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--- a/Allura/allura/command/base.py
+++ b/Allura/allura/command/base.py
@@ -6,11 +6,10 @@
 import pylons
 from paste.script import command
 from paste.deploy import appconfig
+from paste.registry import Registry
 import ming
 from allura.config.environment import load_environment
-from allura.lib.custom_middleware import MagicalC, environ
-from allura.lib import security
 class EmptyClass(object): pass
@@ -20,37 +19,37 @@
     usage = 'NAME [<ini file>]'
     group_name = 'Allura'
+    @ming.utils.LazyProperty
+    def registry(self):
+        return Registry()
+    @ming.utils.LazyProperty
+    def globals(self):
+        import allura.lib.app_globals
+        return allura.lib.app_globals.Globals()
     def basic_setup(self):
         global log, M
         if self.args:
+            # Probably being called from the command line - load the config file
             conf = appconfig('config:%s' % self.args[0],relative_to=os.getcwd())
+            # Configure logging
-                if self.setup_global_config:
-                    logging.config.fileConfig(self.args[0], disable_existing_loggers=False)
-            except Exception:
-                try:
-                    # logging does not understand section#subsection syntax,
-                    # so strip away the #subsection and try again.
-                    logging.config.fileConfig(self.args[0].split('#')[0], disable_existing_loggers=False)
-                except Exception: # pragma no cover
-                    print >> sys.stderr, (
-                        'Could not configure logging with config file %s' % self.args[0])
+                # ... logging does not understand section#subsection syntax
+                logging_config = self.args[0].split('#')[0]
+                logging.config.fileConfig(logging_config, disable_existing_loggers=False)
+            except Exception: # pragma no cover
+                print >> sys.stderr, (
+                    'Could not configure logging with config file %s' % self.args[0])
+            log = logging.getLogger('allura.command')
+            log.info('Initialize reactor with config %r', self.args[0])
+            load_environment(conf.global_conf, conf.local_conf)
+            self.setup_globals()
             from allura import model
-            log = logging.getLogger('allura.command')
-            log.info('Initialize reactor with config %r', self.args[0])
-            environ.set_environment({
-                    'allura.credentials':security.Credentials()
-                    })
-            load_environment(conf.global_conf, conf.local_conf)
-            try:
-                pylons.c._current_obj()
-            except TypeError:
-                pylons.c._push_object(MagicalC(EmptyClass(), environ))
-            from allura.lib.app_globals import Globals
-            pylons.g._push_object(Globals())
+            # Probably being called from another script (websetup, perhaps?)
             log = logging.getLogger('allura.command')
             conf = pylons.config
         self.tools = []
@@ -64,3 +63,13 @@
         log.info('Loaded tools')
+    def setup_globals(self):
+        import allura.lib.app_globals
+        self.registry.prepare()
+        self.registry.register(pylons.c, EmptyClass())
+        self.registry.register(pylons.g, self.globals)
+        self.registry.register(allura.credentials, allura.lib.security.Credentials())
+        pylons.c.queued_messages = None
+    def teardown_globals(self):
+        self.registry.cleanup()