Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/ForgeGit/forgegit/git_main.py
+++ b/ForgeGit/forgegit/git_main.py
@@ -1,129 +1,49 @@
 #-*- python -*-
 import logging
-import re
-import os
-import sys
-import shutil
-from subprocess import Popen
-from itertools import islice
-from datetime import datetime
-from urllib import quote, unquote
 # Non-stdlib imports
-import pkg_resources
-from tg import expose, validate, redirect, response, url, flash
-from tg.decorators import with_trailing_slash, without_trailing_slash
-import pylons
-from pylons import g, c, request
-from formencode import validators
-from pymongo import bson
-from webob import exc
+from pylons import c, g
+from ming.utils import LazyProperty
 from ming.orm.ormsession import ThreadLocalORMSession
-from ming.orm.base import mapper
-from pymongo.bson import ObjectId
 # Pyforge-specific imports
-from allura.app import Application, ConfigOption, SitemapEntry, DefaultAdminController
 from allura.lib import helpers as h
-from allura.lib.search import search
-from allura.lib.decorators import audit, react
-from allura.lib.security import require, has_artifact_access, has_project_access, require_authenticated
-from allura.model import Project, ProjectRole, User, ArtifactReference, Feed
-from allura.controllers import BaseController
+from allura import model as M
+from allura.controllers.repository import RepoRootController, RefsController, CommitsController
+from allura.lib.repository import RepositoryApp
 # Local imports
-from forgegit import model
-from forgegit import version
-from .widgets import GitRevisionWidget
-from .reactors import reactors
-from .controllers import BranchBrowser, CommitBrowser
+from . import model as GM
+from . import version
+from .controllers import BranchBrowser
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class W(object):
-    revision_widget = GitRevisionWidget()
-class ForgeGitApp(Application):
+class ForgeGitApp(RepositoryApp):
     '''This is the Git app for PyForge'''
     __version__ = version.__version__
-    permissions = [ 'read', 'write', 'create', 'admin', 'configure' ]
-    config_options = Application.config_options + [
-        ConfigOption('cloned_from_project_id', ObjectId, None),
-        ConfigOption('cloned_from_repo_id', ObjectId, None)
-        ]
+    forkable=True
+    default_branch_name='ref/master'
     def __init__(self, project, config):
-        Application.__init__(self, project, config)
-        self.root = RootController()
-        self.admin = GitAdminController(self)
+        super(ForgeGitApp, self).__init__(project, config)
+        self.root = RepoRootController()
+        self.root.ref = RefsController(BranchBrowser)
+        self.root.ci = CommitsController()
-    @property
-    @h.exceptionless([], log)
-    def sitemap(self):
-        menu_id = self.config.options.mount_label.title()
-        with h.push_config(c, app=self):
-            return [
-                SitemapEntry(menu_id, '.')[self.sidebar_menu()] ]
-    def admin_menu(self):
-        admin_url = c.project.url()+'admin/'+self.config.options.mount_point+'/'
-        links = [SitemapEntry('Viewable Files', admin_url + 'extensions', className='nav_child')]
-        # if self.permissions and has_artifact_access('configure', app=self)():
-        #     links.append(SitemapEntry('Permissions', admin_url + 'permissions', className='nav_child'))
-        return links
-    @h.exceptionless([], log)
-    def sidebar_menu(self):
-        links = [ SitemapEntry('Browse',c.app.url + url(quote('ref/master:/')), ui_icon='folder-collapsed'),
-                  SitemapEntry('History', c.app.url + url(quote('ref/master:/')) + 'log', ui_icon='document-b', small=c.app.repo.count())]
-        if has_artifact_access('admin', app=c.app)():
-            links.append(SitemapEntry('Admin', c.project.url()+'admin/'+self.config.options.mount_point, ui_icon='tool-admin'))
-        repo = c.app.repo
-        if repo:
-            branches= [ b.name for b in repo.branches ]
-            tags = [ t.name for t in repo.repo_tags() ]
-            if branches:
-                links.append(SitemapEntry('Branches'))
-                for b in branches:
-                    links.append(SitemapEntry(
-                            b, url(c.app.url, dict(branch=b)),
-                            className='nav_child',
-                            small=c.app.repo.count(branch=b)))
-            if tags:
-                links.append(SitemapEntry('Tags'))
-                for b in tags:
-                    links.append(SitemapEntry(
-                            b, url(c.app.url, dict(branch=b)),
-                            className='nav_child'))
-        return links
-    @property
+    @LazyProperty
     def repo(self):
-        return model.GitRepository.query.get(app_config_id=self.config._id)
-    @property
-    def templates(self):
-         return pkg_resources.resource_filename('forgegit', 'templates')
+        return GM.Repository.query.get(app_config_id=self.config._id)
     def install(self, project):
-        'Set up any default permissions and roles here'
-        self.config.options['project_name'] = project.name
+        '''Create repo object for this tool'''
         super(ForgeGitApp, self).install(project)
-        # Setup permissions
-        role_developer = ProjectRole.query.get(name='Developer')._id
-        role_auth = ProjectRole.query.get(name='*authenticated')._id
-        self.config.acl.update(
-            configure=c.project.acl['tool'],
-            read=c.project.acl['read'],
-            create=[role_developer],
-            write=[role_developer],
-            admin=c.project.acl['tool'])
-        repo = model.GitRepository(
+        repo = GM.Repository(
             name=self.config.options.mount_point + '.git',
@@ -131,117 +51,13 @@
         cloned_from_project_id = self.config.options.get('cloned_from_project_id')
         cloned_from_repo_id = self.config.options.get('cloned_from_repo_id')
         if cloned_from_project_id is not None:
-            with h.push_config(c, project=Project.query.get(_id=cloned_from_project_id)):
-                cloned_from = model.GitRepository.query.get(_id=cloned_from_repo_id)
-            g.publish('audit', 'scm.git.clone',
-                      dict(repo_name=repo.name, repo_path=repo.fs_path, cloned_from=cloned_from.full_fs_path))
+            with h.push_config(c, project=M.Project.query.get(_id=cloned_from_project_id)):
+                cloned_from = GM.Repository.query.get(_id=cloned_from_repo_id)
+                msg = dict(
+                    cloned_from_path=cloned_from.full_fs_path,
+                    cloned_from_name=cloned_from.app.config.script_name(),
+                    cloned_from_url=cloned_from.app.url)
+            g.publish('audit', 'repo.clone', msg)
-            g.publish('audit', 'scm.git.init',
+            g.publish('audit', 'repo.init',
                       dict(repo_name=repo.name, repo_path=repo.fs_path))
-    def uninstall(self, project):
-        g.publish('audit', 'scm.git.uninstall', dict(project_id=project._id))
-    @audit('scm.git.uninstall')
-    def _uninstall(self, routing_key, data):
-        "Remove all the tool's artifacts and the physical repository"
-        repo = self.repo
-        if repo is not None:
-            shutil.rmtree(repo.full_fs_path, ignore_errors=True)
-        model.GitRepository.query.remove(dict(app_config_id=self.config._id))
-        super(ForgeGitApp, self).uninstall(project_id=data['project_id'])
-class GitAdminController(DefaultAdminController):
-    def __init__(self, app):
-        self.app = app
-        self.repo = app.repo
-    @with_trailing_slash
-    def index(self, **kw):
-        redirect('permissions')
-    @without_trailing_slash
-    @expose('jinja:git/admin_extensions.html')
-    def extensions(self, **kw):
-        return dict(app=self.app,
-                    allow_config=has_artifact_access('configure', app=self.app)(),
-                    additional_viewable_extensions=getattr(self.repo, 'additional_viewable_extensions', ''))
-    @without_trailing_slash
-    @expose()
-    def set_extensions(self, **post_data):
-        self.repo.additional_viewable_extensions = post_data['additional_viewable_extensions']
-class RootController(BaseController):
-    def _check_security(self):
-        require(has_artifact_access('read'))
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.ref = Refs()
-        self.ci = Commits()
-    @expose('jinja:git/index.html')
-    def index(self, offset=0, branch='master', **kw):
-        # Add the colon so we know where the branch part ends
-        redirect(url(quote('ref/%s:/' % branch)))
-    @with_trailing_slash
-    @expose('jinja:git/fork.html')
-    def fork(self, to_name=None):
-        require_authenticated()
-        from_repo = c.app.repo
-        to_project_name = 'u/' + c.user.username
-        ThreadLocalORMSession.flush_all()
-        ThreadLocalORMSession.close_all()
-        from_project = c.project
-        to_project = Project.query.get(shortname=to_project_name)
-        with h.push_config(c, project=to_project):
-            if request.method!='POST' or to_name is None:
-                prefix_len = len(to_project_name+'/')
-                in_use = [sp.shortname[prefix_len:] for sp in to_project.direct_subprojects]
-                in_use += [ac.options['mount_point'] for ac in to_project.app_configs]
-                return dict(from_repo=from_repo,
-                            to_project_name=to_project_name,
-                            in_use=in_use,
-                            to_name=to_name or '')
-            else:
-                if not to_project.database_configured:
-                    to_project.configure_project_database(is_user_project=True)
-                require(has_project_access('tool', to_project))
-                try:
-                    to_project.install_app(
-                        'Git', to_name,
-                        cloned_from_project_id=from_project._id,
-                        cloned_from_repo_id=from_repo._id)
-                    redirect('/'+to_project_name+'/'+to_name+'/')
-                except exc.HTTPRedirection:
-                    raise
-                except Exception, ex:
-                    flash(str(ex), 'error')
-                    redirect(request.referer)
-class Refs(object):
-    @expose()
-    def _lookup(self, *parts):
-        parts = map(unquote, parts)
-        ref = []
-        while parts:
-            part = parts.pop(0)
-            ref.append(part)
-            if part.endswith(':'): break
-        ref = '/'.join(ref)[:-1]
-        return BranchBrowser(ref), parts
-class Commits(object):
-    @expose()
-    def _lookup(self, ci, *remainder):
-        return CommitBrowser(ci), remainder
-h.mixin_reactors(ForgeGitApp, reactors)