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--- a/Allura/allura/templates/jinja_master/lib.html
+++ b/Allura/allura/templates/jinja_master/lib.html
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
 <h1>Markdown Syntax Guide</h1>
 <div class="markdown_syntax_section md_ex_toc{{id}}">
-<p>The Allura code uses markdown syntax everywhere to allow you to create rich<br>text markup, and extends markdown in several ways to allow for quick linking<br>to other artifacts in your project. </p>
+<p>SourceForge uses markdown syntax everywhere to allow you to create rich<br>text markup, and extends markdown in several ways to allow for quick linking<br>to other artifacts in your project. </p>
 <p>Markdown was created to be easy to read, easy to write, and still readable in plain text format.</p>
 <ul class="markdown_syntax_toc">