# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pylons import tmpl_context as c, app_globals as g
from datadiff.tools import assert_equal
from IPython.testing.decorators import module_not_available, skipif
from ming.orm.ormsession import ThreadLocalORMSession
from alluratest.controller import setup_basic_test, setup_global_objects
from allura import model as M
from allura.lib import security
from allura.lib import helpers as h
from forgeblog import model as BM
import mock
import feedparser
test_config = 'test.ini#main'
def setUp():
def _mock_feed(*entries):
class attrdict(dict):
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self[name]
feed = mock.Mock()
feed.bozo = False
feed.entries = []
for e in entries:
_mock_feed.i += 1
entry = attrdict(
title='Default Title %d' % _mock_feed.i,
updated=datetime.utcnow()+timedelta(days=_mock_feed.i - 100))
entry['updated_parsed'] = entry['updated'].timetuple()
if 'content' in entry:
entry['content'] = [attrdict(type=entry['content_type'], value=entry['content'])]
return feed
_mock_feed.i = 0
@mock.patch.object(feedparser, 'parse')
def test_pull_rss_feeds(parsefeed):
parsefeed.return_value = _mock_feed(
dict(title='Test', subtitle='test', summary='This is a test'),
dict(content_type='text/plain', content='Test feed'),
dict(content_type='text/html', content=
"<p>1. foo</p>\n"
"#foo bar <a href='baz'>baz</a>\n"
"foo bar\n"
"<p>#foo bar <a href='baz'>\n"
base_app = M.AppConfig.query.find().all()[0]
tmp_app = M.AppConfig(tool_name=u'Blog', discussion_id=base_app.discussion_id,
options={u'ordinal': 0, u'show_right_bar': True,
u'project_name': base_app.project.name,
u'mount_point': u'blog',
u'mount_label': u'Blog'})
new_external_feeds = ['http://example.com/news/feed/']
BM.Globals(app_config_id=tmp_app._id, external_feeds=new_external_feeds)
from forgeblog.command import rssfeeds
cmd = rssfeeds.RssFeedsCommand('pull-rss-feeds')
cmd.run([test_config, '-a', tmp_app._id])
posts = BM.BlogPost.query.find({'app_config_id': tmp_app._id}).sort('timestamp', 1)
assert_equal(posts.count(), 3)
posts = posts.all()
assert_equal(posts[0].title, 'Test')
assert_equal(posts[0].text, 'This is a test [link](http://example.com/)')
assert_equal(posts[1].title, 'Default Title 2')
assert_equal(posts[1].text, 'Test feed [link](http://example.com/)')
assert_equal(posts[2].title, 'Default Title 3')
assert_equal(posts[2].text, "\n".join([
r"1\. foo",
r"\#foo bar [baz](baz) foo bar ",
r"\#foo bar [ baz ](baz)",
" [link](http://example.com/)",
def test_plaintext_preprocessor():
from html2text import html2text
text = html2text(
"[plain]1. foo[/plain]\n"
"[plain]#foo bar [/plain]<a href='baz'>[plain]baz[/plain]</a>\n"
"[plain]foo bar[/plain]\n"
"[plain]#foo bar [/plain]<a href='baz'>\n"
html = g.markdown.convert(text)
'<div class="markdown_content"><p>1. foo '
'#foo bar <a class="" href="../baz">baz</a> foo bar '
'#foo bar <a class="" href="../baz"> baz </a></p></div>'
def test_plaintext_preprocessor_wrapped():
from html2text import html2text
text = html2text(
"<p>[plain]1. foo[/plain]</p>\n"
"[plain]#foo bar [/plain]<a href='baz'>[plain]baz[/plain]</a>\n"
"[plain]foo bar[/plain]\n"
"<p>[plain]#foo bar [/plain]<a href='baz'>\n"
html = g.markdown.convert(text)
'<div class="markdown_content"><p>1. foo</p>\n'
'<p>#foo bar <a class="" href="../baz">baz</a> foo bar </p>\n'
'<p>#foo bar <a class="" href="../baz"> baz </a></p></div>'
def test_plain2markdown():
text = '''paragraph
4 spaces before this
here's a <tag> that should be <b>preserved</b>
Literal > Ò ¼ & & ሿ
M & Ms - doesn't get escaped
http://blah.com/?x=y&a=b - not escaped either
expected = '''paragraph
4 spaces before this
here's a <tag> that should be <b>preserved</b>
Literal &gt; &Ograve; &frac14; &amp; &\#38; &\#x123F;
M & Ms - doesn't get escaped
http://blah.com/?x=y&a=b - not escaped either
# note: the \# isn't necessary it could be just # but that's the way
# html2text escapes all #s currently. The extra escaping of \# ends up
# being ok though when rendered
from forgeblog.command import rssfeeds
assert_equal(rssfeeds.plain2markdown(text), expected)
assert_equal(rssfeeds.plain2markdown('a foo bar\n\n code here?', preserve_multiple_spaces=True),
'a foo bar\n\n code here?')
assert_equal(rssfeeds.plain2markdown('\ttab before (stuff)', preserve_multiple_spaces=True),
' tab before \(stuff\)')
assert_equal(rssfeeds.plain2markdown('\ttab before (stuff)', preserve_multiple_spaces=False),
'tab before \(stuff\)')