dict((r['_id'], r) for r in self.q)
def named(self):
return RoleCache(self.cred, (
r for r in self
if r.get('name') and not r.get('name').startswith('*')))
def reverse_index(self):
rev_index = defaultdict(list)
for r in self:
for rr_id in r['roles']:
return rev_index
def roles_that_reach(self):
def _iter():
visited = set()
to_visit = list(self)
while to_visit:
r = to_visit.pop(0)
if r['_id'] in visited: continue
yield r
pr_rindex = self.cred.project_roles(r['project_id']).reverse_index
to_visit += pr_rindex[r['_id']]
return RoleCache(self.cred, _iter())
def users_that_reach(self):
from allura import model as M
uids = [uid for uid in self.userids_that_reach if uid]
return M.User.query.find({'_id': {'$in': uids}})
def userids_that_reach(self):
return [ r['user_id'] for r in self.roles_that_reach ]
def reaching_roles(self):
def _iter():
to_visit = self.index.items()
visited = set()
while to_visit:
(rid, role) = to_visit.pop()
if rid in visited: continue
yield role
pr_index = self.cred.project_roles(role['project_id']).index
if rid in pr_index:
for i in pr_index[rid]['roles']:
if i in pr_index:
to_visit.append((i, pr_index[i]))
return RoleCache(self.cred, _iter())
def reaching_ids(self):
return [ r['_id'] for r in self.reaching_roles ]
def reaching_ids_set(self):
return set(self.reaching_ids)
def has_access(obj, permission, user=None, project=None):
'''Return whether the given user has the permission name on the given object.
- First, all the roles for a user in the given project context are computed.
- Next, for each role, the given object's ACL is examined linearly. If an ACE
is found which matches the permission and user, and that ACE ALLOWs access,
then the function returns True and access is permitted. If the ACE DENYs
access, then that role is removed from further consideration.
- If the obj is not a Neighborhood and the given user has the 'admin'
permission on the current neighborhood, then the function returns True and
access is allowed.
- If the obj is not a Project and the given user has the 'admin'
permission on the current project, then the function returns True and
access is allowed.
- If none of the ACEs on the object ALLOW access, and there are no more roles
to be considered, then the function returns False and access is denied.
- Processing continues using the remaining roles and the
obj.parent_security_context(). If the parent_security_context is None, then
the function returns False and access is denied.
The effect of this processing is that if *any* role for the user is ALLOWed
access via a linear traversal of the ACLs, then access is allowed. All of the
users roles must either be explicitly DENYed or processing terminate with no
matches to DENY access to the resource.
from allura import model as M
def predicate(obj=obj, user=user, project=project, roles=None):
if obj is None:
return False
if roles is None:
if user is None: user = c.user
assert user, 'c.user should always be at least M.User.anonymous()'
cred = Credentials.get()
if project is None:
if isinstance(obj, M.Neighborhood):
project = obj.neighborhood_project
if project is None:
log.error('Neighborhood project missing for %s', obj)
return False
elif isinstance(obj, M.Project):
project = obj.root_project
project = c.project.root_project
roles = cred.user_roles(user_id=user._id, project_id=project._id).reaching_ids
chainable_roles = []
for rid in roles:
for ace in obj.acl:
if M.ACE.match(ace, rid, permission):
if ace.access == M.ACE.ALLOW:
# access is allowed
# log.info('%s: True', txt)
return True
# access is denied for this role
# access neither allowed or denied, may chain to parent context
parent = obj.parent_security_context()
if parent and chainable_roles:
result = has_access(parent, permission, user=user, project=project)(
elif not isinstance(obj, M.Neighborhood):
result = has_access(project.neighborhood, 'admin', user=user)()
if not (result or isinstance(obj, M.Project)):
result = has_access(project, 'admin', user=user)()
result = False
# log.info('%s: %s', txt, result)
return result
return TruthyCallable(predicate)
def all_allowed(obj, user_or_role=None, project=None):
List all the permission names that a given user or named role
is allowed for a given object. This list reflects the permissions
for which has_access() would return True for the user (or a user
in the given named role, e.g. Developer).
Given a tracker with the following ACL (pseudo-code):
ACE.allow(ProjectRole.by_name('Developer'), 'create'),
ACE.allow(ProjectRole.by_name('Member'), 'post'),
ACE.allow(ProjectRole.by_name('*anonymous'), 'read'),
And user1 is in the Member group, then all_allowed(tracker, user1)
will return:
set(['post', 'read'])
And all_allowed(tracker, ProjectRole.by_name('Developer')) will return:
set(['create', 'post', 'read'])
from allura import model as M
anon = M.ProjectRole.anonymous(project)
auth = M.ProjectRole.authenticated(project)
if user_or_role is None:
user_or_role = c.user
if user_or_role is None:
user_or_role = anon
if isinstance(user_or_role, M.User):
user_or_role = M.ProjectRole.by_user(user_or_role, project)
if user_or_role is None:
user_or_role = auth # user is not member of project, treat as auth
roles = [user_or_role]
if user_or_role == anon:
pass # anon inherits nothing
elif user_or_role == auth:
roles += [anon] # auth inherits from anon
roles += [auth, anon] # named group or user inherits from auth + anon
role_ids = RoleCache(Credentials.get(), roles).reaching_ids # match rules applicable to us
perms = set()
denied = defaultdict(set)
while obj: # traverse parent contexts
for role_id in role_ids:
for ace in obj.acl:
if ace.permission in denied[role_id]:
# don't consider permissions that were denied for this role
if M.ACE.match(ace, role_id, ace.permission):
if ace.access == M.ACE.ALLOW:
# explicit DENY overrides any ALLOW for this permission
# for this role_id in this ACL or parent(s) (but an ALLOW
# for a different role could still grant this permission)
obj = obj.parent_security_context()
if M.ALL_PERMISSIONS in perms:
return set([M.ALL_PERMISSIONS])
return perms
def require(predicate, message=None):
Example: require(has_access(c.app, 'read'))
:param callable predicate: truth function to call
:param str message: message to show upon failure
:raises: HTTPForbidden or HTTPUnauthorized
from allura import model as M
if predicate(): return
if not message:
message = """You don't have permission to do that.
You must ask a project administrator for rights to perform this task.
Please click the back button to return to the previous page."""
if c.user != M.User.anonymous():
request.environ['error_message'] = message
raise exc.HTTPForbidden(detail=message)
raise exc.HTTPUnauthorized()
def require_access(obj, permission, **kwargs):
if obj is not None:
predicate = has_access(obj, permission, **kwargs)
return require(predicate, message='%s access required' % permission.capitalize())
raise exc.HTTPForbidden(detail="Could not verify permissions for this page.")
def require_authenticated():
:raises: HTTPUnauthorized if current user is anonymous
from allura import model as M
if c.user == M.User.anonymous():
raise exc.HTTPUnauthorized()
def simple_grant(acl, role_id, permission):
from allura.model.types import ACE
for ace in acl:
if ace.role_id == role_id and ace.permission == permission: return
acl.append(ACE.allow(role_id, permission))
def simple_revoke(acl, role_id, permission):
remove = []
for i, ace in enumerate(acl):
if ace.role_id == role_id and ace.permission == permission:
for i in reversed(remove):