[#4568] Changes from code review.

  1. Fix javascript error.
  2. Remove text-shadow.
  3. Hide left sidebar if repo_status != 'ready'

Signed-off-by: Tim Van Steenburgh tvansteenburgh@gmail.com

Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh 2012-08-07

Jenny Steele Jenny Steele 2012-08-07

changed Allura/allura/nf/allura/css/site_style.css
changed Allura/allura/templates/repo/repo_master.html
Allura/allura/nf/allura/css/site_style.css Diff Switch to side-by-side view
Allura/allura/templates/repo/repo_master.html Diff Switch to side-by-side view