import time
import string
import hashlib
import binascii
import logging
import random
import mimetypes
from logging.handlers import WatchedFileHandler
import tg
import pylons
from formencode import Invalid
from tg.decorators import before_validate
from pylons import response
from paste.httpheaders import CACHE_CONTROL, EXPIRES
from webhelpers.html import literal
from ew import jinja2_ew as ew
from ming.utils import LazyProperty
def cache_forever():
headers = [
(k,v) for k,v in response.headers.items()
if k.lower() not in ('pragma', 'cache-control') ]
delta = CACHE_CONTROL.apply(
EXPIRES.update(headers, delta=delta)
response.headers.pop('cache-control', None)
response.headers.pop('pragma', None)
def guess_mime_type(filename):
'''Guess MIME type based on filename.
Applies heuristics, tweaks, and defaults in centralized manner.
# Consider changing to strict=False
content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(filename, strict=True)
if content_type[0]:
content_type = content_type[0]
content_type = 'application/octet-stream'
return content_type
class ConfigProxy(object):
'''Wrapper for loading config values at module-scope so we don't
have problems when a module is imported before tg.config is initialized
def __init__(self, **kw):
self._kw = kw
def __getattr__(self, k):
return tg.config[self._kw[k]]
class lazy_logger(object):
'''Lazy instatiation of a logger, to ensure that it does not get
created before logging is configured (which would make it disabled)'''
def __init__(self, name):
self._name = name
def _logger(self):
return logging.getLogger(self._name)
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name.startswith('_'): raise AttributeError, name
return getattr(self._logger, name)
class StatsHandler(WatchedFileHandler):
fields=('action', 'action_type', 'tool_type', 'tool_mount', 'project', 'neighborhood',
'username', 'url', 'ip_address')
def __init__(self,
**kwargs): = page
self.module = module
WatchedFileHandler.__init__(self, strftime_pattern)
def emit(self, record):
if not hasattr(record, 'action'):
kwpairs = dict(
for name in self.fields:
kwpairs[name] = getattr(record, name, None)
kwpairs.update(getattr(record, 'kwpairs', {}))
record.kwpairs = ','.join(
'%s=%s' % (k,v) for k,v in sorted(kwpairs.iteritems())
if v is not None)
record.exc_info = None # Never put tracebacks in the rtstats log
WatchedFileHandler.emit(self, record)
def chunked_iterator(query, pagesize=1024):
page = 0
while True:
results = (
if not results: break
yield results
page += 1
class AntiSpam(object):
'''Helper class for bot-protecting forms'''
honey_field_template=string.Template('''<p class="$honey_class">
<label for="$fld_id">You seem to have CSS turned off.
Please don't fill out this field.</label><br>
<input id="$fld_id" name="$fld_name"><br></p>''')
def __init__(self, request=None, num_honey=2):
self.num_honey = num_honey
if request is None:
self.request = pylons.request
self.timestamp = int(time.time())
self.spinner = self.make_spinner()
self.timestamp_text = str(self.timestamp)
self.spinner_text = self._wrap(self.spinner)
self.request = request
self.timestamp_text = request.params['timestamp']
self.spinner_text = request.params['spinner']
self.timestamp = int(self.timestamp_text)
self.spinner = self._unwrap(self.spinner_text)
self.spinner_ord = map(ord, self.spinner)
self.random_padding = [ random.randint(0,255) for x in self.spinner ]
self.honey_class = self.enc(self.spinner_text, css_safe=True)
# The counter is to ensure that multiple forms in the same page
# don't end up with the same id. Instead of doing:
# honey0, honey1
# which just relies on 0..num_honey we include a counter
# which is incremented every time extra_fields is called:
# honey00, honey 01, honey10, honey11
self.counter = 0
def _wrap(s):
'''Encode a string to make it HTML id-safe (starts with alpha, includes
only digits, hyphens, underscores, colons, and periods). Luckily, base64
encoding doesn't use hyphens, underscores, colons, nor periods, so we'll
use these characters to replace its plus, slash, equals, and newline.
tx_tbl = string.maketrans('+/', '-_')
s = binascii.b2a_base64(s)
s = s.rstrip('=\n')
s = s.translate(tx_tbl)
s = 'X' + s
return s
def _unwrap(s):
tx_tbl = string.maketrans('-_', '+/')
s = s[1:]
s = str(s).translate(tx_tbl)
i = len(s) % 4
if i > 0:
s += '=' * (4 - i)
s = binascii.a2b_base64(s + '\n')
return s
def enc(self, plain, css_safe=False):
'''Stupid fieldname encryption. Not production-grade, but
hopefully "good enough" to stop spammers. Basically just an
XOR of the spinner with the unobfuscated field name
# Plain starts with its length, includes the ordinals for its
# characters, and is padded with random data
plain = ([ len(plain) ]
+ map(ord, plain)
+ self.random_padding[:len(self.spinner_ord) - len(plain) - 1])
enc = ''.join(chr(p^s) for p, s in zip(plain, self.spinner_ord))
enc = self._wrap(enc)
if css_safe:
enc = ''.join(ch for ch in enc if ch.isalpha())
return enc
def dec(self, enc):
enc = self._unwrap(enc)
enc = list(map(ord, enc))
plain = [e^s for e,s in zip(enc, self.spinner_ord)]
plain = plain[1:1+plain[0]]
plain = ''.join(map(chr, plain))
return plain
def extra_fields(self):
yield ew.HiddenField(name='timestamp', value=self.timestamp_text).display()
yield ew.HiddenField(name='spinner', value=self.spinner_text).display()
for fldno in range(self.num_honey):
fld_name = self.enc('honey%d' % (fldno))
fld_id = self.enc('honey%d%d' % (self.counter, fldno))
yield literal(self.honey_field_template.substitute(
self.counter += 1
def make_spinner(self, timestamp=None):
if timestamp is None: timestamp = self.timestamp
client_ip = self.request.headers.get('X_FORWARDED_FOR', self.request.remote_addr)
client_ip = client_ip.split(',')[0].strip()
except (TypeError, AttributeError), err:
client_ip = ''
plain = '%d:%s:%s' % (
timestamp, client_ip, pylons.config.get('spinner_secret', 'abcdef'))
return hashlib.sha1(plain).digest()
def validate_request(cls, request=None, now=None):
if request is None: request = pylons.request
params = dict(request.params)
params.pop('timestamp', None)
params.pop('spinner', None)
obj = cls(request)
if now is None: now = time.time()
if obj.timestamp > now + 5:
raise ValueError, 'Post from the future'
if now - obj.timestamp > 60*60:
raise ValueError, 'Post from the 1hr+ past'
if obj.spinner != obj.make_spinner(obj.timestamp):
raise ValueError, 'Bad spinner value'
for k in params.keys():
params[obj.dec(k)] = params.pop(k)
for fldno in range(obj.num_honey):
value = params.pop('honey%s' % fldno)
if value:
raise ValueError, 'Value in honeypot field: %s' % value
return params
def validate(cls, error_msg):
'''Controller decorator to raise Invalid errors if bot protection is engaged'''
def hook(remainder, params):
'''Converts various errors in validate_request to a single Invalid message'''
except (ValueError, TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise Invalid(error_msg, params, None)
return before_validate(hook)