git clone osp-osp-allura

File Date Author Commit
command 2012-05-15 bolkimen bolkimen <Commit d7c474f0daa8e61923ea59646e1623c4686281fc> ticket:48 add test case
config 2012-05-15 Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh <Commit 92163d4754b34b6640726735838ee3e8f0ebd0c4> [#3672] Use TimerMiddleware in Allura.
controllers 2012-02-09 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 6834de6106452cedcd56247d303b3491218bd566> [#3059] Fixing tests, particularly diff
etc 2010-09-28 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 28f675e83e19241381f1b1d63a921879ba6e4f50> Add restructured text as a supported mime type
ext 2012-05-21 Cory Johns Cory Johns <Commit 7b8c7793d8431435280ee7001d4ec2ffb03b0a43> Merge branch 'dev' of git://sfi-engr-scm-1/forg...
i18n 2010-08-13 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 3abb2e55fdc2bbc9ac316dc4ac9bfe71166737d0> [#176] - s/pyforge(the egg)/Allura/g, s/pyforge...
lib 2012-02-09 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 3b1d8c1906cfe49cd603fe6eff0e87d36b04d4a7> [#3059] Fix label validation
model 2012-04-11 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland [8ddce0] [#3059] Make sure not to create a deprecated re...
nf 2012-05-14 Yaroslav Luzin Yaroslav Luzin <Commit f354c3a1182b2d07663fe7ef0f1b3e34dd3697c2> ticket:20 Changed styles to look a bit nicer
public 2012-05-11 pill pill <Commit 409f072a71143897553315d9bfcfdb8bfcf5dd8b> ticket:20 switch on pygments table line numbers...
tasks 2012-05-17 Jenny Steele Jenny Steele <Commit 6def654a441b3596ceae5c8103ac3f30adb7cdbf> [#4212] Added option to not email project admin...
templates 2012-03-21 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit 3a9fc292fb1239a2c8ae7505597b003d852ec20d> [#3759] make commit view work for first commit
tests 2012-02-25 Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh <Commit 1e95e61eb9c7c45b48bcac503a8fb3a65a0ffc33> [#3059] Fix test that was failing due to bson/p...
websetup 2012-04-24 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit d0b111d474264dc05ab5a8ec2891b5920dd8a72a> [#4103] fix several encoding issues with mail s... 2011-03-17 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit a0cd2744d01ab2398bab80ae681c2f9490fb6d3f> [#1723] [#1590] ForgeMail refactoring - move in... 2012-04-17 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit ddd3892eda49c6d2fa4fc39c29c767f26a50f3d5> [#4063] remove all useless className='nav_child... 2010-08-13 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 3abb2e55fdc2bbc9ac316dc4ac9bfe71166737d0> [#176] - s/pyforge(the egg)/Allura/g, s/pyforge...