--- a/Allura/allura/templates/markdown_syntax.html
+++ b/Allura/allura/templates/markdown_syntax.html
@@ -5,160 +5,5 @@
{% block header %}Markdown Syntax{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
-<h1>Quick Markdown Syntax Guide</h1>
-<p>The Allura code uses markdown syntax everywhere to allow you to create rich<br>text markup, and extends markdown in several ways to allow for quick linking<br>to other artifacts in your project. </p><p>Markdown was created with one goal in mind: </p>
-<p>Markdown is intended to be as easy-to-read and easy-to-write as is feasible.</p>
-<p>But the most important goal was to make it readable in its raw plain text <br>format. </p><h2>Links</h2>
-<div class="codehilite"><pre>For a URL or email, just write it like this:
-To use text for the link, write it [like this](http://someurl).
-You can add a *title* (which shows up under the cursor),
-[like this](http://someurl "this title shows up when you hover").
-<h2>Reference Links</h2>
-<div class="codehilite"><pre>You can also put the [link URL][1] below the current paragraph like [this][2].
- [1]: http://url
- [2]: http://another.url "A funky title"
-Here the text "link URL" gets linked to "http://url", and the lines showing
-"[1]: http://url" won't show anything.
-Or you can use a [shortcut][] reference, which links the text "shortcut"
-to the link named "[shortcut]" on the next paragraph.
- [shortcut]: http://goes/with/the/link/name/text
-<div class="codehilite"><pre>Use * or _ to emphasize things:
-*this is in italic* and _so is this_
-**this is in bold** and __so is this__
-***this is bold and italic*** and ___so is this___
-Just write paragraphs like in a text file and they will display how you would
-expect. A blank line separates paragraphs.
-So this is a new paragraph. But any text on adjacent lines
-will all end up
-in the same paragraph.
-<div class="codehilite"><pre>> Use the > character in front of a line, *just like in email*.
-> Use it if you're quoting a person, a song or whatever.
-> You can use *italic* or lists inside them also.
-And just like with other paragraphs,
-all of these lines are still
-part of the blockquote, even without the > character in front.
-To end the blockquote, just put a blank line before the following paragraph.
-<h2>Preformatted Text</h2>
-<div class="codehilite"><pre>If you want some text to show up exactly as you write it, without Markdown
-doing anything to it, just indent every line by at least 4 spaces (or 1 tab).
- This line won't *have any markdown* formatting applied.
- I can even write <b>HTML</b> and it will show up as text.
- This is great for showing program source code, or HTML or even Markdown.
- <b>this won't show up as HTML</b> but exactly <i>as you see it in
- this text file</i>.
-As a shortcut you can use backquotes to do the same thing while inside
-a normal pargraph. `This won't be *italic* or **bold** at all.`
-<div class="codehilite"><pre>* an asterisk starts an unordered list
-* and this is another item in the list
-+ or you can also use the + character
-- or the - character
-To start an ordered list, write this:
-1. this starts a list *with* numbers
-+ this will show as number "2"
-* this will show as number "3."
-9. any number, +, -, or * will keep the list going.
- * just indent by 4 spaces (or tab) to make a sub-list
- 1. keep indenting for more sub lists
- * here i'm back to the second level
-<div class="codehilite"><pre>This is a huge header
-this is a smaller header
-Just put 1 or more dashes or equals signs (--- or ===) below the title.
-<h2>Horizontal Rule</h2>
-<div class="codehilite"><pre>just put three or more *'s or -'s on a line:
-or you can use single spaces between then, like this:
-* * *
-- - - - - - -
-Make sure you have a blank line above the dashes, though, or else:
-you will get a header
-<div class="codehilite"><pre>To include an image, just put a "!" in front of a text link:
-The "alternate text" will show up if the browser can't load the image.
-You can also use a title if you want, like this:
-<p>What if you want to just show asterisks, not italics?</p>
-<div class="codehilite"><pre>* this shows up in italics: *a happy day*
-* this shows the asterisks: \*a happy day\*
-<p>The backslashes will disappear and leave the asterisks.</p>
-<p>You can do the same with any of the characters that have a special meaning<br>for Markdown.</p><h2>More Headers</h2>
-<div class="codehilite"><pre>More ways of doing headers:
-# this is a huge header #
-## this is a smaller header ##
-### this is even smaller ###
-#### more small ####
-##### even smaller #####
-###### smallest still: `<h6>` header
-<p>You can use up to 6 <code>#</code> characters at the beginning of the line.<br>
-<p>Don't worry about special characters which need to be escaped in html. </p>
-<p>You can write an ampersand & a less-than sign, and they show up expected: 3 < 4.</p>
-<p>Thanks to John Gruber and Aaron Swartz for creating Markdown.</p>
-This page is based on some examples from Greg Schueler, <a href="mailto:greg@vario.us">greg@vario.us</a>
-{% endblock %}
+{% endblock %}