Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/main.py
+++ b/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/main.py
@@ -1,9 +1,23 @@
+#-*- python -*-
 import logging
+from pylons import tmpl_context as c
+import formencode
+from formencode import validators
+from webob import exc
 from datetime import datetime
+from allura.app import Application, SitemapEntry
+from allura.lib import helpers as h
+from allura.lib.security import has_access
+from allura import model as M
 from allura.eventslistener import EventsListener
 from model.stats import UserStats
 from controllers.userstats import ForgeUserStatsController
+from forgeuserstats import version
+from forgeuserstats.controllers.userstats import ForgeUserStatsController
+from ming.orm import session
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -55,12 +69,74 @@
     def newOrganization(self, organization):
-class ForgeUserStatsApp:
+class ForgeUserStatsApp(Application):
+    __version__ = version.__version__
+    tool_label='Statistics'
+    default_mount_label='Statistics'
+    default_mount_point='stats'
+    permissions = ['configure', 'read', 'write',
+                    'unmoderated_post', 'post', 'moderate', 'admin']
+    ordinal=15
+    installable=False
+    config_options = Application.config_options
+    default_external_feeds = []
+    icons={
+        24:'images/stats_24.png',
+        32:'images/stats_32.png',
+        48:'images/stats_48.png'
+    }
     root = ForgeUserStatsController()
-    listener = UserStatsListener()
-    @classmethod
-    def createlink(cls, user):
-        return (
-            "/userstats/%s/" % user.username, 
-            "%s personal statistcs" % user.display_name)
+    def __init__(self, project, config):
+        Application.__init__(self, project, config)
+        role_admin = M.ProjectRole.by_name('Admin')._id
+        role_anon = M.ProjectRole.by_name('*anonymous')._id
+        self.config.acl = [
+            M.ACE.allow(role_anon, 'read'),
+            M.ACE.allow(role_admin, 'admin')]
+    def main_menu(self):
+        return [SitemapEntry(self.config.options.mount_label.title(), '.')]
+    @property
+    @h.exceptionless([], log)
+    def sitemap(self):
+        menu_id = self.config.options.mount_label.title()
+        with h.push_config(c, app=self):
+            return [
+                SitemapEntry(menu_id, '.')[self.sidebar_menu()] ]
+    @property
+    def show_discussion(self):
+        if 'show_discussion' in self.config.options:
+            return self.config.options['show_discussion']
+        else:
+            return True
+    @h.exceptionless([], log)
+    def sidebar_menu(self):
+        base = c.app.url
+        links = [SitemapEntry('Overview', base),
+                 SitemapEntry('Commits', base + 'commits'),
+                 SitemapEntry('Artifacts', base + 'artifacts'),
+                 SitemapEntry('Tickets', base + 'tickets')]
+        return links
+    def admin_menu(self):
+        links = [SitemapEntry(
+                     'Settings', c.project.url() + 'userstats/settings')]
+        return links
+    def install(self, project):
+        #It doesn't make any sense to install the tool twice on the same 
+        #project therefore, if it already exists, it doesn't install it
+        #a second time.
+        for tool in project.app_configs:
+            if tool.tool_name == 'userstats':
+                if self.config.options.mount_point!=tool.options.mount_point:
+                    project.uninstall_app(self.config.options.mount_point)
+                    return
+    def uninstall(self, project):
+        self.config.delete()
+        session(self.config).flush()