Commit | Date | |
[#3672] Disable this until timermiddleware cast...
[02e594] by |
2012-05-18 | Tree |
[#3672] Use TimerMiddleware in Allura.
2012-05-18 | Tree |
[#4100] Added email notification on repo clone ...
2012-05-17 | Tree |
show attachment details on its own line, more r...
[ac3417] by |
2012-05-17 | Tree |
[#4072] Changing the milestone field label no l...
2012-05-17 | Tree |
[#4181] remove html2text from requirements-sf.t...
[e51bd5] by |
2012-05-17 | Tree |
[#4116] Fixed validation errors
[100833] by |
2012-05-16 | Tree |
ticket:48 add test case template
2012-05-16 | Tree |
ticket:48 add paster script
2012-05-16 | Tree |
ticket:48 add test case
2012-05-16 | Tree |
ticket:48 finish site path for feed list edit
2012-05-16 | Tree |
[#2886] Fixed validation test
[ecd6b9] by |
2012-05-16 | Tree |
ticket:20 fix all tests, i hope
2012-05-16 | Tree |
[#4116] DIVs inside PREs are a no-no
[081972] by |
2012-05-16 | Tree |
ticket:20 strange linumbers behaviour looks fixed
2012-05-16 | Tree |
ticket:20 switch on pygments table line numbers...
2012-05-16 | Tree |
ticket:20 fix ForgeGit test
2012-05-16 | Tree |
ticket:20 look's nearly done
2012-05-16 | Tree |
ticket:20 Changed styles to look a bit nicer
2012-05-16 | Tree |
[#4118] Added chunking, intermediate flushing, ...
2012-05-16 | Tree |
[#4118] Renamed migration script to fix numberi...
2012-05-16 | Tree |
[#2886] Some small label, test and default valu...
[8abe8a] by |
2012-05-16 | Tree |
ticket:42: Fixed mount point regexp and removed...
2012-05-16 | Tree |
ticket:42: returned "Repository Name" field and...
2012-05-16 | Tree |
ticket:42: Test fork form default values and re...
2012-05-16 | Tree |