Commit Date  
[#81] Ticket view page can now be edited
[841618] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-03-26 Tree
Ticket list first column is no longer centered
[8c8c00] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-03-26 Tree
[#81] Turned the add ticket form into an easy w...
[901253] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-03-26 Tree
Typo: Incorrect mongo port number in install.rst
[4b8cfe] by Robin Luckey Robin Luckey
2010-03-25 Tree
Remove 'connected to:...' messages from test ou...
[2ac163] by Robin Luckey Robin Luckey
2010-03-24 Tree
Add pyforge/templates/Users to the .gitignore
[8c28af] by Robin Luckey Robin Luckey
2010-03-24 Tree
Patch log configuration to accept section#subse...
[8df449] by Robin Luckey Robin Luckey
2010-03-24 Tree
Test cleanups: add logging hook for openid.oidutil
[8ebbee] by Robin Luckey Robin Luckey
2010-03-24 Tree
Fix mongodump/restore to match test.ini host/po...
[b4fc73] by Robin Luckey Robin Luckey
2010-03-24 Tree
Teach search_artifact not to fail on an empty q...
[e727c5] by Wolf Wolf
2010-03-24 Tree
Setup sandboxes as per Rick's work on [#118]
[001c0b] by Wolf Wolf
2010-03-24 Tree
[#118] - Fix bug in docs
[0eeeca] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2010-03-23 Tree
[#118] - Testing infrastructure upgrades
[01d9bf] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2010-03-23 Tree
[#100] Made the tracker discussion match mockups
Wolf Wolf pushed [6b14a5] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-03-23 Tree
Base pyforge pages theming
Wolf Wolf pushed [cae4ca] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-03-23 Tree
[#78] - Setup default roles for new projects an...
[3fe132] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2010-03-22 Tree
Fix race condition in tests
[51bbbe] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2010-03-22 Tree
Fix where site_style broke some tests, fix othe...
[ad7ee8] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2010-03-19 Tree
Updating to new themeroller theme
Jonathan T. Beard Jonathan T. Beard pushed [143f40] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-03-18 Tree
[#100] Started theming tracker discussion
Jonathan T. Beard Jonathan T. Beard pushed [3af92d] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-03-18 Tree
Admin clean up from new css
Jonathan T. Beard Jonathan T. Beard pushed [7e303b] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-03-18 Tree
[#101] Create ticket page appearance tweaks
Jonathan T. Beard Jonathan T. Beard pushed [638bf9] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-03-18 Tree
[#109]: Changed garish yellow to default white
[ad0cb0] by Jonathan T. Beard Jonathan T. Beard
2010-03-18 Tree
[#108]: Adding urllib to helpers for quote_plus...
[6317a7] by Jonathan T. Beard Jonathan T. Beard
2010-03-18 Tree
[#64]: Allow discussion threads to be searched ...
[e41278] by Jonathan T. Beard Jonathan T. Beard
2010-03-18 Tree
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Showing results of 572