Commit | Date | |
Revert "[#5326] avoid "Broken pipe" error we we...
[2b7892] by |
2013-08-07 | Tree |
[#6366] Add option for reindex tasks to use alt...
2013-06-18 | Tree |
[#6346] Add a 'max items in solr index batch' o...
2013-06-13 | Tree |
[#5328] Add task detail to work proc title
2013-06-12 | Tree |
[#6276] add --solr-hosts option to reindex cmd
2013-06-07 | Tree |
[#6270] ticket:359 Change task state to error o...
2013-05-24 | Tree |
[#6239] Fix artifact links in emails
2013-05-22 | Tree |
[#6192] ticket:335 Add --project-regex option t...
2013-05-16 | Tree |
[#6192] ticket:336 Split add_artifacts tasks i...
2013-05-16 | Tree |
[#6192] ticket:335 Add --skip-solr-delete optio...
2013-05-16 | Tree |
[#6191] ticket:334 Run paster commands as backg...
2013-05-09 | Tree |
[#6191] ticket:334 Fix args splitting
2013-05-09 | Tree |
[#6221] include task _id in fake URL
[0e9e79] by |
2013-05-08 | Tree |
[#2835] add --tasks option to reindex cmd, so m...
2013-04-24 | Tree |
Apply Apache License 2.0 header where necessary
2013-04-18 | Tree |
add cautionary text to the taskd_cleanup --kill...
[06a70a] by |
2013-04-10 | Tree |
[#5837] one-line import changes to remove pylon...
2013-02-19 | Tree |
[#5837] update tricky bits referencing pylons.c|g
2013-02-19 | Tree |
[#5837] remove pylons backwards compat code
2013-02-19 | Tree |
[#5603] update pgrep to not match self, rather ...
2013-01-21 | Tree |
[#5552] use explicit StopIteration to exit out ...
2013-01-08 | Tree |
Merge branch 'master' of https://git-wip-us.apa...
[4c7b81] by |
2012-12-12 | Tree |
Merge commit '186d366721f0f810cb8f357aba55253c6...
[1cb7c1] by |
2012-12-05 | Tree |
Merge remote-tracking branch 'temp/ticket-5357'
[d32c7e] by |
2012-12-05 | Tree |
[#5381] correctly implement check_running so th...
2012-12-04 | Tree |