--- a/Allura/allura/lib/widgets/forms.py
+++ b/Allura/allura/lib/widgets/forms.py
@@ -138,6 +138,105 @@
project_template = ffw.AutoResizeTextarea(
icon = ew.FileField()
+ def from_python(self, value, state):
+ if value.level == "gold":
+ self.list_color_inputs = True
+ self.color_inputs = value.get_css_for_gold_level()
+ else:
+ self.list_color_inputs = False
+ self.color_inputs = []
+ return super(NeighborhoodOverviewForm, self).from_python(value, state)
+ def display_field(self, field, ignore_errors=False):
+ if field.name == "css" and self.list_color_inputs:
+ display = '<table class="table_class">'
+ ctx = self.context_for(field)
+ for inp in self.color_inputs:
+ additional_inputs = inp.get('additional', '')
+ empty_val = False
+ if inp['value'] is None or inp['value'] == '':
+ empty_val = True
+ display += '<tr><td class="left"><label>%(label)s</label></td>'\
+ '<td><input type="checkbox" name="%(ctx_name)s-%(inp_name)s-def" %(def_checked)s>default</td>'\
+ '<td class="right"><div class="%(ctx_name)s-%(inp_name)s-inp"><table class="input_inner">'\
+ '<tr><td><input type="text" class="%(inp_type)s" name="%(ctx_name)s-%(inp_name)s" '\
+ 'value="%(inp_value)s"></td><td>%(inp_additional)s</td></tr></table></div></td></tr>\n' % {'ctx_id': ctx['id'],
+ 'ctx_name': ctx['name'],
+ 'inp_name': inp['name'],
+ 'inp_value': inp['value'],
+ 'label': inp['label'],
+ 'inp_type': inp['type'],
+ 'def_checked': 'checked="checked"' if empty_val else '',
+ 'inp_additional': additional_inputs}
+ display += '</table>'
+ if ctx['errors'] and field.show_errors and not ignore_errors:
+ display = "%s<div class='error'>%s</div>" % (display, ctx['errors'])
+ return h.html.literal(display)
+ else:
+ return super(NeighborhoodOverviewForm, self).display_field(field, ignore_errors)
+ @ew_core.core.validator
+ def to_python(self, value, state):
+ d = super(NeighborhoodOverviewForm, self).to_python(value, state)
+ neighborhood = M.Neighborhood.query.get(name=d.get('name', None))
+ if neighborhood and neighborhood.level == "gold":
+ css_form_dict = {}
+ for key in value.keys():
+ def_key = "%s-def" % (key)
+ if key[:4] == "css-" and def_key not in value:
+ css_form_dict[key[4:]] = value[key]
+ d['css'] = M.Neighborhood.compile_css_for_gold_level(css_form_dict)
+ return d
+ def resources(self):
+ for r in super(NeighborhoodOverviewForm, self).resources(): yield r
+ yield ew.CSSLink('css/colorPicker.css')
+ yield ew.CSSLink('css/jqfontselector.css')
+ yield ew.CSSScript('''
+table.table_class, table.input_inner{
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ width: 99%;
+table.table_class .left{ text-align: left; }
+table.table_class .right{ text-align: right; width: 50%;}
+table.table_class tbody tr td { border: none; }
+table.table_class select.add_opt {width: 5em; margin:0; padding: 0;}
+ ''')
+ yield ew.JSLink('js/jquery.colorPicker.js')
+ yield ew.JSLink('js/jqfontselector.js')
+ yield ew.JSScript('''
+ $(function(){
+ $('.table_class').find('input[type="checkbox"]').each(function(index, element) {
+ var cb_name = $(this).attr('name');
+ var inp_name = cb_name.substr(0, cb_name.length-4);
+ var inp_el = $('div[class="'+inp_name+'-inp"]');
+ if ($(this).attr('checked')) {
+ inp_el.hide();
+ }
+ $(element).click(function(e) {
+ if ($(this).attr('checked')) {
+ inp_el.hide();
+ } else {
+ inp_el.show();
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ $('.table_class').find('input.color').each(function(index, element) {
+ $(element).colorPicker();
+ });
+ $('.table_class').find('input.font').each(function(index, element) {
+ $(element).fontSelector();
+ });
+ });
+ ''')
class NeighborhoodAddProjectForm(ForgeForm):