Commit Date  
Adding a few images and arch diagrams, and upda...
[86f1a6] by Mark Ramm Mark Ramm
2009-11-16 Tree
A bit more structure to the docs
[89e535] by Mark Ramm Mark Ramm
2009-11-16 Tree
Some new docs for the new forge platform, lots ...
[983866] by Mark Ramm Mark Ramm
2009-11-16 Tree
FORGE-16 - add threaded discussions to HelloForge
[79f02d] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2009-11-13 Tree
FORGE-16 - refactor pyforge model, add threaded...
[35852b] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2009-11-13 Tree
FORGE-43 - Add tests for ming.base
[696d78] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2009-11-13 Tree
More testing updates, add beautiful soup to ins...
[70e986] by Mark Ramm Mark Ramm
2009-11-13 Tree
Funtional tests require BeautifulSoup, but work...
[e32b4f] by Mark Ramm Mark Ramm
2009-11-13 Tree
Theoretically working functional test for pyfor...
[cf26ac] by Mark Ramm Mark Ramm
2009-11-13 Tree
we don't have auth yet, so don't test it
[fb8dae] by Mark Ramm Mark Ramm
2009-11-13 Tree
SQLAlchemy based model tests not usefull for ou...
[ebe3d6] by Mark Ramm Mark Ramm
2009-11-13 Tree
add history diff to HelloForge, fix Lamson depe...
[1ce750] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2009-11-13 Tree
report during setup; no version for Lamson
[27e822] by Wolf Wolf
2009-11-12 Tree
Add ACL access checker, Artifact base class, up...
[a9f890] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2009-11-12 Tree
Add Lamson, Carrot as dependencies in
[58c177] by Wolf Wolf
2009-11-12 Tree
Celery requires CARROT_BACKEND to be set
[fbf3fb] by Wolf Wolf
2009-11-12 Tree
Reuse mongo connections on project-local databa...
[932797] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2009-11-12 Tree
Modify HelloForge to make it a wiki
[0d28ee] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2009-11-11 Tree
Celery requires Django
[6a29f2] by Wolf Wolf
2009-11-11 Tree
[212bf2] by Wolf Wolf
2009-11-11 Tree
configuration values
[eb31c0] by Wolf Wolf
2009-11-11 Tree
Add logic to create/delete subprojects, install...
[997c6a] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2009-11-11 Tree
Enough to test the sphinx make file I created.
[881743] by Mark Ramm Mark Ramm
2009-11-10 Tree
Mostly empty doc templates
[7d63c2] by Mark Ramm Mark Ramm
2009-11-10 Tree
Adding basic sphinx doc structure for the pyforge.
[1cfb83] by Mark Ramm Mark Ramm
2009-11-10 Tree
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