[#1618] Separate classes for ApiToken and ApiTicket.

Special API key is now ApiTicket, a separate model, as it should be
managed/stored separately from API keys which are now stored as SFX
user preferences. Also, actually store it in a separate collection because
of this, and because it doesn't have unique-per-user constraint, and
because its key is being prefixed with 'tck' to avoid mixing up API keys
and API tickets.

Signed-off-by: Paul Sokolovsky psokolovsky@geek.net

Paul Sokolovsky Paul Sokolovsky 2011-03-04

changed Allura/allura/controllers/rest.py
changed Allura/allura/model/__init__.py
changed Allura/allura/model/auth.py
changed ForgeTracker/forgetracker/import_support.py
changed ForgeTracker/forgetracker/tracker_main.py
Allura/allura/controllers/rest.py Diff Switch to side-by-side view
Allura/allura/model/__init__.py Diff Switch to side-by-side view
Allura/allura/model/auth.py Diff Switch to side-by-side view
ForgeTracker/forgetracker/import_support.py Diff Switch to side-by-side view
ForgeTracker/forgetracker/tracker_main.py Diff Switch to side-by-side view