import re
import logging
import string
from urllib import quote
from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
from pprint import pformat
from tg import config
from pylons import g
import oembed
import markdown
from . import macro
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ForgeExtension(markdown.Extension):
core_artifact_link = r'(\[((?P<project_id>.*?):)?((?P<app_id>.*?):)?(?P<artifact_id>.*?)\])'
def __init__(self, wiki=False):
self._use_wiki = wiki
def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
macro_engine = Macro()
md.treeprocessors['br'] = LineOrientedTreeProcessor(md)
md.inlinePatterns['macro'] = macro_engine.pattern
md.inlinePatterns['oembed'] = OEmbedPattern(r'\[embed#(.*?)\]')
md.inlinePatterns['autolink_1'] = AutolinkPattern(r'(http(?:s?)://[a-zA-Z0-9./\-_0]+)')
md.inlinePatterns['artifact'] = ArtifactLinkPattern(self.core_artifact_link)
if self._use_wiki:
md.inlinePatterns['wiki'] = WikiLinkPattern(r'\b([A-Z][a-z]\w*[A-Z][a-z]\w*)')
md.postprocessors['macro'] = macro_engine.postprocessor
class LineOrientedTreeProcessor(markdown.treeprocessors.Treeprocessor):
'''Once MD is satisfied with the etree, this runs to replace \n with <br/>
within <p>s.
def __init__(self, md):
self._markdown = md
def run(self, root):
for node in root.getiterator('p'):
if not node.text: continue
if '\n' not in node.text: continue
text = self._markdown.serializer(node)
text = self._markdown.postprocessors['raw_html'].run(text)
text = text.strip()
if '\n' not in text: continue
new_text = (text
.replace('<br>', '<br/>')
.replace('\n', '<br/>'))
new_node = markdown.etree.fromstring(new_text)
node.text = new_node.text
node[:] = list(new_node)
except SyntaxError:
log.exception('Error adding <br> tags: new text is %s', new_text)
return root
class ArtifactLinkPattern(markdown.inlinepatterns.LinkPattern):
def handleMatch(self, mo):
from pyforge import model as M
old_link =
new_link = M.ArtifactLink.lookup(old_link)
if new_link:
result = markdown.etree.Element('a')
result.text =
result.set('href', new_link.url)
return result
return old_link
class AutolinkPattern(markdown.inlinepatterns.LinkPattern):
def handleMatch(self, mo):
old_link =
result = markdown.etree.Element('a')
result.text = old_link
result.set('href', old_link)
return result
class WikiLinkPattern(markdown.inlinepatterns.LinkPattern):
def handleMatch(self, mo):
old_link =
result = markdown.etree.Element('a')
result.text = old_link
result.set('href', '../' + old_link + '/')
return result
class OEmbedPattern(markdown.inlinepatterns.LinkPattern):
def handleMatch(self, mo):
href =
if href.startswith('('):
size, href = href.split(')')
size = size[1:]
width,height = size.split(',')
width = height = None
response = g.oembed_consumer.embed(href)
data = response.getData()'Got response:\n%s', pformat(data))
if width is None: width = data.get('width', '100%')
if height is None: height = data.get('height', '300')
return self._render_iframe(href, width, height)
except oembed.OEmbedNoEndpoint:
result = markdown.etree.Element('a')
result.text = href + ' (cannot be embedded - no endpoint)'
result.set('href', href)
return result
except Exception, ve:
result = markdown.etree.Element('a')
result.text = href + ' (cannot be embedded (%s)' % ve
result.set('href', href)
return result
def _render_iframe(self, href, width, height):
iframe = markdown.etree.Element('iframe')
href = 'http://%s?href=%s' % (
config[''], quote(href))
iframe.set('src', href)
iframe.set('width', str(width))
iframe.set('height', str(height))
return iframe
class Macro(object):
macro_re_text = r'\[\[(.*?)\]\]'
macro_re = re.compile(macro_re_text)
def __init__(self):
self.pattern = MacroPattern(self)
self.postprocessor = MacroPostprocessor(self)
self.macros = {}
def register(self, text):
k = '-%d-' % len(self.macros)
self.macros[k] = text
return k
class MacroPattern(markdown.inlinepatterns.LinkPattern):
'''Strip macros from the incoming text and save them for later'''
def __init__(self, macro):
markdown.inlinepatterns.LinkPattern.__init__(self, macro.macro_re_text)
self.macro = macro
def handleMatch(self, mo):
macro_text =
placeholder = self.macro.register(macro_text)
result = markdown.etree.Element('span')
result.text = '[[%s]]' % placeholder
return result
class MacroPostprocessor(markdown.postprocessors.Postprocessor):
'''Expand macro placeholders'''
def __init__(self, macro):
self.macro = macro
def run(self, text):
def repl(mo):
macro_text = self.macro.macros[]
result = macro.parse(macro_text)
return result
return self.macro.macro_re.sub(repl, text)