git clone osp-osp-allura

File Date Author Commit
Allura 2012-03-28 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit 6a58a95b020d5ef071a2cf1ccadcfd6902d3c16e> [#3825] only do project template string substit...
AlluraTesting 2011-11-23 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit d80b086b1459029640d40594056b2d634591443e> [#3324] force params to be strings in functiona...
ForgeBlog 2012-03-27 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit 0f381ae97a059630ec49cbd3221a2d3ee1247ec5> cleanup: remove unused
ForgeChat 2011-11-22 Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh <Commit 9f4059981c63dd91bb720734002d5b05139ab50c> [#2931] Allow changing mount labels.
ForgeDiscussion 2012-03-22 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 4caa9ce1dc1651079b23a2a98d6b335060ad8dbd> [#3861] Updates to handle new Mock, new _valida...
ForgeDownloads 2012-01-20 Jenny Steele Jenny Steele <Commit fb496c8fcc9bd801e36e5e9bfb5b3aa7ad4d8824> [#3556] External link and Download tools now us...
ForgeGit 2012-02-03 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 5cb772a6e6619fdf1e0ea3c5d9b6c3bdee3bdef4> [#2709] Fix error found by dave
ForgeHg 2012-02-03 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 5cb772a6e6619fdf1e0ea3c5d9b6c3bdee3bdef4> [#2709] Fix error found by dave
ForgeLink 2012-01-20 Jenny Steele Jenny Steele <Commit fb496c8fcc9bd801e36e5e9bfb5b3aa7ad4d8824> [#3556] External link and Download tools now us...
ForgeSVN 2012-03-28 Jenny Steele Jenny Steele [13288d] [#3634] Added a check to find and fix svn repos...
ForgeTracker 2012-03-28 Jenny Steele Jenny Steele <Commit fe65e87204c0e83b424166d7ceb775326f240429> [#3920] Fixed milestone sorting on ticket search
ForgeWiki 2012-03-15 Jenny Steele Jenny Steele <Commit fb05ecd9cc096b316d6738614c55c57ae4b5b245> [#3900] Wiki links with escaped chars are no lo...
NoWarnings 2011-02-01 Wolf Wolf <Commit 23c644ff05fdc87e89b443afe1f6f9d25b4e2cff> License is Apache 2
fuse 2011-11-19 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 943e3a7c9509d7bd85763e50be819ca9e0fd59a1> Fix FUSE filesystem to handle path correctly
scripts 2012-03-27 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit 5b27477c84ab1d91a0fdfc640a8f769454728bcd> Cleanup now that we require python 2.7. Revert ...
solr_config 2010-03-23 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 01d9bfb1ddef49835820f1d10b2414ba56703480> [#118] - Testing infrastructure upgrades
.gitattributes 2011-03-13 Wolf Wolf <Commit 4f057bfbac58f84bffea3fdfa9e562415a6bf359> make git-diff hunk headers python-aware
.gitignore 2011-11-01 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit da0d23d79b8781c0fb64046ac3f254e8ba0441f7> Merge branch 'master' into dev
.gitmodules 2009-12-01 Wolf Wolf <Commit e4830bd691eb52e6ae1e0921b09247bf4ec3aed5> Remove Ming submodule
CONTRIBUTING 2011-02-08 Wolf Wolf <Commit 7bca86bf47f006c317d0b7cfd10bee12903e4bba> point CONTRIBUTING at the public support bug tr...
LICENSE 2011-02-01 Wolf Wolf <Commit 23c644ff05fdc87e89b443afe1f6f9d25b4e2cff> License is Apache 2
Makefile 2012-02-10 Yaroslav Luzin Yaroslav Luzin <Commit c499553770bd5052ff5784d1a4a9b5b7db9aab78> ticket:2 Added a simple Makefile required for g...
Makefile.def.buildbot 2012-02-24 Yaroslav Luzin Yaroslav Luzin <Commit 6a2bc2edcbb4d22410b0e5492a71c2eff5373d18> ticket:2 Upgraded fix for pysvn
README.markdown 2012-03-28 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit 49502cc83e4776633c2285e691651f1922d9ac07> update readme to use requirements.txt instead o... 2011-01-27 Paul Sokolovsky Paul Sokolovsky <Commit 397c7248c20c9f4d79ed28b0c480ba1e0a891bf2> [#1237] Add script to produce combined coverage...
rebuild.bash 2011-03-30 Paul Sokolovsky Paul Sokolovsky <Commit 76fa9906c6d3b3aeef1671ce06a4c9644369b54d> Remove reference to no longer existing pyforge ...
requirements-common.txt 2012-03-23 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 6fb23782809996e237afa5d63a36fac807b6be7d> [#3861] Update ticket model to use 'allow_none=...
requirements-sf.txt 2012-03-23 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit 2e50c70002e1173a59d80cc5a48c562e229415c4> [#3067] restore Zarkov dependency removal in 0c...
requirements.txt 2012-03-28 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit 268dc060d3d847f98c7cc3b78d7752f907b8147c> rename requirements-dev.txt->requirements.txt
run_tests 2011-04-28 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit f6375a7b3891b45c2c8e445bbc1f8a838b6228c2> remove unused solr bootstrap from run_tests
schema.xml 2010-02-12 Jenny Steele Jenny Steele <Commit 69d85666fc5c4464ad7a1731231e414fdfc5a965> Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

Read Me

Sandbox Creation

We'll use VirtualBox and Ubuntu 11.10 to create a disposable sandbox for Forge development/testing.

  • Download and install VirtualBox for your platform.

  • Download a minimal Ubuntu 11.10 64-bit ISO.

  • Create a new virtual machine in Virtual Box, selecting Ubuntu (64 bit) as the OS type. The rest of the wizards' defaults are fine.

  • When you launch the virtual machine for the first time, you will be prompted to attach your installation media. Browse to the mini.iso that you downloaded earlier.

  • After a text-only installation, you may end up with a blank screen and blinking cursor. Press Alt-F1 to switch to the first console.

  • Consult available documentation for help installing Ubuntu.

Forge Installation

Before we begin, you'll need the following additional packages in order to work with the Forge source code.

~$ sudo aptitude install git-core subversion python-svn libtidy-0.99-0

You'll also need additional development packages in order to compile some of the modules. Use google for additional PIL/jpeg help.

~$ sudo aptitude install default-jdk python-dev libssl-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev
~$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib

And finally our document-oriented database, MongoDB

~$ sudo aptitude install mongodb-server

If you are using a different base system, make sure you have Mongo 1.8 or better. If you need to upgrade, you can download the latest from

Setting up a virtual python environment

The first step to installing the Forge platform is installing a virtual environment via virtualenv. This helps keep our distribution python installation clean.

~$ sudo aptitude install python-pip
~$ sudo pip install virtualenv

Once you have virtualenv installed, you need to create a virtual environment. We'll call our Forge environment 'anvil'.

~$ virtualenv --system-site-packages anvil

This gives us a nice, clean environment into which we can install all the forge dependencies. (The site-packages flag is to include the python-svn package). In order to use the virtual environment, you'll need to activate it. You'll need to do this whenever you're working on the Forge codebase so you may want to consider adding it to your ~/.bashrc file.

~$ . anvil/bin/activate

Installing the Forge code and dependencies

Now we can get down to actually getting the Forge code and dependencies downloaded and ready to go.

(anvil)~$ mkdir src
(anvil)~$ cd src
(anvil)~/src$ git clone git:// forge

Although the application files define a number of dependencies, the requirements.txt files are currently the authoritative source, so we'll use those with pip to make sure the correct versions are installed.

(anvil)~/src$ cd forge
(anvil)~/src/forge$ pip install -r requirements.txt

This will take a while. If you get an error from pip, it is typically a temporary download error. Just run the command again and it will quickly pass through the packages it already downloaded and then continue.

And now to setup each of the Forge applications for development. Because there are quite a few (at last count 15), we'll use a simple shell loop to set them up.

for APP in Allura* Forge* NoWarnings
    pushd $APP
    python develop

Hopefully everything completed without errors. We'll also need to create a place for Forge to store any SCM repositories that a project might create.

for SCM in git svn hg
    mkdir -p ~/var/scm/$SCM
    chmod 777 ~/var/scm/$SCM
    sudo ln -s ~/var/scm/$SCM /

Initializing the environment

The forge consists of several components, all of which need to be running to have full functionality.

SOLR search and indexing server

We have a custom config ready for use.

(anvil)~$ cd ~/src
(anvil)~/src$ wget
(anvil)~/src$ tar xf apache-solr-1.4.1.tgz
(anvil)~/src$ cd apache-solr-1.4.1/example/
(anvil)~/src/apache-solr-1.4.1/example/$ mkdir -p ~/src/forge/solr_config/conf
(anvil)~/src/apache-solr-1.4.1/example/$ cp solr/conf/solrconfig.xml ~/src/forge/solr_config/conf/
(anvil)~/src/apache-solr-1.4.1/example/$ nohup java -Dsolr.solr.home=$(cd;pwd)/src/forge/solr_config -jar start.jar > ~/logs/solr.log &

Forge task processing

Responds to asynchronous task requests.

(anvil)~$ cd ~/src/forge/Allura
(anvil)~/src/forge/Allura$ nohup paster taskd development.ini > ~/logs/taskd.log &

TurboGears application server

In order to initialize the Forge database, you'll need to run the following:

(anvil)~/src/forge/Allura$ paster setup-app development.ini

This shouldn't take too long, but it will start the taskd server doing tons of stuff in the background. It should complete in 5-6 minutes. Once this is done, you can start the application server.

(anvil)~/src/forge/Allura$ nohup paster serve --reload development.ini > ~/logs/tg.log &

Next Steps

Go to the server running on your local machine port 8080.
You can log in with username admin1, test-user or root. They all have password "foo". (For more details
on the default data, see

There are a few default projects (like "test") and neighborhoods. Feel free to experiment with them. If you want to
register a new project in your own forge, visit /p/add_project
