Commit Date  
[#359] Changed hover edit to click edit with ne...
[a210f5] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-05-12 Tree
[#254] Changed admin pages from one page with t...
[a91a96] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-05-03 Tree
[#290] Tracker fields are now all managed on on...
[0fa8a4] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-04-29 Tree
[#297] Updates to ticket edit page
[c21eb9] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-04-29 Tree
[#294] Display ticket changes
[d78542] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-04-29 Tree
[#258] - Search UI improvements
[773108] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2010-04-28 Tree
[#286] Plugins renamed to tools
[795bba] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-04-28 Tree
Improvements to accordion memory and wiki add p...
[e978a1] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-04-28 Tree
[#255] Added memory to accordions
[58486a] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-04-28 Tree
[#158] added links to change page size (limit)
[a62f17] by Max Ischenko Max Ischenko
2010-04-27 Tree
[#158] place "Search" button next to input field
[2bdd84] by Max Ischenko Max Ischenko
2010-04-27 Tree
[#158] tracker search code refactoring
[bddf79] by Max Ischenko Max Ischenko
2010-04-27 Tree
Move subscribe button to the bottom of the page
[66d34a] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2010-04-23 Tree
[#246] New theme for tracker
Jonathan T. Beard Jonathan T. Beard pushed [7bc214] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-04-22 Tree
[#246] New theme style for admin screens
Jonathan T. Beard Jonathan T. Beard pushed [ecb8ca] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-04-22 Tree
[#24] Rewrite helpers.ago to show only rough ti...
[bb7548] by Gary Bernhardt Gary Bernhardt
2010-04-21 Tree
Simplified Ticket.ordered_custom_field_values away
[c742d2] by Gary Bernhardt Gary Bernhardt
2010-04-20 Tree
[#86] Add admin check box for showing custom fi...
[f5317e] by Gary Bernhardt Gary Bernhardt
2010-04-20 Tree
Refactor tracker controller->template interaction
[2e33dd] by Gary Bernhardt Gary Bernhardt
2010-04-20 Tree
[#86] Make custom fields sortable in search res...
[714a1b] by Gary Bernhardt Gary Bernhardt
2010-04-20 Tree
[#86] Add custom fields in ticket list on track...
[c57425] by Gary Bernhardt Gary Bernhardt
2010-04-20 Tree
[#129] Added the ability to specify a default o...
[c2fd3e] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-04-20 Tree
[88] re-did Mako template in Genshi text
[8c2c47] by Max Ischenko Max Ischenko
2010-04-16 Tree
forgot to add a file
[c82303] by Max Ischenko Max Ischenko
2010-04-16 Tree
[#86] Add custom fields to search output
[e0671b] by Gary Bernhardt Gary Bernhardt
2010-04-14 Tree
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Showing results of 169