--- a
+++ b/ForgeHg/forgehg/hg_main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+#-*- python -*-
+import logging
+import re
+import sys
+import shutil
+from subprocess import Popen
+# Non-stdlib imports
+import pkg_resources
+from tg import expose, validate, redirect, response
+from tg.decorators import with_trailing_slash, without_trailing_slash
+import pylons
+from pylons import g, c, request
+from formencode import validators
+from pymongo import bson
+from webob import exc
+from ming.orm.base import mapper
+from pymongo.bson import ObjectId
+# Pyforge-specific imports
+from pyforge.app import Application, ConfigOption, SitemapEntry
+from pyforge.lib.helpers import push_config, DateTimeConverter, mixin_reactors
+from pyforge.lib.search import search
+from pyforge.lib.decorators import audit, react
+from pyforge.lib.security import require, has_artifact_access
+from pyforge.model import ProjectRole, User, ArtifactReference, Feed
+# Local imports
+from forgehg import model
+from forgehg import version
+from .reactors import reactors
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ForgeHgApp(Application):
+ '''This is the Hg app for PyForge'''
+ __version__ = version.__version__
+ permissions = [ 'read', 'write', 'create', 'admin' ]
+ def __init__(self, project, config):
+ Application.__init__(self, project, config)
+ self.root = RootController()
+ @property
+ def sitemap(self):
+ menu_id = self.config.options.mount_point.title()
+ with push_config(c, app=self):
+ return [
+ SitemapEntry(menu_id, '.')[self.sidebar_menu()] ]
+ def sidebar_menu(self):
+ links = [ SitemapEntry('Home',c.app.url, ui_icon='home') ]
+ return links
+ @property
+ def repo(self):
+ return model.HgRepository.query.get(app_config_id=self.config._id)
+ @property
+ def templates(self):
+ return pkg_resources.resource_filename('forgehg', 'templates')
+ def install(self, project):
+ 'Set up any default permissions and roles here'
+ self.config.options['project_name'] = project._id
+ super(ForgeHgApp, self).install(project)
+ # Setup permissions
+ role_developer = ProjectRole.query.get(name='Developer')._id
+ role_auth = ProjectRole.query.get(name='*authenticated')._id
+ self.config.acl.update(
+ read=c.project.acl['read'],
+ write=[role_developer],
+ create=[role_developer],
+ admin=c.project.acl['plugin'])
+ def uninstall(self, project):
+ g.publish('audit', 'scm.hg.uninstall', dict(project_id=project._id))
+ @audit('scm.hg.uninstall')
+ def _uninstall(self, routing_key, data):
+ "Remove all the plugin's artifacts and the physical repository"
+ repo = self.repo
+ if repo is not None and repo.path:
+ shutil.rmtree(repo.path, ignore_errors=True)
+ model.HgRepository.query.remove(dict(app_config_id=self.config._id))
+ super(ForgeHgApp, self).uninstall(project_id=data['project_id'])
+class RootController(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ setattr(self, 'feed.atom', self.feed)
+ setattr(self, 'feed.rss', self.feed)
+ @expose('forgehg.templates.index')
+ def index(self):
+ return dict(repo=c.app.repo, host=request.host)
+ @expose()
+ def init(self, name=None):
+ require(has_artifact_access('create'))
+ if request.method != 'POST':
+ raise Exception('init must be a POST request')
+ repo = c.app.repo
+ if repo is None:
+ repo = model.HgRepository()
+ if not name:
+ name = c.project.shortname.split('/')[-1]
+ path = '/hg/' + c.project.shortname + '/' + c.app.config.options.mount_point + '/'
+ repo.name = name
+ repo.path = path
+ repo.tool = 'hg'
+ repo.status = 'initing'
+ g.publish('audit', 'scm.hg.init', dict(repo_name=name, repo_path=path))
+ redirect('.')
+ #Instantiate a Page object, and continue dispatch there
+# @expose()
+# def _lookup(self, pname, *remainder):
+# return PageController(pname), remainder
+ @with_trailing_slash
+ @expose('forgewiki.templates.search')
+ @validate(dict(q=validators.UnicodeString(if_empty=None),
+ history=validators.StringBool(if_empty=False)))
+ def search(self, q=None, history=None):
+ 'local wiki search'
+ results = []
+ count=0
+ if not q:
+ q = ''
+ else:
+ search_query = '''%s
+ AND is_history_b:%s
+ AND project_id_s:%s
+ AND mount_point_s:%s''' % (
+ q, history, c.project._id, c.app.config.options.mount_point)
+ results = search(search_query)
+ if results: count=results.hits
+ return dict(q=q, history=history, results=results or [], count=count)
+ @without_trailing_slash
+ @expose()
+ @validate(dict(
+ since=DateTimeConverter(if_empty=None),
+ until=DateTimeConverter(if_empty=None),
+ offset=validators.Int(if_empty=None),
+ limit=validators.Int(if_empty=None)))
+ def feed(self, since=None, until=None, offset=None, limit=None):
+ if request.environ['PATH_INFO'].endswith('.atom'):
+ feed_type = 'atom'
+ else:
+ feed_type = 'rss'
+ title = 'Recent changes to %s' % c.app.config.options.mount_point
+ feed = Feed.feed(
+ {'artifact_reference.mount_point':c.app.config.options.mount_point,
+ 'artifact_reference.project_id':c.project._id},
+ feed_type,
+ title,
+ c.app.url,
+ title,
+ since, until, offset, limit)
+ response.headers['Content-Type'] = ''
+ response.content_type = 'application/xml'
+ return feed.writeString('utf-8')
+mixin_reactors(ForgeHgApp, reactors)