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Mac OSX: supplemental install directions

This supplements OpenForge's Getting Started Guide. Please refer to that document first.

Following this guide will install the required dependencies to run the forge on your Mac. These instructions have been tested on Snow Leopard but should work on Leopard also, please update them as needed. It's recommended that you execute the following instructions one at a time, and verify each works. The instructions assume you already have Mac Ports installed:

$ sudo port install git-core +bash_completion # pulls in perl, may take a while
$ sudo port install python26 +no_tkinter # trying to avoid pulling in tk, xorg, et al.
$ sudo port install py26-pil # make sure we have all the right deps, and can use directly if we didn't do --no-site-packages in our virtualenv
$ sudo port install py26-virtualenv # after this we'll install all python modules with virtualenv, not macports
$ sudo port install subversion +bash_completion
$ sudo port install mongodb # it builds with scons (requires py26) so do it after we install python26 w/ variant
$ mkdir -p /data/db # make a data directory for mongo
$ sudo port install tidy
$ sudo port install wget
$ sudo port install erlang
$ sudo port install rabbitmq-server

Install SOLR from source. Following copied from setup-local.bash:

$ mkdir -p ~/src
$ cd ~/src
$ wget
$ tar xzf apache-solr-1.4.0.tgz
$ # in the Getting Started Doc, <path_to_solr> will be ~/src/apache-solr-1.4.0

Setup a virtual env. Feel free to substitue forge_env for something of your preference:

$ cd /opt/local/bin
$ sudo ln -s easy_install-2.6 easy_install
$ sudo ln -s ipython2.6 ipython
$ sudo ln -s virtualenv2.6 virtualenv
$ mkdir -p ~/dev
$ cd !$
$ virtualenv --no-site-packages forge_env
$ . forge_env/bin/activate
(forge-env)$ easy_install --find-links Imaging
(forge-env)$ easy_install ipython # make sure you're within the virtual env, so ipython will have all the local env packages

At this point, go back to Getting Started Guide. You have already installed virtualenv and activated it, and are ready to install turbogears.

Note: Some developers are having success running mongo, rabbit, solr, forge's smtp_server, reactor and the forge in their separate terminal windows. So to start the forge after a reboot, Andy opens a new Terminal window for each and startup each service following the instructions in the Getting Started Guide for that service.

credit: Mostly lifted from a doc written by Marc Ramm for the wiki