--- a/ForgeWiki/forgewiki/wiki_main.py
+++ b/ForgeWiki/forgewiki/wiki_main.py
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
attachment_list = ffw.AttachmentList()
subscribe_form = SubscribeForm()
page_subscribe_form = SubscribeForm(thing='page')
+ page_list = ffw.PageList()
+ page_size = ffw.PageSize()
class ForgeWikiApp(Application):
@@ -271,9 +273,15 @@
- show_deleted=validators.StringBool(if_empty=False)))
- def browse_pages(self, sort='alpha', show_deleted=False):
+ show_deleted=validators.StringBool(if_empty=False),
+ page=validators.Int(if_empty=0),
+ limit=validators.Int(if_empty=None)))
+ def browse_pages(self, sort='alpha', show_deleted=False, page=0, limit=None):
'list of all pages in the wiki'
+ c.page_list = W.page_list
+ c.page_size = W.page_size
+ limit, pagenum, start = g.handle_paging(limit, page, default=25)
+ count = 0
pages = []
uv_pages = []
criteria = dict(app_config_id=c.app.config._id)
@@ -284,6 +292,8 @@
q = WM.Page.query.find(criteria)
if sort == 'alpha':
q = q.sort('title')
+ count = q.count()
+ q = q.skip(start).limit(int(limit))
for page in q:
recent_edit = page.history().first()
p = dict(title=page.title, deleted=page.deleted)
@@ -300,30 +310,31 @@
if sort == 'recent':
pages.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x:(x['updated']))
pages = pages + uv_pages
- return dict(pages=pages, can_delete=can_delete, show_deleted=show_deleted)
+ return dict(pages=pages, can_delete=can_delete, show_deleted=show_deleted,
+ limit=limit, count=count, page=pagenum)
- @validate(dict(sort=validators.UnicodeString(if_empty='alpha')))
- def browse_tags(self, sort='alpha'):
+ @validate(dict(sort=validators.UnicodeString(if_empty='alpha'),
+ page=validators.Int(if_empty=0),
+ limit=validators.Int(if_empty=None)))
+ def browse_tags(self, sort='alpha', page=0, limit=None):
'list of all labels in the wiki'
+ c.page_list = W.page_list
+ c.page_size = W.page_size
+ limit, pagenum, start = g.handle_paging(limit, page, default=25)
+ count = 0
page_tags = {}
- # tags = Tag.query.find({'artifact_ref.mount_point':c.app.config.options.mount_point,
- # 'artifact_ref.project_id':c.app.config.project_id}).all()
- # for tag in tags:
- # artifact = ArtifactReference(tag.artifact_ref).artifact
- # if isinstance(artifact, WM.Page):
- # if tag.tag not in page_tags:
- # page_tags[tag.tag] = []
- # page_tags[tag.tag].append(artifact)
q = WM.Page.query.find(dict(app_config_id=c.app.config._id, deleted=False))
+ count = q.count()
+ q = q.skip(start).limit(int(limit))
for page in q:
if page.labels:
for label in page.labels:
if label not in page_tags:
page_tags[label] = []
- return dict(labels=page_tags)
+ return dict(labels=page_tags, limit=limit, count=count, page=pagenum)
@@ -468,12 +479,21 @@
- def history(self):
+ @validate(dict(page=validators.Int(if_empty=0),
+ limit=validators.Int(if_empty=None)))
+ def history(self, page=0, limit=None):
if not self.page:
raise exc.HTTPNotFound
require(has_artifact_access('read', self.page))
+ c.page_list = W.page_list
+ c.page_size = W.page_size
+ limit, pagenum, start = g.handle_paging(limit, page, default=25)
+ count = 0
pages = self.page.history()
- return dict(title=self.title, pages=pages, has_artifact_access=has_artifact_access)
+ count = pages.count()
+ pages = pages.skip(start).limit(int(limit))
+ return dict(title=self.title, pages=pages, has_artifact_access=has_artifact_access,
+ limit=limit, count=count, page=pagenum)