git clone osp-osp-allura

File Date Author Commit
Allura 2011-02-03 Wolf Wolf <Commit f14241af89a2d089826ef60dbe8a9cf6635dd8b1> [#1200] render README files with Pypeline
AlluraTesting 2011-02-02 John Hoffmann John Hoffmann <Commit aabd3217cb850e4fc8953f79da5dea0922e265fa> AT-316 Log the ip_address of the poster for tic...
ForgeBlog 2011-02-04 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 5a1aad264f22db607df3da855642128cafd10986> [#1438] Add @require_post to lots of post urls,...
ForgeChat 2011-02-04 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 5a1aad264f22db607df3da855642128cafd10986> [#1438] Add @require_post to lots of post urls,...
ForgeDiscussion 2011-02-04 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 5a1aad264f22db607df3da855642128cafd10986> [#1438] Add @require_post to lots of post urls,...
ForgeDownloads 2011-02-04 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 5a1aad264f22db607df3da855642128cafd10986> [#1438] Add @require_post to lots of post urls,...
ForgeGit 2011-02-02 Jenny Steele Jenny Steele <Commit 59cb4a8646fde908fcbe7356a92cfcb305e979d0> [#1430] Added a test to make sure the domain in...
ForgeHg 2011-02-01 Wolf Wolf <Commit 23c644ff05fdc87e89b443afe1f6f9d25b4e2cff> License is Apache 2
ForgeLink 2011-02-01 Wolf Wolf <Commit 23c644ff05fdc87e89b443afe1f6f9d25b4e2cff> License is Apache 2
ForgeMail 2011-02-01 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit 3d3a9f03f5e818c8819043f002a93a08f2f2173c> [#1395] fix bug in parse_address, add tests
ForgeSVN 2011-02-01 Wolf Wolf <Commit 23c644ff05fdc87e89b443afe1f6f9d25b4e2cff> License is Apache 2
ForgeSampleSiteAdmin 2010-12-02 Paul Sokolovsky Paul Sokolovsky <Commit f65ddabbe2447eb910b587ac55fd8d982a041a2b> [#0] Update for pymongo 1.9 (bson is now top-le...
ForgeTracker 2011-02-04 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland [936558] [#665] Add description diffs to ticket update d...
ForgeWiki 2011-02-04 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 5a1aad264f22db607df3da855642128cafd10986> [#1438] Add @require_post to lots of post urls,...
NoWarnings 2011-02-01 Wolf Wolf <Commit 23c644ff05fdc87e89b443afe1f6f9d25b4e2cff> License is Apache 2
fuse 2011-01-31 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 4a160787d47fc9afcc0f05262ae81c0d18a76836> [#1206] Fixes based on review feedback
migrate-3rdparty 2010-11-16 Paul Sokolovsky Paul Sokolovsky <Commit 287c653d94e84d009c09f403bfd4df09c40f518f> [#1029] Support user mapping on import.
pyforge 2010-08-13 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 3abb2e55fdc2bbc9ac316dc4ac9bfe71166737d0> [#176] - s/pyforge(the egg)/Allura/g, s/pyforge...
scripts 2011-02-04 Jenny Steele Jenny Steele <Commit 80b3e371c75a07155eeece62a04598b33c1de8e3> [#1444] Fixed overlapping titles on project cre...
solr_config 2010-03-23 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 01d9bfb1ddef49835820f1d10b2414ba56703480> [#118] - Testing infrastructure upgrades
.gitignore 2010-08-13 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 3abb2e55fdc2bbc9ac316dc4ac9bfe71166737d0> [#176] - s/pyforge(the egg)/Allura/g, s/pyforge...
.gitmodules 2009-12-01 Wolf Wolf <Commit e4830bd691eb52e6ae1e0921b09247bf4ec3aed5> Remove Ming submodule
CONTRIBUTING 2011-01-24 Wolf Wolf <Commit c4b566e381da2eef00e7e940fb84ee45b0efae50> [#1367] Add CONTRIBUTING
LICENSE 2011-02-01 Wolf Wolf <Commit 23c644ff05fdc87e89b443afe1f6f9d25b4e2cff> License is Apache 2
README.markdown 2011-01-28 John Hoffmann John Hoffmann <Commit 5f58e8d28e99eea40e042972554e18ead0d4824f> [#1405] Add in missing packages required for Fo...
rebuild.bash 2011-01-11 Wolf Wolf <Commit 9151c98effe5512d3fb70815046145f0480125a8> Merge branch 'master' into dev
requirements-common.txt 2011-02-03 Wolf Wolf <Commit f14241af89a2d089826ef60dbe8a9cf6635dd8b1> [#1200] render README files with Pypeline
requirements-dev.txt 2011-01-27 John Hoffmann John Hoffmann <Commit 0d6dd4c5e64a7d40be90ae294ffabef012ab6924> Merge branch 'jwh/792' into dev
requirements.txt 2011-01-31 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 4a160787d47fc9afcc0f05262ae81c0d18a76836> [#1206] Fixes based on review feedback
run_tests 2010-11-05 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit f48b10dffe8c8f0492225f32048a524fd9e357e1> [#1030] Some test fixes
schema.xml 2010-02-12 Jenny Steele Jenny Steele <Commit 69d85666fc5c4464ad7a1731231e414fdfc5a965> Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

Read Me

Sandbox Creation

We'll use VirtualBox and Ubuntu 10.10 to create a disposable sandbox for Forge development/testing.

  • Download and install VirtualBox for your platform.

  • Download a minimal Ubuntu 10.10 ISO (~15MB).

  • Create a new virtual machine in Virtual Box, selecting Ubuntu (64 bit) as the OS type. The rest of the wizards' defaults are fine.

  • When you launch the virtual machine for the first time, you will be prompted to attach your installation media. Browse to the mini.iso that you downloaded earlier.

  • Consult available documentation for help installing Ubuntu.

Forge Installation

Before we begin, you'll need the following additional packages in order to work with the Forge source code.

~$ sudo apt-get install git-core gitweb subversion python-svn libtidy-0.99-0

You'll also need additional development packages in order to compile some of the modules.

~$ sudo apt-get install default-jdk python-dev libssl-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev

And finally our document-oriented database, MongoDB, and our messaging server, RabbitMQ.

~$ sudo apt-get install mongodb rabbitmq-server

Setting up a virtual python environment

The first step to installing the Forge platform is installing a virtual environment via virtualenv. This helps keep our distribution python installation clean.

~$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
~$ sudo easy_install-2.6 -U virtualenv

Once you have virtualenv installed, you need to create a virtual environment. We'll call our Forge environment 'anvil'.

~$ virtualenv anvil

This gives us a nice, clean environment into which we can install all the forge dependencies. In order to use the virtual environment, you'll need to activate it. You'll need to do this whenever you're working on the Forge codebase so you may want to consider adding it to your ~/.bashrc file.

~$ . anvil/bin/activate

Now that that's out of the way, we'll go ahead and install TurboGears.

(anvil)~$ easy_install pylons==0.9.7
(anvil)~$ easy_install -i tg.devtools==2.1b2 TurboGears2==2.1b2
(anvil)~$ easy_install

Installing the Forge code and dependencies

Now we can get down to actually getting the Forge code and dependencies downloaded and ready to go.

(anvil)~$ mkdir src
(anvil)~$ cd src
(anvil)~/src$ git clone git:// forge

Although the application files define a number of dependencies, the requirements.txt files are currently the authoritative source, so we'll use those with pip to make sure the correct versions are installed.

(anvil)~/src$ cd forge
(anvil)~/src/forge$ easy_install pip
(anvil)~/src/forge$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

And now to setup each of the Forge applications for development. Because there are quite a few (at last count 15), we'll use a simple shell loop to set them up.

for APP in Allura* Forge* NoWarnings pyforge
    pushd $APP
    python develop

Hopefully everything completed without errors. We'll also need to create a place for Forge to store any SCM repositories that a project might create.

for SCM in git svn hg
    mkdir -p ~/var/scm/$SCM
    chmod 777 ~/var/scm/$SCM
    sudo ln -s ~/var/scm/$SCM /

Initializing the environment

The forge consists of several components, all of which need to be running to have full functionality.

MongoDB database server

Generally set up with its own directory, we'll use ~/var/mongodata to keep our installation localized. We also need to disable the default distribution server.

(anvil)~$ sudo service mongodb stop
(anvil)~$ sudo update-rc.d mongodb remove

(anvil)~$ mkdir -p ~/var/mongodata ~/logs
(anvil)~$ nohup mongod --dbpath ~/var/mongodata > ~/logs/mongodb.log &

SOLR search and indexing server

We have a custom config ready for use.

(anvil)~$ cd ~/src
(anvil)~/src$ wget
(anvil)~/src$ tar xf apache-solr-1.4.0.tgz
(anvil)~/src$ cd apache-solr-1.4.0/example/
(anvil)~/src/apache-solr-1.4.0/example/$ nohup java -Dsolr.solr.home=$(cd;pwd)/src/forge/solr_config -jar start.jar > ~/logs/solr.log &

RabbitMQ message queue

We'll need to setup some development users and privileges.

(anvil)~$ sudo rabbitmqctl add_user testuser testpw
(anvil)~$ sudo rabbitmqctl add_vhost testvhost
(anvil)~$ sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p testvhost testuser ""  ".*" ".*"

Forge "reactor" processing

Responds to RabbitMQ messages. We'll need to perform some setup operations before we can start it.

(anvil)~$ cd ~/src/forge/Allura
(anvil)~/src/forge/Allura$ paster reactor_setup development.ini
(anvil)~/src/forge/Allura$ nohup paster reactor development.ini > ~/logs/reactor.log &

Forge SMTP for inbound mail

Routes messages from email addresses to tools in the forge.

(anvil)~/src/forge/Allura$ nohup paster smtp_server development.ini > ~/logs/smtp.log &

TurboGears application server

In order to initialize the Forge database, you'll need to run the following:

(anvil)~/src/forge/Allura$ paster setup-app development.ini

This shouldn't take too long, but it will start the reactor server doing tons of stuff in the background. It should complete in 5-6 minutes. Once this is done, you can start the application server.

(anvil)~/src/forge/Allura$ nohup paster serve --reload development.ini > ~/logs/tg.log &

And now you should be able to visit the server running on your local machine.

Next Steps

Generate the documentation

Forge documentation currently lives in the Allura/docs directory and can be converted to HTML using Sphinx:

(anvil)~$ cd ~/src/forge/Allura/docs
(anvil)~/src/forge/Allura/docs$ easy_install sphinx
(anvil)~/src/forge/Allura/docs$ make html

You will also want to give the test suite a run, to verify there were no problems with the installation.

(anvil)~$ cd ~/src/forge
(anvil)~/src/forge$ export ALLURA_VALIDATION=none
(anvil)~/src/forge$ ./run_tests

Happy hacking!

Current Local Tweaks

[#1411] Edit forge/Allura/development.ini, change theme=sftheme to theme=allura

[#1407] Remove all rtstats traces from Allura/development.ini

 diff --git a/Allura/development.ini b/Allura/development.ini
 index 71c3166..0496619 100644
 --- a/Allura/development.ini
 +++ b/Allura/development.ini
 @@ -184,15 +184,15 @@ templating.mako.reloadfromdisk = true
  keys = root, allura, sqlalchemy, paste, amqp

 -keys = console, rtstats
 +keys = console

 -keys = generic, rtstats
 +keys = generic

  # If you create additional loggers, add them as a key to [loggers]
  level = DEBUG
 -handlers = console, rtstats
 +handlers = console

  level = DEBUG
 @@ -224,17 +224,7 @@ args = (sys.stderr,)
  level = NOTSET
  formatter = generic

 -class = sfx.lib.loggers.RTStatsHandler
 -args = ('rtstats.log', 'allura', 1)
 -level = NOTSET
 -formatter = rtstats
  # If you create additional formatters, add them as a key to [formatters]
  format = %(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s
  datefmt = %H:%M:%S
 -format = %(asctime)s %(created)d %(kwpairs)s
 -datefmt = %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S UTC