# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os, urllib
import Image, StringIO
import allura
from nose.tools import assert_true, assert_false, eq_
from formencode.variabledecode import variable_encode
from alluratest.controller import TestController
from forgewiki import model as wm
from forgetracker import model as tm
# These are needed for faking reactor actions
import mock
from allura.lib import helpers as h
from allura.command import reactor
from allura.ext.search import search_main
from ming.orm.ormsession import ThreadLocalORMSession
class TestFunctionalController(TestController):
def new_ticket(self, mount_point='/bugs/', **kw):
response = self.app.get(mount_point + 'new/')
form = response.forms[1]
for k, v in kw.iteritems():
form['ticket_form.%s' % k] = v
resp = form.submit()
if resp.status_int == 200:
assert 0, "form error?"
return resp.follow()
def test_bad_ticket_number(self):
self.app.get('/bugs/input.project_user_select', status=404)
def test_invalid_ticket(self):
self.app.get('/bugs/2/', status=404)
def test_new_ticket(self):
summary = 'test new ticket'
ticket_view = self.new_ticket(summary=summary)
assert_true(summary in ticket_view)
assert 'class="artifact_subscribe' in ticket_view
def test_new_with_milestone(self):
ticket_view = self.new_ticket(summary='test new with milestone', **{'_milestone':'1.0'})
assert 'Milestone' in ticket_view
assert '1.0' in ticket_view
def test_new_ticket_form(self):
response = self.app.get('/bugs/new/')
form = response.forms[1]
form['ticket_form.summary'] = 'test new ticket form'
form['ticket_form.assigned_to'] = 'test_admin'
response = form.submit().follow()
assert 'Test Admin' in response
def test_two_trackers(self):
summary = 'test two trackers'
ticket_view = self.new_ticket('/doc-bugs/', summary=summary)
assert_true(summary in ticket_view)
index_view = self.app.get('/bugs/')
assert_false(summary in index_view)
def test_render_ticket(self):
summary = 'test render ticket'
ticket_view = self.new_ticket(summary=summary)
ticket_view.mustcontain(summary, 'Discussion')
def test_render_index(self):
index_view = self.app.get('/bugs/')
assert 'No tickets found.' in index_view
def test_render_help(self):
summary = 'test render help'
r = self.app.get('/bugs/help')
assert_true('Tracker Help' in r)
def test_render_markdown_syntax(self):
summary = 'test render markdown syntax'
r = self.app.get('/bugs/markdown_syntax')
assert_true('Markdown Syntax' in r)
def test_ticket_tag_untag(self):
summary = 'test tagging and untagging a ticket'
'comment': ''
response = self.app.get('/bugs/1/')
assert_true('aaa' in response)
'comment': ''
response = self.app.get('/bugs/1/')
assert_true('zzz' in response)
def test_ticket_label_unlabel(self):
summary = 'test labeling and unlabeling a ticket'
'comment': ''
response = self.app.get('/bugs/1/')
assert_true('yellow' in response)
assert_true(u'gre��n' in response)
'comment': ''
response = self.app.get('/bugs/1/')
assert_true('yellow' in response)
# the following assert is no longer true since "green" is shown in changelog
# assert_true('green' not in response)
def test_new_attachment(self):
file_name = 'test_root.py'
file_data = file(__file__).read()
upload = ('attachment', file_name, file_data)
self.new_ticket(summary='test new attachment')
ticket_editor = self.app.post('/bugs/1/update_ticket',{
}, upload_files=[upload]).follow()
assert_true(file_name in ticket_editor)
def test_delete_attachment(self):
file_name = 'test_root.py'
file_data = file(__file__).read()
upload = ('attachment', file_name, file_data)
self.new_ticket(summary='test new attachment')
ticket_editor = self.app.post('/bugs/1/update_ticket',{
}, upload_files=[upload]).follow()
assert file_name in ticket_editor, ticket_editor.showbrowser()
req = self.app.get('/bugs/1/')
file_link = req.html.findAll('form')[1].findAll('a')[7]
assert file_link.string == file_name
deleted_form = self.app.get('/bugs/1/')
assert file_name not in deleted_form
def test_new_text_attachment_content(self):
file_name = 'test_root.py'
file_data = file(__file__).read()
upload = ('attachment', file_name, file_data)
self.new_ticket(summary='test new attachment')
ticket_editor = self.app.post('/bugs/1/update_ticket',{
}, upload_files=[upload]).follow()
download = self.app.get(str(ticket_editor.html.findAll('form')[1].findAll('a')[7]['href']))
assert_true(download.body == file_data)
def test_new_image_attachment_content(self):
h.set_context('test', 'bugs')
file_name = 'neo-icon-set-454545-256x350.png'
file_path = os.path.join(allura.__path__[0],'public','nf','allura','images',file_name)
file_data = file(file_path).read()
upload = ('attachment', file_name, file_data)
self.new_ticket(summary='test new attachment')
ticket_editor = self.app.post('/bugs/1/update_ticket',{
}, upload_files=[upload]).follow()
ticket = tm.Ticket.query.find({'ticket_num':1}).first()
filename = ticket.attachments.first().filename
uploaded = Image.open(file_path)
r = self.app.get('/bugs/1/attachment/'+filename)
downloaded = Image.open(StringIO.StringIO(r.body))
assert uploaded.size == downloaded.size
r = self.app.get('/bugs/1/attachment/'+filename+'/thumb')
thumbnail = Image.open(StringIO.StringIO(r.body))
assert thumbnail.size == (100,100)
def test_sidebar_static_page(self):
response = self.app.get('/bugs/search/')
assert 'Create Ticket' in response
assert 'Related Pages' not in response
def test_sidebar_ticket_page(self):
summary = 'test sidebar logic for a ticket page'
response = self.app.get('/p/test/bugs/1/')
assert 'Create Ticket' in response
assert 'Related Pages' not in response
# Fake out updating the pages since reactor doesn't work with tests
app = search_main.SearchApp
cmd = reactor.ReactorCommand('reactor')
cmd.args = [ 'test.ini' ]
cmd.options = mock.Mock()
cmd.options.dry_run = True
cmd.options.proc = 1
configs = cmd.command()
add_artifacts = cmd.route_audit('search', app.add_artifacts)
del_artifacts = cmd.route_audit('search', app.del_artifacts)
msg = mock.Mock()
msg.ack = lambda:None
msg.delivery_info = dict(routing_key='search.add_artifacts')
h.set_context('test', 'wiki')
a = wm.Page.query.find(dict(title='aaa')).first()
a.text = '\n[bugs:#1]\n'
msg.data = dict(project_id=a.project_id,
add_artifacts(msg.data, msg)
b = tm.Ticket.query.find(dict(ticket_num=2)).first()
b.description = '\n[#1]\n'
msg.data = dict(project_id=b.project_id,
add_artifacts(msg.data, msg)
response = self.app.get('/p/test/bugs/1/')
assert 'Related Pages' in response
assert 'Wiki: aaa' in response
assert 'Ticket: #2' in response
def test_ticket_view_editable(self):
summary = 'test ticket view page can be edited'
response = self.app.get('/p/test/bugs/1/')
assert response.html.find('input', {'name': 'ticket_form.summary'})
assert response.html.find('input', {'name': 'ticket_form.assigned_to'})
assert response.html.find('textarea', {'name': 'ticket_form.description'})
assert response.html.find('select', {'name': 'ticket_form.status'})
assert response.html.find('select', {'name': 'ticket_form._milestone'})
assert response.html.find('input', {'name': 'ticket_form.labels'})
assert response.html.find('textarea', {'name': 'ticket_form.comment'})
def test_assigned_to_nobody(self):
summary = 'test default assignment'
response = self.app.get('/p/test/bugs/1/')
assert 'nobody' in str(response.html.find('div', {'class': 'grid-4 ticket-assigned-to'}))
def test_assign_ticket(self):
summary = 'test assign ticket'
response = self.app.get('/p/test/bugs/1/')
assert 'nobody' in str(response.html.find('div', {'class': 'grid-4 ticket-assigned-to'}))
response = self.app.post('/bugs/1/update_ticket',{
'comment': ''
assert 'test-admin' in str(response.html.find('div', {'class': 'grid-4 ticket-assigned-to'}))
assert '<li><strong>summary</strong>: test assign ticket --> zzz' in response
assert '<li><strong>status</strong>: open --> ccc' in response
def test_custom_fields(self):
params = dict(
dict(name='_priority', label='Priority', type='select',
options='normal urgent critical'),
dict(name='_category', label='Category', type='string',
open_status_names='aa bb',
kw = {'custom_fields._priority':'normal',
ticket_view = self.new_ticket(summary='test custom fields', **kw)
assert 'Priority:' in ticket_view
assert 'normal' in ticket_view
def test_custom_field_update_comments(self):
params = dict(
dict(label='Number', type='number', options='')],
open_status_names='aa bb',
r = self.app.post('/admin/bugs/set_custom_fields',
kw = {'custom_fields._number':''}
ticket_view = self.new_ticket(summary='test custom fields', **kw)
assert '<strong>number</strong>: -->' not in ticket_view
ticket_view = self.app.post('/bugs/1/update_ticket',params={
'comment': ''
assert '<strong>number</strong>: -->' not in ticket_view
ticket_view = self.app.post('/bugs/1/update_ticket',params={
'comment': ''
assert '<strong>number</strong>: -->' in ticket_view
def test_milestone_names(self):
self.app.post('/admin/bugs/set_custom_fields', {
'milestone_names': 'aaa bbb ccc',
'open_status_names': 'aa bb',
'closed_status_names': 'cc',
'custom_fields': {}
self.new_ticket(summary='test milestone names')
'comment': ''
ticket_view = self.app.get('/p/test/bugs/1/')
assert 'Milestone' in ticket_view
assert 'aaa' in ticket_view
assert '<li><strong>summary</strong>: test milestone names --> zzz' in ticket_view
def test_subtickets(self):
# create two tickets
self.new_ticket(summary='test superticket')
self.new_ticket(summary='test subticket')
h.set_context('test', 'bugs')
super = tm.Ticket.query.get(ticket_num=1)
sub = tm.Ticket.query.get(ticket_num=2)
# make one ticket a subticket of the other
# get a view on the first ticket, check for other ticket listed in sidebar
ticket_view = self.app.get('/p/test/bugs/1/')
assert 'Supertask' not in ticket_view
assert '[#2]' in ticket_view
# get a view on the second ticket, check for other ticket listed in sidebar
ticket_view = self.app.get('/p/test/bugs/2/')
assert 'Supertask' in ticket_view
assert '[#1]' in ticket_view
def test_custom_sums(self):
# setup a custom sum field
r = self.app.post('/admin/bugs/set_custom_fields', {
'custom_fields-0.label': 'days',
'custom_fields-0.type': 'sum',
'custom_fields-0.sum': '',
'custom_fields-0.milestones': '',
'custom_fields-0.options': '',
'open_status_names': 'aa bb',
'closed_status_names': 'cc',
'milestone_names':'' })
# create three tickets
kw = {'custom_fields._days':0}
self.new_ticket(summary='test superticket', **kw)
self.new_ticket(summary='test subticket-1', **kw)
self.new_ticket(summary='test subticket-2', **kw)
h.set_context('test', 'bugs')
super = tm.Ticket.query.get(ticket_num=1)
sub1 = tm.Ticket.query.get(ticket_num=2)
sub2 = tm.Ticket.query.get(ticket_num=3)
# set values for the custom sum
sub1.custom_fields['_days'] = 4.5
sub2.custom_fields['_days'] = 2.0
# make two tickets a subtickets of the other
# get a view on the first ticket, check for other ticket listed in sidebar
ticket_view = self.app.get('/p/test/bugs/1/')
assert 'Days' in ticket_view
assert '6.5' in ticket_view
def test_edit_all_button(self):
response = self.app.get('/p/test/bugs/search/')
assert 'Edit All' not in response
def test_new_ticket_validation(self):
summary = 'ticket summary'
response = self.app.get('/bugs/new/')
assert not response.html.find('div', {'class':'error'})
form = response.forms[1]
# try submitting with no summary set and check for error message
error_form = form.submit()
error_message = error_form.html.find('div', {'class':'error'})
assert error_message
assert (error_message.string == 'You must provide a Title' or \
error_message.string == 'Missing value')
assert error_message.findPreviousSibling('input').get('name') == 'ticket_form.summary'
# set a summary, submit, and check for success
error_form.forms[1]['ticket_form.summary'] = summary
success = error_form.forms[1].submit().follow().html
assert success.findAll('form')[1].get('action') == '/p/test/bugs/1/update_ticket_from_widget'
assert success.find('input', {'name':'ticket_form.summary'})['value'] == summary
def test_edit_ticket_validation(self):
old_summary = 'edit ticket test'
new_summary = "new summary"
response = self.app.get('/bugs/1/')
# check that existing form is valid
assert response.html.find('input', {'name':'ticket_form.summary'})['value'] == old_summary
assert not response.html.find('div', {'class':'error'})
form = response.forms[1]
# try submitting with no summary set and check for error message
form['ticket_form.summary'] = ""
error_form = form.submit()
error_message = error_form.html.find('div', {'class':'error'})
assert error_message
assert error_message.string == 'You must provide a Title'
assert error_message.findPreviousSibling('input').get('name') == 'ticket_form.summary'
# set a summary, submit, and check for success
error_form.forms[1]['ticket_form.summary'] = new_summary
r = error_form.forms[1].submit()
assert r.status_int == 302, r.showbrowser()
success = r.follow().html
assert success.findAll('form')[1].get('action') == '/p/test/bugs/1/update_ticket_from_widget'
assert success.find('input', {'name':'ticket_form.summary'})['value'] == new_summary
# def test_home(self):
# self.new_ticket(summary='test first ticket')
# self.new_ticket(summary='test second ticket')
# self.new_ticket(summary='test third ticket')
# response = self.app.get('/p/test/bugs/')
# assert '[#3] test third ticket' in response
# def test_search(self):
# self.new_ticket(summary='test first ticket')
# self.new_ticket(summary='test second ticket')
# self.new_ticket(summary='test third ticket')
# response = self.app.get('/p/test/bugs/search/?q=!status%3Aclosed')
# assert '3 results' in response
# assert '[#3] test third ticket' in response
def test_touch(self):
self.new_ticket(summary='test touch')
h.set_context('test', 'bugs')
ticket = tm.Ticket.query.get(ticket_num=1)
old_date = ticket.mod_date
ticket.summary = 'changing the summary'
ticket = tm.Ticket.query.get(ticket_num=1)
new_date = ticket.mod_date
assert new_date > old_date
def test_saved_search_labels_truncated(self):
r = self.app.post('/admin/bugs/bins/save_bin',{
'summary': 'This is not too long.',
'terms': 'aaa',
'old_summary': '',
'sort': ''}).follow()
r = self.app.get('/bugs/')
assert sidebar_contains(r, 'This is not too long.')
r = self.app.post('/admin/bugs/bins/save_bin',{
'summary': 'This will be truncated because it is too long to show in the sidebar without being ridiculous.',
'terms': 'aaa',
'old_summary': '',
'sort': ''}).follow()
r = self.app.get('/bugs/')
assert sidebar_contains(r, 'This will be truncated because it is too long to show in the sidebar ...')
def test_edit_saved_search(self):
r = self.app.post('/admin/bugs/bins/save_bin',dict(
summary='Original', terms='aaa')).follow()
link = r.html.find('table').findAll('a')[-2]['href']
oid = link.rsplit('=')[-1]
r = self.app.get('/bugs/')
assert sidebar_contains(r, 'Original')
assert not sidebar_contains(r, 'New')
r = self.app.post('/admin/bugs/bins/save_bin',{
'summary': 'New',
'terms': 'aaa',
r = self.app.get('/bugs/')
assert sidebar_contains(r, 'New')
assert not sidebar_contains(r, 'Original')
def sidebar_contains(response, text):
sidebar_menu = response.html.find('div', attrs={'id': 'sidebar'})
return text in str(sidebar_menu)