Commit | Date | |
[#517] Updated admin pages to use the new theme
[02797d] by |
2010-06-10 | Tree |
[#516] Applied new styling to discussion compon...
[d2930b] by |
2010-06-10 | Tree |
[#542] Added padding html to all pages
[b7478c] by |
2010-06-09 | Tree |
Fixed a problem with users that can't edit seei...
[46b439] by |
2010-06-03 | Tree |
[#437] One save button for all the inputs in th...
[65aedb] by |
2010-06-02 | Tree |
[#189] Moved subscribe buttons and changed to i...
[771fef] by |
2010-06-01 | Tree |
[#464] Moved all script tags to the end of the ...
[21c0a3] by |
2010-05-26 | Tree |
[#347] feedback and automatic retry for form su...
[f65706] by |
2010-05-18 | Tree |
[#217] Changed project user select to autocomplete
[dca644] by |
2010-05-17 | Tree |
[#359] Changed hover edit to click edit with ne...
[a210f5] by |
2010-05-12 | Tree |
[#297] Updates to ticket edit page
[c21eb9] by |
2010-04-29 | Tree |
[#294] Display ticket changes
[d78542] by |
2010-04-29 | Tree |
Move subscribe button to the bottom of the page
[66d34a] by |
2010-04-23 | Tree |
[#246] New theme for tracker
2010-04-22 | Tree |
[#24] Rewrite helpers.ago to show only rough ti...
[bb7548] by |
2010-04-21 | Tree |
[#129] Added the ability to specify a default o...
[c2fd3e] by |
2010-04-20 | Tree |
[#207] Changed tags to labels
[96d495] by |
2010-04-12 | Tree |
[#115] - Add email notification functionality
[87bf23] by |
2010-04-02 | Tree |
[#29] Changed our markdown editor from wmd to m...
[1d80a9] by |
2010-03-29 | Tree |
[#81] Ticket view page can now be edited
[841618] by |
2010-03-26 | Tree |
[#81] Turned the add ticket form into an easy w...
[901253] by |
2010-03-26 | Tree |
[#108]: Moved urllib reference to helpers on Ma...
[3d4660] by |
2010-03-18 | Tree |
[#108]: Tags are url escaped & prefaced with "t...
[44cd88] by |
2010-03-18 | Tree |
[#99] Some tweaks to ticket view page with Wes ...
[de2a5b] by |
2010-03-18 | Tree |
[#99] revamp single-ticket view as per Wes HTML
2010-03-18 | Tree |