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Getting Started Guide

Quickstart Script

If you have or can acquire a copy of the quickstart script setup-local.bash, that's probably the way to go. For those who are gluttons for punishment, here are the manual directions....

Setup your python development stack on a Mac

If you use a mac, you'll want to follow the Mac OS install instructions now.

Setting up a virtual environment

The first step to installing the Forge platform is installing a virtual environment ("virtualenv"). To do this, you need to first download a copy of Once you have this, you need to install virtualenv. You can do this by executing:

$ sudo python virtualenv

Once you have virtualenv installed, you need to create a virtual environment. We'll call our environment 'anvil':

$ virtualenv anvil --no-site-packages

This gives us a nice, clean environment into which we can install all the forge dependencies. In order to use the virtual environment, you'll need to activate it:

~$ . anvil/bin/activate

Now that that's out of the way, we'll go ahead and install turbogears:

(anvil)~$ easy_install pylons==0.9.7 # TurboGears 2 doesn't work with Pylons 1.0
(anvil)~$ easy_install -i tg.devtools TurboGears2

And the tip of easywidgets:

(anvil)~$ cd ~/src
(anvil)~/src$ hg clone
(anvil)~/src$ cd easywidgets
(anvil)~/src/easywidgets$ python develop

Installing the code

OK, now we can get down to actually getting the forge code and dependencies downloaded and ready to go. The first thing we'll need to set up is Ming. To do this, we'll check out the source from git:

(anvil)~$ mkdir src
(anvil)~$ cd src
(anvil)~/src$ git clone git:// Ming

Now, we'll need to set up Ming for development work:

(anvil)~/src$ cd Ming
(anvil)~/src/Ming$ python develop

Once this is done, we'll check out & set up out forge codebase:

(anvil)~/src/Ming$ cd ..
(anvil)~/src$ git clone ssh://
(anvil)~/src$ cd forge/pyforge
(anvil)~/src/forge/pyforge$ python develop
(anvil)~/src/forge/pyforge$ cd ../ForgeDiscussion
(anvil)~/src/forge/ForgeDiscussion$ python develop
(anvil)~/src/forge/ForgeDiscussion$ cd ../ForgeMail
(anvil)~/src/forge/ForgeMail$ python develop
(anvil)~/src/forge/ForgeMail$ cd ../ForgeGit
(anvil)~/src/forge/ForgeGit$ python develop
(anvil)~/src/forge/ForgeGit$ cd ../ForgeSVN
(anvil)~/src/forge/ForgeSVN$ python develop
(anvil)~/src/forge/ForgeSVN$ cd ../ForgeHg
(anvil)~/src/forge/ForgeHg$ python develop
(anvil)~/src/forge/ForgeHg$ cd ../ForgeTracker
(anvil)~/src/forge/ForgeTracker$ python develop
(anvil)~/src/forge/ForgeTracker$ cd ../ForgeWiki
(anvil)~/src/forge/ForgeWiki$ python develop
(anvil)~/src/forge/ForgeWiki$ cd ../HelloForge
(anvil)~/src/forge/HelloForge$ python develop
(anvil)~/src/forge/HelloForge$ cd ..

Hopefully everything completed without errors.

Initializing the environment

The forge consists of several components, all of which need to be running to have full functionality:


MongoDB database server -- generally set up with its own directory (I like ~/var/mongodata). To run, execute the following:

(anvil)~/src$ mkdir -p ~/var/mongodata
(anvil)~/src$ mongod --dbpath ~/var/mongodata

Message Queue -- to set this up for use, you'll need to run the following commands:

(anvil)~/src$ sudo rabbitmqctl add_user testuser testpw
(anvil)~/src$ sudo rabbitmqctl add_vhost testvhost
(anvil)~/src$ sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p testvhost testuser ""  ".*" ".*"

If you get errors running these, it's likely because rabbit isn't running. It can be run as a daemon (instructions vary per architecture) or directly from a console window, e.g.:

$ cd <rabbitmq_server_directory> # not needed on MACOS
$ sudo rabbitmq-server
Forge "reactor" server

This is the server that will respond to RabbitMQ messages. To set it up to receive messages, you'll need to run the following commands:

(anvil)~/src$ cd forge/pyforge
(anvil)~/src/forge/pyforge$ paster reactor_setup development.ini
(anvil)~/src/forge/pyforge$ paster reactor development.ini
Forge SMTP server

This server routes messages from email addresses to tools in the forge:

(anvil)~/src/forge/pyforge$ paster smtp_server development.ini
SOLR server

This is our search and indexing server. We have a custom config in ~/src/forge/solr_config:

(anvil)~/<path_to_solr>/example$ java -Dsolr.solr.home=$(cd;pwd)/src/forge/solr_config -jar start.jar
TurboGears application server
This is the main application that will respond to web requests. We'll get into details later.

In order to initialize the forge database, you'll need to run the following:

(anvil)~/src/forge/pyforge$ paster setup-app development.ini

This shouldn't take too long, but it will start the reactor server doing tons of stuff in the background. It should complete in 5-6 minutes. Once this is done, you can start the application server:

(anvil)~/src/forge/pyforge$ paster serve --reload development.ini

And now you should be able to visit the server running on your local machine.

Logging In, Getting Around

Part of the base system includes the test_admin and test_user accounts. The password for both accounts is foo. The test project has several tools already configured; to configure more, you can visit the Admin tool (accessible in the top navigation bar when inside the test project).

Running the Tests

The test setup is a little bit different from the dev/production setup so as not to create conflicts between test data and development data. This section will tell you how to set up your test environment.


We'll need a test MongoDB server to keep from stomping on our development data:

(anvil)~/src$ mkdir -p ~/var/mongodata-test
(anvil)~/src$ mongod --port 27018 --dbpath ~/var/mongodata-test

Here, we'll set up a second virtual host for testing. We also need to set up the RabbitMQ queues using reactor_setup:

(anvil)~/src$ sudo rabbitmqctl add_vhost vhost_testing
(anvil)~/src$ sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p vhost_testing testuser ""  ".*" ".*"
(anvil)~/src$ cd forge/pyforge
(anvil)~/src/forge/pyforge$ paster reactor_setup test.ini#main_with_amqp
SOLR server
We are using the multicore version of SOLR already, so all the changes to use core1 (the testing core) rather than core0 (the dev core) are encapsulated in test.ini.

To actually run the tests, just go to the tool directory you wish to test (or to the pyforge directory) and type:

(anvil)~/src/forge/pyforge$ nosetests

Some options you might find useful for nosetests:

--pdb Drops into a PDB prompt on unexpected exceptions ("errors" in unittest terminology)
--pdb-fail Drops into a PDB prompt on AssertionError exceptions in tests ("failures" in unittest terminology)
-s Do not capture stdout. This is essential if you have embedded pdb breakpoints in your test code. (Otherwise, you will not see the prompt; your test will just mysteriously hang forever.)
-v Print the name of the test as it runs. This is useful if the test suite takes a while to run and you want to let it continue to run while you begin debugging the first (few) failures.

Happy hacking!