git clone osp-osp-allura

File Date Author Commit
ForgeSCM 2009-12-28 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland [4ea108] FORGE-170 - add plugin_status widget
ForgeTracker 2009-12-18 Wolf Wolf <Commit fa2cc3d6f17a95695db7ca3fa101752747806cd2> fill out model methods
ForgeWiki 2009-12-28 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland [4ea108] FORGE-170 - add plugin_status widget
HelloForge 2009-12-28 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland [4ea108] FORGE-170 - add plugin_status widget
mail 2009-12-21 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit a8bcd299c2e8c0cb014f2301625090f8a2230657> FORGE-166 - more refactoring to support ORM-sty...
pyforge 2009-12-28 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland [4ea108] FORGE-170 - add plugin_status widget
.gitignore 2009-12-09 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 11cfbed0ef66ebb07ccc312bfa9d2decb4084c79> FORGE-8 - working on repo browser
.gitmodules 2009-12-01 Wolf Wolf <Commit e4830bd691eb52e6ae1e0921b09247bf4ec3aed5> Remove Ming submodule
INSTALLING.EC2 2009-11-25 Jonathan T. Beard Jonathan T. Beard <Commit f808aeb72b584b4b097b70d238830d7fbe539b46> FORGE-59: Created an EC2 instance with full pac...
RUNNING 2009-12-04 Wolf Wolf <Commit b04f161f49285f615d90ee2094cc9791c3e073c7> mis-understanding corrected: testvhost, etc., n...
setup-common.bash 2009-12-15 Jonathan T. Beard Jonathan T. Beard <Commit b6577b7e297bb353a17259cbea5e4ec09eeae82f> Add mercurial module to list of those installed
setup-sandbox.bash 2009-11-12 Wolf Wolf <Commit df571007dff6c67276d774831e961e3adf7a550c> Split setup into a common file useful locally a...
start-sandbox.bash 2009-12-04 Wolf Wolf <Commit b04f161f49285f615d90ee2094cc9791c3e073c7> mis-understanding corrected: testvhost, etc., n...