git clone osp-osp-allura

File Date Author Commit
command 2011-11-14 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit 6a2ec331f59d2bbdce192cb2602e092f82798d5e> [#301] update set/push_context to use neighborhood
config 2011-11-01 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit 068ad28e69050f2af20e5bcdcef0bc4350e9f2fe> Merge branch 'master' into dev
controllers 2011-11-23 Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh <Commit d15e27c9d7aa6ce97d8ee6efe665a3dbb112d451> [#3325] Make project import script use nbhd pro...
etc 2010-09-28 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 28f675e83e19241381f1b1d63a921879ba6e4f50> Add restructured text as a supported mime type
ext 2011-11-17 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit 80b717e3232c573a599f19cff81a342db6224364> [#3017] remove unused show_download_button opti...
i18n 2010-08-13 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 3abb2e55fdc2bbc9ac316dc4ac9bfe71166737d0> [#176] - s/pyforge(the egg)/Allura/g, s/pyforge...
lib 2011-11-29 Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh [40a526] [#3325] Make sure c.project is set when new pro...
model 2011-11-23 Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh <Commit d15e27c9d7aa6ce97d8ee6efe665a3dbb112d451> [#3325] Make project import script use nbhd pro...
nf 2011-11-08 Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh <Commit f3136211214c18bd391aa046231da9ddbfa845bc> [#3106] Add additional free form text blocks to...
public 2011-09-12 Jenny Steele Jenny Steele <Commit e0308ce688351c9f80304263262f2aa78f7f84ec> [#2658] Fixed icon for tag edit widget
tasks 2011-11-01 Jenny Steele Jenny Steele <Commit ae013a6fc3af732d6e05a50256938f06dc89c875> [#3035] Changed forum email monitoring feature ...
templates 2011-11-23 Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh <Commit 3e5bd078371c32e574479114fdb6a91adce1be04> [#3074] Fix discussion timeout.
tests 2011-11-23 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit d80b086b1459029640d40594056b2d634591443e> [#3324] force params to be strings in functiona...
websetup 2011-11-15 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit 059976ae607a58275ec0a011a1cfc185b9f57e74> [#301] use nbhd in subproject lookup, forking, ... 2011-03-17 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit a0cd2744d01ab2398bab80ae681c2f9490fb6d3f> [#1723] [#1590] ForgeMail refactoring - move in... 2011-11-22 Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh <Commit 9f4059981c63dd91bb720734002d5b05139ab50c> [#2931] Allow changing mount labels. 2010-08-13 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 3abb2e55fdc2bbc9ac316dc4ac9bfe71166737d0> [#176] - s/pyforge(the egg)/Allura/g, s/pyforge...