Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/Allura/allura/model/index.py
+++ b/Allura/allura/model/index.py
@@ -2,43 +2,47 @@
 import logging
 from itertools import groupby
 from cPickle import dumps, loads
-from datetime import datetime
 from collections import defaultdict
 import bson
 import pymongo
-from pylons import c, g
+from pylons import c
-import ming
+from ming import collection, Field, Index
 from ming import schema as S
 from ming.utils import LazyProperty
-from ming.orm import session
-from ming.orm import FieldProperty, ForeignIdProperty, RelationProperty
-from ming.orm.declarative import MappedClass
+from ming.orm import session, mapper
+from ming.orm import ForeignIdProperty, RelationProperty
 from allura.lib import helpers as h
-from .session import main_orm_session
+from .session import main_doc_session, main_orm_session
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class ArtifactReference(MappedClass):
-    '''ArtifactReference manages the artifact graph.
+# Collection definitions
+ArtifactReferenceDoc = collection(
+    'artifact_reference', main_doc_session,
+    Field('_id', str),
+    Field('artifact_reference', dict(
+            cls=S.Binary(),
+            project_id=S.ObjectId(),
+            app_config_id=S.ObjectId(),
+            artifact_id=S.Anything(if_missing=None))),
+    Field('references', [str], index=True))
-    fields are all strs, corresponding to Solr index_ids
-    '''
-    class __mongometa__:
-        session = main_orm_session
-        name = 'artifact_reference'
-        indexes = [ 'references' ]
+ShortlinkDoc = collection(
+    'shortlink', main_doc_session,
+    Field('_id', S.ObjectId()),
+    Field('ref_id', str, index=True),
+    Field('project_id', S.ObjectId()),
+    Field('app_config_id', S.ObjectId()),
+    Field('link', str),
+    Field('url', str),
+    Index('link, project_id', 'app_config_id'))
-    _id = FieldProperty(str)
-    artifact_reference = FieldProperty(S.Object(dict(
-            cls=S.Binary,
-            project_id=S.ObjectId,
-            app_config_id=S.ObjectId,
-            artifact_id=S.Anything(if_missing=None))))
-    references = FieldProperty([str])
+# Class definitions
+class ArtifactReference(object):
     def from_artifact(cls, artifact):
@@ -71,28 +75,8 @@
             log.exception('Error loading artifact for %s: %r',
                           self._id, aref)
-class Shortlink(MappedClass):
+class Shortlink(object):
     '''Collection mapping shorthand_ids for artifacts to ArtifactReferences'''
-    class __mongometa__:
-        session = main_orm_session
-        name = 'shortlink'
-        indexes = [
-            ('link', 'project_id', 'app_config_id'),
-            ('ref_id',),
-            ]
-    # Stored properties
-    _id = FieldProperty(S.ObjectId)
-    ref_id = ForeignIdProperty(ArtifactReference)
-    project_id = ForeignIdProperty('Project')
-    app_config_id = ForeignIdProperty('AppConfig')
-    link = FieldProperty(str)
-    url = FieldProperty(str)
-    # Relation Properties
-    project = RelationProperty('Project')
-    app_config = RelationProperty('AppConfig')
-    ref = RelationProperty('ArtifactReference')
     # Regexes used to find shortlinks
     _core_re = r'''(\[
@@ -202,3 +186,12 @@
             return None
+# Mapper definitions
+mapper(ArtifactReference, ArtifactReferenceDoc, main_orm_session)
+mapper(Shortlink, ShortlinkDoc, main_orm_session, properties=dict(
+    ref_id = ForeignIdProperty(ArtifactReference),
+    project_id = ForeignIdProperty('Project'),
+    app_config_id = ForeignIdProperty('AppConfig'),
+    project = RelationProperty('Project'),
+    app_config = RelationProperty('AppConfig'),
+    ref = RelationProperty(ArtifactReference)))