Commit Date  
[#3960] Remove /nf/redirect conversions
[b8ff1d] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2012-05-09 Tree
[#4115] Fixed HTML validation test failures
[b4280d] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2012-05-07 Tree
[#4115] Fixed failing test
[bb93c8] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2012-05-07 Tree
[#4115] ticket:47 add tests and change code
Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema pushed [ba8ae1] by bolkimen bolkimen
2012-05-04 Tree
[#4115] ticket:21 add code line link and highlight
Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema pushed [f525f6] by bolkimen bolkimen
2012-05-04 Tree
[#3598] Re-did project permissions page for bet...
Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh pushed [3aeaca] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2012-05-02 Tree
[#4103] fix several encoding issues with mail s...
Cory Johns Cory Johns pushed [d0b111] by Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema
2012-05-01 Tree
[#4057] Removed SF specific settings from serve...
Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema pushed [34de4d] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2012-04-30 Tree
[#4057] Added Server HTML comment for testing /...
Jenny Steele Jenny Steele pushed [beccf4] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2012-04-30 Tree
[#3970] Added per-neighborhood and per-project ...
Jenny Steele Jenny Steele pushed [ce2332] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2012-04-26 Tree
Merge branch 'js/3698' into dev
[f7d4dd] by Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh
2012-04-25 Tree
[#4056] Changing neighborhood levels to features
Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh pushed [3b2afc] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2012-04-25 Tree
[#4054] limit my_projects macro to user-project...
[e18066] by Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema
2012-04-24 Tree
[#4054] ticket:40 macro refactored
Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema pushed [5262f4] by bolkimen bolkimen
2012-04-24 Tree
[#3658] ticket:38 add hide award option
Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema pushed [6a1ff5] by bolkimen bolkimen
2012-04-24 Tree
[#4054] ticket:39 add my_projects macro
Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema pushed [d22cd5] by bolkimen bolkimen
2012-04-24 Tree
Merge branch 'dev' of git://sfi-engr-scm-1/forg...
[6f8e88] by Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh
2012-04-18 Tree
Merge branch 'js/2818' into dev
[14de2b] by Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh
2012-04-18 Tree
[#4063] remove all useless className='nav_child...
Jenny Steele Jenny Steele pushed [ddd389] by Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema
2012-04-18 Tree
remove obsolete code
[da9d8a] by Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema
2012-04-18 Tree
[#3890] Fixed command-line migration failing du...
[e0ecdc] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2012-04-17 Tree
[#3985] default to 1 column
[1fa0b6] by Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema
2012-04-16 Tree
ticket:36 move test case, add boolean values fo...
Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema pushed [87473f] by bolkimen bolkimen
2012-04-16 Tree
ticket:36 add more columns values
Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema pushed [eee009] by bolkimen bolkimen
2012-04-16 Tree
ticket:36 fix last_registered
Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema pushed [9a53c0] by bolkimen bolkimen
2012-04-16 Tree
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Showing results of 542