Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/ForgeTracker/forgetracker/tracker_main.py
+++ b/ForgeTracker/forgetracker/tracker_main.py
@@ -804,15 +804,8 @@
                 subscribed = False
                 subscribed = M.Mailbox.subscribed(artifact=self.ticket)
-            # Constrain page to be no greater than the maximum possible page,
-            # based on post_count and limit
-            limit = max(int(limit), 1)
             post_count = self.ticket.discussion_thread.post_count
-            max_page = (post_count / limit) + (1 if post_count % limit else 0)
-            max_page = max(0, max_page - 1) # zero-based pages
-            page = min(max(page, 0), max_page) # keep page between 0 and max_page
+            limit, page = h.paging_sanitizer(limit, page, post_count)
             return dict(ticket=self.ticket, globals=c.app.globals,
                         allow_edit=has_access(self.ticket, 'write')(),