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--- a
+++ b/Allura/docs/scm_host.rst
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+SCM (Git, Mercurial, Subversion) Hosting Installation
+The following instructions assume you are using a version of Ubuntu Linux with
+support for dchroot and debootstrap.  We will use a chroot jail to allow users to
+access their repositories via ssh.
+Install a chroot environment
+These instructions are based on the documentation in `Debootstrap Chroot`_.  and `OpenLDAPServer`_.
+#. Install debootstrap schroot
+#. Append the following text to the file /etc/schroot/schroot.conf::
+    [scm]
+    description=Ubuntu Chroot for SCM Hosting
+    type=directory
+    directory=/var/chroots/scm
+    script-config=scm/config
+#. Create a directory /etc/schroot/scm and populate it with some files::
+    # mkdir /etc/schroot/scm
+    # cat > /etc/schroot/scm/config <<EOF
+    FSTAB="/etc/schroot/scm/fstab"
+    COPYFILES="/etc/schroot/scm/copyfiles"
+    NSSDATABASES="/etc/schroot/scm/nssdatabases"
+    EOF
+    # cat > /etc/schroot/scm/fstab <<EOF
+    /proc		/proc		none    rw,rbind        0       0
+    /sys		/sys		none    rw,rbind        0       0
+    /dev            /dev            none    rw,rbind        0       0
+    /tmp		/tmp		none	rw,bind		0	0
+    EOF
+    # cat > /etc/schroot/scm/copyfiles <<EOF
+    /etc/resolv.conf
+    EOF
+    # cat > /etc/schroot/scm/nssdatabases <<EOF
+    services
+    protocols
+    networks
+    hosts
+    EOF
+#. Create a directory /var/chroots/scm and create the bootstrap environment.  (You may substitute a mirror from the  `ubuntu mirror list`_ for archive.ubuntu.com::
+    $ sudo mkdir -p /var/chroots/scm
+    $ sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch amd64 --components=main,universe --include=git,mercurial,subversion,openssh-server,slapd,ldap-utils,ldap-auth-client,curl maverick /var/chroots/scm http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/
+#. Test that the chroot is installed by entering it::
+    # schroot -c scm -u root
+    (scm) # logout
+Configure OpenLDAP in the Chroot
+#. Copy the ldap-setup script into the chroot environment
+    $ sudo cp Allura/ldap-setup.py Allura/ldap-userconfig.py /var/chroots/scm
+    $ sudo chmod +x /var/chroots/scm/ldap-*.py
+#. Log in to the chroot environment:
+    # schroot -c scm -u root
+#. Run the setup script, following the prompts.
+    (scm) # python /ldap-setup.py
+In particular, you will need to anwer the following questions (substitute your custom suffix if you are not using dc=localdomain):
+* Should debconf manage LDAP configuration? **yes**
+* LDAP server Uniform Resource Identifier: **ldapi:///**
+* Distinguished name of the search base: **dc=localdomain**
+* LDAP version to use: **1** (version 3)
+* Make local root Database admin: **yes**
+* Does the LDAP database require login? **no**
+* LDAP account for root: **cn=admin,dc=localdomain**
+* LDAP root account password: *empty*
+* Local crypt to use when changing passwords: **2** (crypt)
+* PAM profiles to enable: **2**
+Update the chroot ssh configuration
+* Update the file /var/chroot/scm/etc/ssh/sshd_config, changing the port directive::
+    # Port 22
+    Port 8022
+Setup the Custom FUSE Driver
+#. Copy the accessfs script into the chroot environment
+    $ sudo cp fuse/accessfs.py /var/chroots/scm
+#. Configure allura to point to the chrooted scm environment
+    $ sudo ln -s /var/chroots/scm /git
+    $ sudo ln -s /var/chroots/scm /hg
+    $ sudo ln -s /var/chroots/scm /svn
+#. Log in to the chroot environment & install packages:
+    # schroot -c scm -u root
+    (scm) # apt-get install python-fuse
+#. Create the SCM directories
+    (scm) # mkdir /scm /scm-repo
+#. Mount the FUSE filesystem
+    (scm) # python /accessfs.py /scm-repo -o allow_other -s -o root=/scm
+#. Start the SSH daemon
+    (scm) # /etc/init.d/ssh start
+Configure Allura to Use the LDAP Server
+Set the following values in your .ini file:
+    auth.method = ldap
+    auth.ldap.server = ldap://localhost
+    auth.ldap.suffix = ou=people,dc=localdomain
+    auth.ldap.admin_dn = cn=admin,dc=localdomain
+    auth.ldap.admin_password = secret
+.. _Debootstrap Chroot: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebootstrapChroot
+.. _OpenLDAPServer: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html
+.. _ubuntu mirror list: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors