Commit | Date | |
Add MarkupSafe to requirements.txt
[b22395] by Wolf |
2010-09-22 | Tree |
Merge branch 'master' into dev
[f7e18c] by Wolf |
2010-09-15 | Tree |
[#877] - add GitPython's new dependencies
[7936c7] by Rick Copeland |
2010-09-08 | Tree |
Fix GitPython version double-requirement
[8a370f] by Rick Copeland |
2010-09-08 | Tree |
[#877] - update GitPython version (and some upd...
[6dd3f3] by Rick Copeland |
2010-09-08 | Tree |
[#883] - bump easywidgets to fix unicodedecodee...
[ab2bb7] by Rick Copeland |
2010-09-08 | Tree |
[#834] - Widgetize all static resources in mast...
[8b7efb] by Rick Copeland |
2010-08-25 | Tree |
Test fixes, updated requirements.txt
[834446] by Rick Copeland |
2010-08-24 | Tree |
[#812] - update ming req, use background indexing
[01feaa] by Rick Copeland |
2010-08-20 | Tree |
[#336] - fix requirements to correct version of...
[857dfc] by Rick Copeland |
2010-08-17 | Tree |
[#721] - fix requirement for psycopg2
[992bca] by Rick Copeland |
2010-08-04 | Tree |
[#721] - remove extraneous requirement for mysq...
[ef4b89] by Rick Copeland |
2010-08-04 | Tree |
[#724] - Add code to actually create and delete...
[104e28] by Rick Copeland |
2010-08-04 | Tree |
[#724] - add integration of SFX databases
[1502b7] by Rick Copeland |
2010-08-04 | Tree |
[#724] - Add subscriber list screen and passwor...
[609725] by Rick Copeland |
2010-08-04 | Tree |
[#639] - Minor performance fixes
[aacdf7] by Rick Copeland |
2010-07-14 | Tree |
Merge branch 'mr/requirements'
[881d04] by Mark Ramm |
2010-07-08 | Tree |
[#685] - Fix bug in project update reactor that...
[a44738] by Rick Copeland |
2010-07-02 | Tree |
Updating requirements.txt to use packages for E...
[8f6ed6] by Mark Ramm |
2010-06-29 | Tree |
Add script
[8d5d26] by Gary Bernhardt |
2010-06-03 | Tree |