Switch to side-by-side view

--- a
+++ b/opensourceprojects/nf/opensourceprojects/css/scss/utils/_all.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// this file imports all relevant partials in the directory
+// the 'utils' files have all sorts of variables and mixins for you to use, font importing and placeholders
+// these do not export to the css
+@import 'tool-imports';       // import useful tools like css3 @mixins from compass or blueprint grid (configure whitch ones in file)
+@import 'colors';             // define your color variables here
+@import 'grid';               // define grid variables here
+@import 'mixins';             // some extra mixins to use
+// This is where stuff starts going into your css
+@import 'fonts';              // define fonts here
+// _normalize.scss - http://nicolasgallagher.com/about-normalize-css/ | https://github.com/JohnAlbin/normalize-scss
+@import 'normalize';
+// placeholder classes. 
+// I import them after the underscore basic styles to avoid them being overridden, 
+// since this is the place in css where classes appear when the placeholders are extended.
+@import 'grid-placeholders';  // placeholders for most used grid mixins
+@import 'placeholders';       // various utility placeholders
+// compass sprites - uncomment this import and edit the _sprites.scss file if you are using any compass powered sprites.
+// @import "sprites";