Commit Date  
FORGE-197, FORGE-198 - moderation support for p...
[69d679] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2010-01-19 Tree
Custom fields for the tracker
[160d5d] by Wolf Wolf
2010-01-19 Tree
FORGE-196 - add security checks and verificatio...
[1bc2e8] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2010-01-15 Tree
FORGE-194 - allow users to upload attachments t...
[22f354] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2010-01-15 Tree
Make status hold user-defined values
[04617c] by Wolf Wolf
2010-01-15 Tree
Custom admin page for the tracker
[ec3c41] by Wolf Wolf
2010-01-15 Tree
Remove unused Celery config, update instructions
[af66b0] by Robin Luckey Robin Luckey
2010-01-15 Tree
main -> tracker_main, as per Rick
[190ca2] by Wolf Wolf
2010-01-15 Tree
Sort by issue_num is tracker list view
[8ea866] by Wolf Wolf
2010-01-15 Tree
url is an attribute of the application, not a f...
[bf6c91] by Wolf Wolf
2010-01-15 Tree
FORGE-194 - store attachment filenames as objec...
[bfa210] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2010-01-15 Tree
Better date formatting
[b4691f] by Wolf Wolf
2010-01-14 Tree
Use improved url() to make sidebar-menu links a...
[214d3d] by Wolf Wolf
2010-01-14 Tree
Default to http: when the URL scheme is needed ...
[440ac1] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2010-01-14 Tree
Fix problem with neighborhood projects
[92d872] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2010-01-14 Tree
Add adobe.localhost as a neighborhood, use of u...
[d7e14f] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2010-01-14 Tree
Add realms (neighborhoods) with Adobe being the...
[33d949] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2010-01-14 Tree
FORGE-194 - add attachment handling (via email)...
[5b76a7] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2010-01-13 Tree
Add css for Markdown code highlighting
[8fd032] by Wolf Wolf
2010-01-13 Tree
Fill out issue editing
[f63562] by Wolf Wolf
2010-01-13 Tree
Make existing issues editable using Rick's edit...
[097f7a] by Wolf Wolf
2010-01-13 Tree
Description can contain paragraphs
[341b0e] by Wolf Wolf
2010-01-13 Tree
Redirect to viewing the saved issue immediately...
[3923ed] by Wolf Wolf
2010-01-13 Tree
Apply Markdown rules to issue description
[a1c382] by Wolf Wolf
2010-01-13 Tree
tracker index page: css for alternating rows
[c42119] by Wolf Wolf
2010-01-13 Tree
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Showing results of 393